
English Reading, 中・高生向け補助教材、プレート・テクトニクス理論

春期講習補助プリントの趣旨: 時間の余裕のある春休み中にTOEFL 形式の問題付文章で少しだけ易しいものを一通り読み問題を解いてみましょう。

A Preparation book for TOEFL iBT Tests 
Reading Mini-Test 7  Plate Tectonics

授業で取り上げた問題: Questions 11  段落構成を見て解く問題

挿入文訳: 山の形成はプレート・テクトニクス理論の概念を通して明確に説明される。


11A 地球の主要山脈地帯の大半はプレートが収束する区域にある。11B 世界最高峰のヒマラヤ山脈は、それらに連なる様々な高さの中央アジア山脈と共に収束境界で衝突した二つの巨大プレートの褶曲(しわや折れ曲がり)によって形成された。11C 現在インドとして知られる陸地は、元は南半球にあった巨大な超大陸ゴンドワナランドの一部だったが約2億年前にゴンドワナランドから分離し北に漂ってゆき、北半球の巨大超大陸ローラシアの一部に衝突して、世界で最も高い山脈を生み出した。11D


国際教養学部AO入試 reference, Anthropocene (humankind and the environment)

Defining the Anthropocene Simon L. Lewis & Mark A. Maslin Affiliations Contributions Corresponding author Nature 519,  171–180  (12 March 2015)
Nature Podcast   2 March 2015: Download mp3


English Reading, 中・高生向け補助教材、攻撃性

時間の余裕のある春休み中にTOEFL 形式の問題付文章で少しだけ易しいものを一通り読み問題を解いてみましょう。

A Preparation book for TOEFL iBT Tests 
Reading Diagnostic Pre-Test  Aggression

Questions 8  段落構成を見て解く問題



攻撃性は生まれ持った自然な人間の本能だという考えは無数の理論の根拠となっている。8A 攻撃性は置き換えと呼ばれる過程で外部へ他者へと向けられた本能として説明されてきた。そして、特定の人や集団に向けられない攻撃衝動は昇華と呼ばれる過程でスポーツやコンテストのような社会的に許される活動を通して間接的に出る可能性があると指摘されてきた。8B 生物学的(本能的)攻撃性理論は動物行動学者(自然環境における動物の行動の研究者)たちも発表してきた。8C 相当数の動物行動学者が動物観察に基づいて、攻撃性は人間共通の生来の本能だという見方を支持してきた。8D


国際教養学部AO入試 reference, Would you fight for your country?

Three-quarters of British people would refuse to fight for their country- End of Year Survey 2014    2015-01-12 - news (United Kingdom)

「国のために戦う」人の割合、日本が最低? データが意味するもの    dragoner | 軍事ブロガー/見習い猟師

国際教養学部AO入試 reference, the world's most pressing problem

What is the world’s most pressing problem?
2013-03-29 - Survey (Ireland)



TOEFL, iBT, Independent Writing, Should university students be required to attend classes? -rewrite-

Writing Topic
Some educators and students believe that it should be required for university students to go to classes. Other people think that attending classes should be a choice that students have the right to make for themselves. Which opinion do you share? Explain your opinion using specific reasons.

“Should…?” question with hints
The word “should” is used to promote or prevent some results. We say, “You should study harder,” to help raise someone’s test scores or “You shouldn’t eat so much junk food,” trying to improve someone’s diet. For what purposes should university students attend classes? Is attending a class indispensable and essential for acquisition of knowledge and skills?

The second view given in the writing topic provides an idea that university students have the right to decide whether they attend classes or not. Discussing it would be a part of your essay. For example, you can discuss the freer environment of university by making sure that the topic is about a rule at university, not grade school. Unlike compulsory education, many things such as what subject to take are left to each individual at university. Also, unlike high school, which is not really compulsory but many things are decided by the school authority, university allows more freedom and promote self-discipline of students. Who has the authority on class attendance at university, the school, the professor, or the student?

Hints for points
♦Students should be required to attend classes because …
1.    students cannot decide whether they already know what is taught in class or not. Even if the content of the text is familiar, the professor may say something different and provide you with new information or inspire you to reach an insight.
2.    if there is a course in which class attendance is meaningless, there should not be lesson schedules for the course first of all. As long as lessons exist, students are supposed to attend them.
3.    attendance is the first step of the communication between professors and students. People tend to be fond of those whose faces they regularly see.

♦Students should not be required to attend classes because …
1.    class attendance requirement is not always necessary to create or discover something , which students are expected to do at university.
2.    it is the professor who should decide when they should attend classes. Whether full attendance is necessary or not depends on the subject or the professor’s teaching style or plans.
3.    it is waste of time if the content of the class is already familiar. Class contents are set for the average level and those who have higher knowledge but are taking the course because it is the prerequisite for the higher level course should be allowed to be absent for more productive usage of time.
4.    mind works in many ways. Very often, regular attendance, or activities on schedule, is an obstacle of deep thought or creative brain activities. Many people do their real study in their free time and doodle in class.
5.    people tend to lose appetite for things they are forced to study.

Paragraph Development
Compare the following two sample paragraphs
Sample paragraph 1
Explanation Some students would have their learning style disrupted by the rigid rule that does not take secret of creativity into consideration.
More Specific Detail / Example Bill Gates, for example, never minded getting up the next morning when his friends visited him in his dorm room and stayed there all night for discussion. Descartes, a great thinker and mathematician, needed to sleep 10 hours a day. Within a year after he started giving early-hour lessons, he died.

Sample paragraph 2
Main Idea Class attendance requirement would hamper academic pursuit.
Explanation Some students would have their learning style disrupted by the rigid rule that does not take secret of creativity into consideration.
Detail / Example in General Many geniuses had lifestyles different form the norm.
More Specific Detail / Example Young Bill Gates, for example, never minded getting up the next morning when his friends visited him in his dorm room and stayed there all night for discussion. Descartes needed to sleep 10 hours a day. Within a year after he started giving early-hour lessons, he died.
Follow-up / Counterargument TreatmentSome might argue that those who perform well with a flexible attendance policy have pulled through the regular attendance requirement till their graduation from high school and that they should keep the habit. The truth is that if high school did not require students to be at school by 9 a.m., many students would do better jobs. In fact, a lot of students study at night and sleep in class.
ConclusionEvery student has his or her own learning style and university should respect it to make the most of the ability of its students.

The second sample is easier to read and thus gives impression that it is better developed mainly because it goes from general to specific, the golden rule of English essay writing.

Note 1) A counterargument is an expected rebuttal. While writing an essay, sometimes you ask yourself, “Well, but what about this case? My point is vulnerable to this case.” Then this “case” is the counterargument. Hitting a counterargument is a chance to grade up your essay because you have found an untied end of a rope (the weak point of your logic). If you can tie it well, you can confirm your point, making your essay more persuasive. Thus, taking up a counterargument when necessary is important to get a higher score. You can deal with a counterargument in an appropriate part of a paragraph or use a whole paragraph to deal with it.

Note 2) It is safe to start a paragraph with a sentence in simple words and elaborate on the idea in the next one: a main idea (topic sentence) in simple terms and a longer sentence that explains the first sentence, and an example in general and a more specific example or two. Of course starting with the main idea with expressions for transition like “Another reason for school requiring students to attend classes is that” or “Last but not the least” is a good idea and these expressions can sometimes be long and complicated, but the core of the main idea should be short and simple so that you can make the point clearly. Very often, we lose our point by being particular about details at the beginning of the paragraph, so putting your idea simply before you go into the detail might be a good strategy, especially when you are taking a test. A main idea (topic sentence) is the pillar of the paragraph to which you attach other parts (details). Making it straight and firm in the beginning would be safe.

Now let’s practice paragraph development.
Choose one of the reasons you have come up with, make it the main idea, and develop it using the following form. As this is a sketch of a part of your real essay, use simple words and sentences for supporting details and focus on the logic and ideas.

Your sample paragraph development

Main Idea


Detail / Example

More Specific Detail / Example

Follow-up / Counterargument Treatment



English Reading, 中・高生向け補助教材、生まれた順と性格

時間の余裕のある春休み中にTOEFL 形式の問題付文章で少しだけ易しいものを一通り読み問題を解いてみましょう。

A Preparation book for TOEFL iBT Tests  
Reading Mini-Test    Birth Order

Questions 11 分類問題




国際教養学部AO入試 reference, the gap between the rich and (the) poor

Free exchange
The bigger, the less fair
The growing size of firms may help to explain rising inequality


TOEFL, iBT, Independent Writing, What sort of setting would you like for your home, a traditional house in the county or an urban apartment building built in a modern style? -rewrite-

Writing Topic
What sort of setting would you like for your home, a traditional house in the county or an urban apartment building built in a modern style? Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.

Let’s think
I have seen quite a few students write, in answering this question, “I would like to live in a high-tech mansion in a resort.” The honest conclusion for most of us would be something like this image, but discussing the conditions given in the writing topic would also be a good idea to write a good essay on this topic.

A traditional house in the county and an urban apartment building in a modern style are two ultimate images of housing. Would you like to have a relaxed life close to nature or would you like to spend every day in an atmosphere that stimulates all of your senses?  Which do you prioritize in your life, nature or civilization? Which would you prefer, an idyllic setting or urban setting?

Hints for points
Brainstorm characteristics of each choice, juxtaposing them point by point.

Traditional house in the country
Modern apartment in a city
full of nature, good for the health
constantly changing, noisy, polluted
relaxing, slow-paced, monotonous
exciting, fast-paced
low prices
automobile society
many means of transportation
varieties of shops, restaurants
many hospitals, schools
cultural facilities
intimate, warm, strong ties
dry, individualistic, freer
same kind of people
many relatives
carefree, relaxed, down-to-earth
many strangers
alert, ambitious
open-minded, progressive

Two ways of dealing with opposite ideas (Two types of body structures for a choice question)
Try either of the following two ways of dealing with choices in the writing topic to make a framework of the body of your full essay.

Comparing choices point by point
 You write about both choices comparing and contrasting them point by point.
   (1) Point 1: Comparison of the environment, convenience, and security
   (2) Point 2: Comparison of the leisure activities
   (3) Your preference (choice)

Developing images of each choice
You write about each choice separately.
    (1) About living in a traditional house in the county
    (2) About living in an urban apartment building built in a modern style
    (3) Your preference (choice)

A framework note of the body of your essay




English Reading, 中・高生向け補助教材、ケチャップ

時間の余裕のある春休み中にTOEFL 形式の問題付文章で少しだけ易しいものを一通り読み問題を解いてみましょう。

A Preparation book for TOEFL iBT Tests published by ETS 
Reading Mini-Test 3   Ketchup

Questions 10  代名詞が鍵となる問題




English Reading, 中・高生向け補助教材、クジラ目の生き物の知能


Official TOEFL iBT Tests with Audio Vol. 1  published by ETS 
Test 5  Cetacean Intelligence
Paragraph 1, Questions 15 & 24

Q. 15 クジラやイルカ、ネズミイルカは人間と同じくらい知能が高い、たぶん人間以上だとよく耳にする。彼らは本当にそんなに賢いのだろうか?クジラ目の生き物が動物の中で最も知的なものたちの中に入ることに疑問の余地はない。捕獲されたイルカやシャチ、ゴンドウクジラはすぐに芸を覚える。軍隊はバンドウイルカが爆弾やミサイル弾頭を見つけ水中スパイとして働くよう訓練してきた。

Q. 24 「知能」の代わりに「認知」について語る方を好む人もいる。いずれにせよ、クジラ目の生き物は自分たちの環境についておそらく人間とは非常に異なる意識やとらえ方をしている。たぶんいつの日か我々は人間の条件の代わりにクジラ目の条件でクジラ目を理解するようになり、たぶん我々自身の頭脳と張り合う洗練された頭脳を発見するだろう。