
国際教養AO入試 , 早稲田国際教養学部(SILS), Posing for the Painter - rewrite -

問2  筆者のマーチン・ゲイフォードは「ルシアン・フロイドにとって彼が描くものは全て肖像画なのだ。」と述べています。筆者はこれによって何を意味していますか。答えを自分の言葉で英語で答案用紙の該当箇所に書いてください。

His peculiarity in the history of art is that he is aware of the individuality of absolutely everything. In his work, nothing is generalized, idealized or generic. He insists that the most humble and to most people nondescript items have their own characteristics. 美術史における彼の特異性は彼がありとあらゆるものに個性を見出すことである。彼の仕事においては何も一般化したり理想化したり遺伝でかたずけられたりしない。彼は最もつまらない(大抵の人にとっては)最も目立たないものでも独自の性格的特徴があると主張する。 At first I thought of sitting as being similar to a visit to the hairdresser’s, but now it seems more intense. The experience is like no other in that the sitter that is, me has become a mystery: a puzzle to be solved. 絵のモデルになることを私は最初床屋の客になるのと似たようなものだと思っていたが、今はもっと真剣なことに思える。モデルすなわち私が謎解きの謎になるという点で、この経験は真剣そのものだった。 Lucian Freud leans forward sometimes, shading his eyes like a sailor in search of land. His demeanor when painting is that of an explorer or hunter in some dark forest. ルシアン・フロイドは時々陸地を探す船乗りの様に目の上に手をかざしながら前方に身を傾ける。絵を描く時の彼の物腰は森の奥深くを行く探検家か猟師の物腰である。


問3  今日のデジタル技術は速さや効率、短期間で結果を出すことへの期待を生み出しています。ルシアン・フロイドの仕事の仕方は依然として重要で可能、あるいは望ましいでしょうか。答えを自分の言葉で英語で答案用紙の該当箇所に書いてください。

His attitude is a combination of audacity with caution: an intense determination to get the thing exactly right. Often before making a stroke Lucian expels air in a little sigh with the effort of concentration. The same attention is applied to the mixing of colors:彼の態度は慎重な大胆さである。完璧に成し遂げようとする強烈な決意なのだ。しばしば塗る前に集中しようとして小さなため息をついて息を吐きだす。絵の具を混ぜるのにも同様の注意がなされる。…as though while building a house of cards he has just successfully placed a particularly tricky one. まるでトランプのお城を作っていて特に難しい一枚をうまく置いてのけたかの様にOnce or twice he is about to apply a stroke, then withdraws, considers again, then re-scrutinizes, measuring my face with little mapping movements of the brush, ... 一度か二度、彼はひと塗りしようとするところで止め、考え直し、筆で測る動きを少ししながら私の顔を測りながら再吟味する。When I get up and stretch my legs after about forty minutes of work, despite what seemed to be plenty of vigorous activity with the brush, little seems to have changed on the canvas. By the end of the evening two eyebrows have appeared, and a little flesh around the bridge of my nose. 40分の仕事後、私が立ち上がって伸びをする時、十分盛んに絵を描いたように思えたにもかかわらず、キャンバスはほとんど変わっていないようだった。日が暮れるまでに眉2本と鼻柱周りの肉が少し出現していた。 The events described here occurred in late November 2003 and the portrait was completed on the 4th of July 2004. ここで述べられている出来事は200311月に起こった。そしてこの肖像画は200474日に完成した。



Pre-TOEFL writing, When famous people such as actors, athletes and rock stars give their opinions, many people listen. Do you think we should pay attention to these opinions? . - rewrite -

Writing Topic
When famous people such as actors, athletes and rock stars give their opinions, many people listen. Do you think we should pay attention to these opinions? Give specific reasons and examples to support your answer

Hints for Points
1.    Celebrities raise awareness of important issues and make changes.
2.    Issues taken up by famous people are usually very important.
3.    Most famous people follow the status quo and what they say could be wrong.
4.    Endorsement by stars could be used to manipulate public opinions.

Sample Development
1. Celebrities raise awareness of important issues and make changes. They have the power to mobilize large numbers of people in a short time. Since their admirers follow them through such media as SNS, when they mention something and call for an action through such media, the comments will be shared by people and lead to some positive results. Angelina Jolie has used her fame to support poor people in Africa. Leonardo DiCaprio actively tries to alert the world to climate change whenever possible. The 49ers quarterback, Colin Kaepernick, contributed to attention to police brutality and all the discrimination against black people in the U.S. by refusing to stand up but instead kneeling down during national anthem and the news made people of all walks of life all over the world think about the problem and the importance of taking a stand. Many stars are taking advantage of their status for good causes and we should listen to them.

2. Most famous people follow the status quo and what they say could be wrong. They live on their exposure to the mainstream media, which depend on sponsors. Thus, they consciously or unconsciously conform to the people in power. For example, when a documentary film maker Michael Moore blamed President George W. Bush for having a fictitious war, meaning that the Iraq War was based on a false reason, at the Academy Award ceremony, almost all participants booed him and accused him of being “unpatriotic”, but before long, Michael Moore proved right. There were no weapons of mass distraction in Iraq and it turned out that Bush administration had wanted to attack Iraq since 9.11 not for war on terrorism but for oil. Few celebrities, just like mainstream media, mention it even today. As this example shows, it is necessary to make an educated guess on whether to pay attention to opinions given by famous people.

Your Sample Essay Structure                                       
Introduction = Outline

Point 1

Point 2

Point 3 / Follow-up

Conclusion = Wrap-up

Pre-TOEFL writing, All students should be required to study art and music in secondary school. . - rewrite -

Writing Topic
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? All students should be required to study art and music in secondary school. Give specific reasons to support your answer. 中等学校で美術・音楽は必修にすべき

Secondary schools are junior high school and high school. 中等学校は中学・高校

Hints for Points
1.    Habit to enjoy good art and music should be maintained through all education years.
2.    Secondary school students should be given chances to expand their world as much as possible.
3.    Art and music are not the main subjects.
4.    Art and music should be optional in secondary school.
5.     Some may enjoy drawing or painting pictures while they may feel horrified by the thought of singing in class.  絵を描くのは好きでも授業で歌うのは嫌かもしれない

Sample Development
1. Art and music should be optional in secondary school. The basics of art and music are taught at primary school and students already know their aptitudes. They can decide whether taking these subjects will benefit them or not. Both art and music are for the joy of life and it is putting the cart before the horse to force students to learn them. Therefore, they should have the right to choose.

2. Secondary school students should be given chances to expand their world as much as possible. Those who had no interest in art and music in primary school may do in secondary school. The school should provide opportunities to experience the finest pieces humans at low cost make when one is ready to appreciate them.

Your Sample Essay Structure
Introduction = Outline

Point 1


Point 2


Point 3 / Follow-up

Conclusion = Wrap-up

Pre-TOEFL writing, What is the most important animal in your country?. - rewrite -

Lesson 20  Writing Topic
What is the most important animal in your country? Why is the animal important? Use reasons and specific details to explain your answer.

Let’s Think
If something is important, it is treated carefully, it becomes a symbol of something important, or its name often appears in the language of the culture it belongs to. It has been closely related to the history and culture of the country. 重要なものは大切にされたり、何かの象徴になっていたり、その文化の言語によくでてくる。その国の歴史や文化と密接に関係がある。

Hints for Points
1.    Dogs play an important role in our folk tales. 犬は民話で重要な役割を果たす。
2.    Crows are birds of happiness and their designs are used in celebrations.
3.    They appear in many expressions and proverbs. 様々な表現・諺に現われる。
4.    Horses were the most important animal in the samurai culture  侍文化で馬は最も重要な動物だった。
5.    The flag symbol of the Japan national football team is Yatagarasu, a legendary holy crow with three legs.
6.    There are fox legends and shrines worshipping the fox as the symbol of abundant crop throughout Japan. 狐の伝説や豊作の象徴として狐を祭る神社が日本中にある。

Sample Essay Structure
Introduction = OutlineI think the fish is the most important in the animal kingdom in my country, Japan. There are two reasons. 私の国日本では魚が動物界の中で最も重要だと思う。
Point 1Fish is one of our staple foods and we have lived on it.  e.g. sushi, fish broth, etc.
Point 2Fishery is one of the most important industries in this island country. e.g. scarce resources, the Kuroshio Current, skills developed throughout history, seasonal news on catch landings, etc.
Point 3Fish appear in many aspects of Japanese life. A traditional Japanese garden often has a pond with beautiful carp in it. Also, it might be very difficult to describe our traditional products without using the word “fish.” For example, There are plenty of cloth for kimono, paper for hand crafts, or pottery designed with fish patterns. 魚は日本人の生活の様々な面で出てくる。(日本庭園の池の鯉、魚のデザインの生地、工芸品の紙、陶器)
Conclusion = Wrap-upIt is true that many other animals are important in many ways in our culture. However, eating is the most basic behavior in life and the fish has been more familiar food to us than any other animals, They also exist in significant areas in our history and culture Therefore, .it can be said that it fish are the most important animal in our society. 他にも様々な理由で重要な動物はいるが、食事は生活の基本であり、魚は一番身近な食物。また歴史と文化の重要な分野に存在する。従って最も重要な生き物

Your Sample Essay Structure
Introduction = Outline
Point 1         
Point 2
Point 3 / Follow-up
Conclusion = Wrap-up

Note fish 可算名詞 単複同形
Fish appear in many aspects of Japanese life.  (魚たち)
The fish is the most important animal in Japan. (魚類)
Japanese people have lived on fish. (魚肉)

Pre-TOEFL writing, There is nothing that young people can teach older people. - rewrite -

Writing Topic
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? There is nothing that young people can teach older people. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Let’s Think
When you say “There is nothing that someone can do,” you mean that there is no exception in the absence of the things that someone can do. However, most things have an exception or two. 「何もない」かどうか

Young people have some good points that older people lack. Then they may have something that they can teach older people because of the good points. 若い人の長所 = 年取った人に教えることができること

People forget things as they live. Moreover, they usually do not learn things that are unrelated to their lives.

Hints for Points
1.    Young people have more information about new things. For example, many older people learn from young people how to use a technology or meaning of some newly coined words or expressions. 
新しいものの情報 (科学技術・新しい言葉) 

2.    Younger generations are more tolerant than older generations. They have less discrimination against those who are different from them or those who have ideas that are different from theirs. When their grandchildren make friends with children from foreign countries, for instance, they may also make friends with them by spending time together and get rid of their bias,

3.    Young people have the power to believe in change and try to make a difference. Most reform movements are carried out by the young and the power of the young revitalize the disaster-stricken areas. In this way, they can encourage older people to keep trying and never give up.
何かを信じて世界を変えようとする力 努力を続けあきらめないよう励ます(社会改革・災害復興)

4.    Young mind is soft, so the young can remind older people of the importance of gentleness. For example, it is usually young musicians who make moving melodies or heart-warming lyrics.
心が柔らかい 優しさの大切さを思い出させる (心を動かす作曲・作詞)

Sample description:
Young mind is soft, so the young can remind older people of the importance of gentleness. As people get old, their minds become hardened by the stress of daily lives. They trust or feel pity for others less often than before. However, seeing a young person with heart-warming attitudes or behaviors, adults are reminded of the existence of plain goodness, or humanity. In other words, they are taught by the young that it is vital not to lose gentleness till they die.  若い人は心が柔らかいのでお年寄りに優しさの大切さを思い出させる。年を取るにつれ、日常のストレスで心が硬化する。信頼感や憐れむ心が減る。しかし若い人の心温まる態度や行動を見ると素朴なやさしさ(人間性)の存在を思い出させられる。言い換えれば優しさを失ってはならないことを若い人から教えられる。

Your Sample Essay Structure
Introduction = OutlineI agree/disagree with the statement that there is nothing that young people can teach older people. There are two/three examples that I can give to prove my opinion.

Point 1


Point 2


Point 3/ Follow-up


Conclusion = Wrap-up


Pre-TOEFL writing, Some people choose friends who are different from themselves. Others choose friends who are similar to themselves. Compare the advantages of having friends who are different from you with the advantages of having friends who are similar to you. Which kind of friend do you prefer for yourself? Why? - rewrite -

Lesson 18  Writing Topic
Some people choose friends who are different from themselves. Others choose friends who are similar to themselves. Compare the advantages of having friends who are different from you with the advantages of having friends who are similar to you. Which kind of friend do you prefer for yourself? Why?

Let’s Think
If you have never made friends who are different from yourself, perhaps thinking of making friends with a person from a foreign country or working in a group for a project would help imagine what it is like.
Hints for Points
Advantages of having friends who are different from you 分とは違うタイプの人と友達になることの利点
They widen your views, take you to places you usually do not go to, make you learn the fact that there are many kinds of people in this world, help you start new things, help you learn how to socialize, and make you patient.

Sample description  説明の例
By socializing with people who are different from you, you can grow as a person more than by socializing with people similar to you. People who are similar to you are like your family, so you learn little about social skills. However, when you try to make friends with and get along with people who have little in common with you, you have to use your mind. Trying to understand their behaviors that are unfamiliar to you or attempting to communicate your ideas to them will make you a person who is easy to be with.
似た人と付き合うよりも人として成長できる (似ている人は家族同様なので社交術はあまり学べないが、共通点が少ない人と友達になりうまくやってゆこうとすると頭を使わなくてはならない。不慣れな行動の理由を理解しようとしたり、自分の考えを伝えようとしたりすることによって付き合いやすい人になることができる)

Advantages of having friends who are similar to you  自分を同じタイプの人と友達になることの利点
They make you feel relaxed because they need little explanation to understand you, are easy to hang around with as they share a lot with you, and will stand by you when you are in trouble more readily than those who are different from you.

Sample description  説明の例
Having congenial friends makes your life full of good times because you can do many things enjoyably together with them. You can go out with them and have an exciting and yet relaxing time together, you can exchange information about your mutual hobbies, and you can keep talking about almost anything forever. This kind of friends can often be your life-time friends because you feel comfortable to spend time with them and over time both of you will develop attachment to each other.

My choice and the reasons 自分の選択とその理由
I prefer to have friends who are different from me rather than to have friends who are similar to me,  違う人
  because I am interested in many different people  様々な人に興味があるから
  since it is good to have as many friends as possible.  友達はできるだけ多いのが良いので
to learn about people and society  人と社会について学ぶために

I prefer having friends who are similar to me to having friends who are different from me, 似た人
  because I prefer deep relationships to shallow relationships. 浅い付き合いより深い付き合いを好むから
  as I want friends with whom I can keep in touch even after we grow up  成長後も付き合える友が欲しくて
  for my hobby limits my choice of friends  というのは趣味により友達の選択肢が限定されるから

Your Sample Body Structure Notes
Advantages of having friends who are different from you

e. g.

Advantages of having friends who are similar to you

e. g.

My choice and the reason

Pre-TOEFL writing, Teachers should be paid according to how much their students learn. / .What do you think we should do to be mentally enriched and at peace? - rewrite -

Lesson 17  Writing Topic
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teachers should be paid according to how much their students learn. Give specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

Let’s Think
The part of the statement “paid according to how much” indicates competition principle, or principle of market mechanism: having providers of goods and services compete will facilitate their higher quality. The expression “how much their students learn” allows a wide range of interpretation from raising test scores to attaining real learning. The former can be quantified but the latter might not be reflected in test scores.
能力給は競争原理  学習の解釈は様々  テストは数値化できるが真の学習は点数に反映されないかもしれない

Hints for Points            
Teachers will make more efforts to improve their teaching methods if they are paid according to their students’ performances. 教授法改善の動機づけになる。

Teachers who work hard can be rewarded properly. 勤勉な教師が適切に報酬を受けられる。

Test scores do not always reflect the skills and efforts of teachers. There are many other factors that decide students’ performances such as learning capacity and timing of introduction of a certain subject.
テストの点は必ずしも教師の能力・努力を反映するとは限らない (能力や習うタイミング)

To raise test scores, teachers will focus more on memorization than through process and understanding of the whole picture. They also tend to increase the amount of homework, which can have adverse effects on the overall development of the students. テストの点を挙げることに集中 宿題増加で逆効果

Sample Essay Structures
Introduction = OutlineI do not agree with the statement that teachers should be paid according to how much their students learn because it does not fit the reality of school. 学校の現実に合わないので反対
Point 1Performances of students are not proportional to teachers’ efforts.
As the proverb goes, you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink. 生徒の成績と教師の努力は比例しない。諺にあるように馬を水辺に連れてゆくことはできるが水を飲ませることはできない。
Point 2It is unfair if teachers are evaluated based only on their teaching abilities. Teaching subjects is not the only school teachers’ job. They take care of students’ development as well as coaching sports clubs and conducting school events.教授能力のみで評価するのは不公平。科目を教える以外の仕事がある
Point 3 / Follow-upIt might seem that achievement-oriented payment system encourage teachers to work harder. However, good teachers already work hard and bad teachers may resort to bad ideas such as corporal punishment. 努力を奨励するように思えるが、良い教師は既に努力している。体罰が起こる可能性もある
Conclusion = Wrap-upIt is narrow-sighted to try to make students work better by making school achievement-oriented. Therefore, teachers’ salary should not be increased in proportion to test results of their students. Teachers who make students happy should be highly rewarded. 成果主義は近視眼的。教師の給料は生徒のテスト結果に比例させるべきではない。生徒を幸福にする先生が高い報酬を得るべき

Introduction = OutlineI agree with the statement that teachers should be paid according to how much their students learn except for the application of the idea to primary schools. 小学校以外は賛成
Point 1In elementary schools, teaching includes things whose results cannot be tested. Thus it is impossible to decide teachers’ pays according to the students’ performances, many of which will be clear years later. e.g. following the rules of civil society, awareness of the importance of healthcare, charity, etc. 
Point 2High schools and junior high schools are the places for study, so good teachers should be rewarded as such. 中学高校は科目を勉強する場なので教えるのがうまい教師はその報酬を受けるべき
Point 3The popularity of private schools and cram schools shows that the idea is right.
Conclusion = Wrap-upAlthough there might be some problems in the process of transition, but in the end, students will benefit by making school pay teachers according to the performance of their students.

Your Sample Essay Structure
Introduction = Outline
Point 1
Point 2
Point 3 / Follow-up
Conclusion = Wrap-up

Writing Topic 2 (optional) Emperor Akihito, having expressed his wish to abdicate several months before, said in his 2017 New Year’s message, “I pray that people will be able to spend a year in which they find themselves mentally enriched and at peace.” What do you think we should do to be mentally enriched and at peace? 心豊かに平和に生きるにどうすべきか

Hints for Points
We will be able to spend a year in which we find ourselves mentally enriched and at peace by …
being good and trying not to do harm to others as much as possible 善人になり他人を傷つけない
staying out of trouble, preparing for problems, and making the world a better place to live in.
helping each other and being gentle, modest, and tolerant to each other. 助け合い優しく謙虚で寛容に
focusing on your duty and enjoying doing jobs. 義務に集中し仕事を楽しむ
getting rid of desires and fears, especially the fears of the uncertainty of the future, old age, and death.
being calm, considerate, and prudent. 落ち着いて、思いやりがあり、思慮深くなる
having a good sense of humor. ユーモアのセンスを持つ
eliminating bullying. いじめをなくす
appreciating life and nature and being grateful to people doing good to humankind and the environment
learning about societies and people, especially those with problems.社会と人について学ぶ
promoting fairness and seeking for peaceful coexistence. 公正を促進し平和的共存を模索する
helping improve lives of those who are vulnerable and suffering. 弱者の生活改善を助ける
seeing the positive side of the world, reminding yourself of the facts that prove it. 世界の良い面を見る
cherishing the beautiful things and the happiest moments or memories.
picturing angels or whatever is delightful when there is nothing else to do and no hope left.

Sample Essay Structure
Introduction = OutlineIt is obvious that many kinds of things have to be done for a fulfilling and peaceful life as the emperor is praying it for us, the symbol of whom he is as our constitution provides for, but refining my mind is what I am working on and what I suspect many people want for the purpose. 心の浄化
Point 1It is often the case that what you think is real is what you want to believe is real while the reality is different from your idea more or less. Since the gap between the two affects the reality surrounding you, your image of the world decides your life in either good or bad ways, usually in bad ways. 現実であってほしいと思うことを現実だと思っていることがあるが現実はそうではない。その違いが問題を起こす。
Point 2Educating yourself while interacting directly with the world enlightens and liberates you and improves the circumstance you are in. For example, if you disturb yourself less as a result of learning, you will also disturb others less and this will lead to others disturbing you less. Refining your mind will make various aspects of your environment better piece by piece. 世界と直接交流することによって自己を教育することにより啓もうされ自由になり状況が改善される。(例)自己改善により他者の態度改善
Point 3 / Follow-upIt is impossible to be totally free from attacks on your peace of mind because life is as such, but it is possible for you to stop abusing your own mind and life. 精神の平和への攻撃を完全に防ぐことはできないが、少なくとも自分の心と人生を痛めつけるのをやめることはできる。
Conclusion = Wrap-upAlthough the world will not change in a day and living is suffering anyway, improving your own perception is comparatively easy and helps make your life easier. 世界は1日では変わらないし生きることは苦しむことだが、認識の改善は比較的容易で人生を楽にする助けとなる。

Your Sample Essay Structure
Introduction = Outline
Point 1
Point 2
Point 3 / Follow-up

Conclusion = Wrap-up

Writing Topic 2 (optional) Emperor Akihito, having expressed his wish to abdicate several months before, said in his 2017 New Year’s message, “I pray that people will be able to spend a year in which they find themselves mentally enriched and at peace.” What do you think we should do to be mentally enriched and at peace? 心豊かに平和に生きるにどうすべきか

Hints for Points
We will be able to spend a year in which we find ourselves mentally enriched and at peace by …
being good and trying not to do harm to others as much as possible 善人になり他人を傷つけない
staying out of trouble, preparing for problems, and making the world a better place to live in.
helping each other and being gentle, modest, and tolerant to each other. 助け合い優しく謙虚で寛容に
focusing on your duty and enjoying doing jobs. 義務に集中し仕事を楽しむ
getting rid of desires and fears, especially the fears of the uncertainty of the future, old age, and death.
being calm, considerate, and prudent. 落ち着いて、思いやりがあり、思慮深くなる
having a good sense of humor. ユーモアのセンスを持つ
eliminating bullying. いじめをなくす
appreciating life and nature and being grateful to people doing good to humankind and the environment
learning about societies and people, especially those with problems.社会と人について学ぶ
promoting fairness and seeking for peaceful coexistence. 公正を促進し平和的共存を模索する
helping improve lives of those who are vulnerable and suffering. 弱者の生活改善を助ける
seeing the positive side of the world, reminding yourself of the facts that prove it. 世界の良い面を見る
cherishing the beautiful things and the happiest moments or memories.
picturing angels or whatever is delightful when there is nothing else to do and no hope left.

Sample Essay Structure
Introduction = OutlineIt is obvious that many kinds of things have to be done for a fulfilling and peaceful life as the emperor is praying it for us, the symbol of whom he is as our constitution provides for, but refining my mind is what I am working on and what I suspect many people want for the purpose. 心の浄化
Point 1It is often the case that what you think is real is what you want to believe is real while the reality is different from your idea more or less. Since the gap between the two affects the reality surrounding you, your image of the world decides your life in either good or bad ways, usually in bad ways. 現実であってほしいと思うことを現実だと思っていることがあるが現実はそうではない。その違いが問題を起こす。
Point 2Educating yourself while interacting directly with the world enlightens and liberates you and improves the circumstance you are in. For example, if you disturb yourself less as a result of learning, you will also disturb others less and this will lead to others disturbing you less. Refining your mind will make various aspects of your environment better piece by piece. 世界と直接交流することによって自己を教育することにより啓もうされ自由になり状況が改善される。(例)自己改善により他者の態度改善
Point 3 / Follow-upIt is impossible to be totally free from attacks on your peace of mind because life is as such, but it is possible for you to stop abusing your own mind and life. 精神の平和への攻撃を完全に防ぐことはできないが、少なくとも自分の心と人生を痛めつけるのをやめることはできる。
Conclusion = Wrap-upAlthough the world will not change in a day and living is suffering anyway, improving your own perception is comparatively easy and helps make your life easier. 世界は1日では変わらないし生きることは苦しむことだが、認識の改善は比較的容易で人生を楽にする助けとなる。

Your Sample Essay Structure
Introduction = Outline
Point 1
Point 2
Point 3 / Follow-up

Conclusion = Wrap-up