
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)

2012/01/26 (Thu) Slept from 1:10-5:40 + 9:00-10:20 (4.5 + 1.5 hrs). At 1:04, a big fit of my lower body. Around 5:40, a car-blast that sounded like the game/car-like noise which often bother me lasted for about 20 minutes, not loud but annoying. At 7:40 a fit of my hand. At 8:58, blinking flashes in my eyes, which were closed, woke me up. I shifted my head to a lower place on my mattress, and in 10 minutes or so the blinking stopped. A big fit of my stomach followed a while later. At 10:20, Big fits of my body twice woke me up.

Downloading was as fast as before all day today even before the NTT person came. I felt as if the sluggish state of the past one month had been a nightmare. No problem was found in my computer. The NTT person changed the routers and the splitters, and the speed became 300 mbps faster. But it seemed that the difference was not the critical factor. Anyway, I have no problem in downloading anymore, now.

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