
English Reading, 中・高生向け補助教材、The basic words of geology

Answer the following questions in English using any resource including the material provided in class if necessary. Write the answer in the space below the question or fill in the brackets.

1.    Name three main classes of rock.
(                                    ) : rocks that form when mud and sand carried down mainly by water become solid.
(                                    ) : rocks that are the products of volcanic activities.
(                                    ) : rocks that are formed when already existing rocks are exposed to powerful changes of the environment of the underground such as high temperature or high pressure.

2.    What is the phenomenon that rocks wear out and become smaller or change shape because of the power of the environment?

3.    What is the phenomenon that rocks break down smaller and smaller into pieces in natural process?

4.    (                 ) is a process of the phenomenon of Question 3 in which rocks break down through chemical changes in the minerals in them, from which fertile soil results.
(                 ) is a process of the phenomenon of Question 3 in which rocks are physically broken down into pieces, the result of which is seen in the desert.

5.    What are the singular and the plural forms of the name of the layers of the sediments?

6.    What is the coarse-grained, light-colored rock mainly composed of silica?

7.    What is the fine-grained dark rock made from mud consisting mainly of clay mineral flakes?

8.    What is the rock consisting of calcium carbonate?

9.    What is metamorphosed rock consisting of calcium carbonate which is crystalline?


English Reading, 中・高生向け補助教材、The basic words of nuclear physics

Answer the following questions in English using any resource including the material provided in class if necessary. Write the answer in the space below the question or fill in the brackets.

1.    What are the two main materials (matters) that make up the nucleus of an atom?

2.    What circles around the nucleus of an atom?

3.    What corresponds to the atomic number?

4.    What is the weight of an atom?

5.    What are atoms which have the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons, in other words, weigh differently?

6.    Heavy elements such as uranium are unstable and naturally crumble down to lighter, stable one, (            ), atomic number 82. As they transform, they emit radioactive rays and particles.

7.    What is the name of the radioactive ray that an atom emits when its nucleus breaks down?

8.    What is the time it takes half a container of some element to turn into something different and lose its property?

9.    What is the name of the machine that is used to meddle with the nucleus of an atom by smashing matters at a tremendous speed?

10.  (            ) atoms, which are artificial radio-isotopes, are used to track the whereabouts of elements in a phenomenon that cannot be directly observed like the starch production in a plant. In this case, the process is observed by using CO2 which contains radioactive carbon isotopes.


English Reading, 中・高生向け補助教材、The basic words of biology

Answer the following questions in English using any resource including the material provided in class if necessary. Write the answer in the space below the question or fill in the brackets.

1.    What is biology?

2.    What are the two main divisions of biology?

3.    What encloses a cell and selectively permits substances to pass into and out of it?

4.    What is the substance that is contained in cells?

5.    What is a spherical body which controls the activities of the cell?

6.    What is the substance that makes up a cell other than its nucleus?

7.    What are the thread-like bodies that work as agents during cell reproduction?

8.    Name four main elements that make up protoplasm?

9.    What are four main organic compounds found in protoplasm?

10.  What are two structures that plant cells have that no animal cells have?
a.    Plant cells are usually covered by a wall made of (                    ) .
b.    Green plants have  (                    ) , where photosynthesis takes place.


国際教養学部AO入試 reference, globalization, economy and politics

The end of the Golden Arches doctrine
After decades of agreeing to lower global barriers, we are as likely to put up new ones nowadays
 by Edward Luce   The Financial Times   May 10, 2015  


国際教養学部AO入試 reference, nuclear power plants and politics

The following two articles related to recent tectonic activities below the Japanese peninsula were on the same page of the same newspaper published on the same day though one of them is originally from a different news source. Read  them focusing on the attitudes of the authorities toward each issue.

1) Agency on alert for small Hakone blast

2) Expert panel says faults under Mihama N-plant not active

English Reading, 中・高生向け補助教材、カンブリア紀の大爆発 2


Official TOEFL iBT Tests with Audio Vol. 1  published by ETS 
Test 2  The Cambrian Explosion
Paragraph 7, Question 40






English Reading, 中・高生向け補助教材、太平洋諸島の人々の起源 2


Official TOEFL iBT Tests with Audio Vol. 1  published by ETS 
Test 2  The Origin of the Pacific Island People  
Paragraph 2, Question 27





TOEFL, iBT, Independent Writing, Select one of these jobs and explain why you think that job is helpful to your society: 1) actor, 2) lawyer, 3) tour guide. - rewrite -

Writing Topic:
Many different jobs are important to society for different reasons. Select one of these jobs and explain why you think that job is helpful to your society: 1) actor, 2) lawyer, 3) tour guide. Support your essay with specific reasons and examples.

Let’s Think
This topic has two directions. The first direction is “Select one of these jobs,” so you are supposed to choose one of the three jobs given at the end of the topic. The next direction is to explain how you think your society benefits from the job you have chosen. You are not required to compare the three jobs, and neither are you required to choose the most important. The topic just says, “Choose one and explain why it is important to your society?” Let’s note the first sentence of this topic: Many different jobs are important to society for different reasons, meaning each job has its own significance. This premise sets the condition that you do not compare or contrast jobs in dealing with this topic.

The questions of the same type
TOEFL Writing Topics of the same type as this one are as follows:

(1)  Choose one of the following transportation vehicles and explain why you think it has changed people’s lives.  • automobiles   • bicycles   • airplanes

(2)  Many parts of the world are losing important natural resources, such as forests, animals, or clean water. Choose one resource that is disappearing and explain why it needs to be saved.

Similar but different types of questions
Now, here are question patterns that look similar to but different from that of today’s topic:

(3)  A friend of yours has received some money and plans to use all of it either
• to go on vacation   • to buy a car
Your friend has asked you for advice. Compare your friend’s two choices and explain which one you think your friend should choose.

(4)  You have enough money to purchase either a house or a business. Which would you choose to buy?

(5)  What do you want most in a friend — someone who is intelligent, or someone who has a sense of humor, or someone who is reliable? Which one of these characteristics is most important to you?

Question (3) requires you to compare the choices. To answer Question (4) and (5), even though it is not clearly stated, you also need to compare the choices because you cannot tell, in other words, you cannot convince the reader about, which is better or the best without showing why one is better or more preferable than the other(s).

Hints for points
An actor …
helps you learn about people, life, and the world.
-- by acting in a movie on something special like a historical event or a personal experience  (e.g. historical movie, biographical picture etc.)

helps develop your imagination and creativity, which helps make life more enjoyable with visions about the past, present, and future, or helps you become a creative person like an artist, scientist, or entrepreneur.
-- by helping you experience a life which is totally different from yours or a fictional life that are often more real than a real life  (e.g. science fiction movie, animated film, etc.)

helps you release stress.
 -- by playing the role of an incredible character  (e.g. action, superhero movie, comedy, etc.)

A lawyer …
protects one’s rights.
-- by giving advice on what claim one can make and preparing for the law suit (e.g. unfair trial, improper dismissal, copy rights, violation of privacy, minority crime cases, etc.)

can shed light on serious issues in society and help make a difference.
-- by taking up a case influential to society (e.g. damages caused by pollution, women’s rights, death penalty, neglect of the government, etc.)

A tour guide …
helps people experience unfamiliar places and cultures safely and easily.
-- by assisting tourists make the most of their tour (e.g. giving information and advice, translating languages, making arrangements for tourists, etc.)

plays a role of a citizen diplomat.
-- by assisting in mutual understanding (e.g. helping tourists and the people in the place they are visiting communicate with each other, leaving good impression of the people and the country in tourists’ minds and vice versa, etc.)

Paragraph development
A paragraph of the body of an essay often develops its main idea as follows:
Main Idea(主張)
Detail / Example in general(一般的な例)
More Specific Detail / Example(より具体的な例)

Sample Paragraph Development
Main IdeaLawyers help us protect our rights.
ExplanationThey are specialists of laws and fight in court for their clients.
Detail / Example in generalFor example, a lawyer can give advice on what claim can be made and will prepare for the law suit if necessary.
More Specific Detail / ExampleIf there is an employee whose contract has been terminated for no proper reason, his lawyer will find the evidence of the wrongdoing of his client’s former employer and helps him get his job back or get compensated for the damage caused by the dismissal.
ConclusionIn this way, the lawyer helps protect fundamental human rights, right to pursue happiness in this case.

Note: Probably because of the thought process rooted in our culture, we Japanese tend to start with details and end with the general idea in writing, the opposite of the English essay structure, which goes from general to specific. Though it is difficult to change our thought process, it might be easy to change the way we present our thoughts. It might be a good idea to write first following our thought process, from specific details to general ideas, and then rearrange them to fit the English essay structure. In the case of the paragraph structure model above, it might be easier for us to fill in the More Specific Detail / Examplefirst, and then write above it a sentence that generalizes the example,Detail / Example in general.  Also, a more generalized sentence can be added before the sentence written as the thesis of the paragraph during brainstorming.

Your test paragraph development
Now let’s practice paragraph development. Choose one of the reasons you have come up with, make it the main idea, and develop it using the following form. As this is just a practice, make it simple, focusing on the logic and ideas.

Main Idea


Detail / Example in general

More Specific Detail / Example


English Reading, 中・高生向け補助教材、鉱物と植物 2


Official TOEFL iBT Tests with Audio Vol. 1  published by ETS 
Test 2  Minerals and Plants

Paragraph 12, Questions 11-12




 ごく最近になって初めて調査員たちはこの植物を有害水準の重金属で汚染された土壌や廃棄物処理場の浄化に使うことを考え始めた。ファイトレメディエイション(注: 植物による汚染土壌修復技術)として知られる環境に優しい方法である。この計画は、廃鉱や流水で汚染された灌漑用貯水池のような目標地域に重金属高蓄積種を植えることから始まる。有毒鉱物はまず根から吸収されるがのちに茎や葉に移動する。若い茎を収穫すれば現場から有害物質を除去し、焼却あるいは堆肥にして金属が工業用に回収されるだろう。栽培と収穫を数年繰り返すと、汚染土壌改良の慣例である掘削と埋め戻しにかかる値段よりずっと低い費用で現場は回復するだろう。たとえば、現地試験ではアルプスグンバイナズナは亜鉛精錬所近くの土壌から亜鉛とカドミウムを除去し、パキスタンとインド原産のインド・カラシナは汚染土壌のセレニウム塩を50%の水準で低減させる効果があった。


English Reading, 中・高生向け補助教材、鉱物と植物


Official TOEFL iBT Tests with Audio Vol. 1  published by ETS 
Test 2  Minerals and Plants

Paragraph 5, Questions 8 & 9




English Reading, 中・高生向け補助教材、石油資源2


Official TOEFL iBT Tests with Audio Vol. 1  published by ETS 
Test 1 Petroleum Resources

Paragraph 3, Questions 33 & 34





English Reading, 中・高生向け補助教材、ヨーロッパの洞窟壁画 2


Official TOEFL iBT Tests with Audio Vol. 1  published by ETS 
Test 1 Cave Art in Europe
Paragraph 3, Question 28




English Reading, 中・高生向け補助教材、ヨーロッパの洞窟壁画


Official TOEFL iBT Tests with Audio Vol. 1  published by ETS 
Test 1 Cave Art in Europe
Paragraph 5, Question 26




English Reading, 中・高生向け補助教材、ピュージェット・サウンドの鹿の頭数の変化 2


Official TOEFL iBT Tests with Audio Vol. 1  published by ETS 
Test 1 Deer Populations of the Puget Sound
Paragraphs 2 & 3, Question 13





English Reading, 中・高生向け補助教材、ピュージェット・サウンドの鹿の頭数の変化


Official TOEFL iBT Tests with Audio Vol. 1  published by ETS 
Test 1 Deer Populations of the Puget Sound
Paragraph 5, Questions 10 & 11



該当箇所訳 この頭数の回復の原因は他の人間活動の結果である。まず、鹿の主な捕食動物(オオカミやクーガー、オオヤマネコ)の数が大幅に減少した。次に、狩猟期間と狩猟方法の制限によって保護が徹底された。しかし、大きな頭数の回復の最も深い理由は、森林の運命だった。伐採あるいは火事、またはその両方によって森がなくなった低地地域の広大な土地は鹿の理想的な餌場となったのだ。太平洋側北西部で狩猟動物生物を長期研究しているアーサー・アイナスンはハックルベリーやツタカエデのように適した草の増加を発見したのに加えて、空き地の草の質の方が大幅に栄養価が高いことを発見した。たとえば、日陰で育った植物のタンパク質含有量は空き地で育った植物のそれよりずっと低かったのだ。


TOEFL, iBT, Independent Writing, television and communication - rewrite -

Writing Topic
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Television has taken away opportunities to communicate with friends and family.

Let’s think
What did families use to do in the evening before television was invented? They could have talked about their day or had a chat, while doing some small household work like spinning threads together. Sometimes they might have used the time to pass down the history of the family and community, telling their children the tales of old times which often have morals and important information about the community. Others might have read a book together, one reading while the others listening.

Has television deprived family of time to do those things? Clearly they have. Few modern families talk about their history or read together every night. Surely they could be using television as a tool to pick up conversation pieces although at the same time they could be using it to escape from direct communication. One thing is clear. We cannot go hours without communicating in the presence of others. Then it can be said that, without television, we would do something else, whether it is mingling or conflicting.

We may have to consider the characteristics of television as a medium. It can be a medium between individuals to share information and ideas. What is on television could induce communication. You can communicate watching television together or use what you picked up from the content to start communication later. On the other hand, television can be a medium to brainwash people. Many programs and advertisements may have bewitched people and made them mute. In addition, the spread of television sets may have separated people. Before, television was a thing people use together. First a community had one set, and then each family got one. But now many individuals have their own television. With increasing variety of television channels, personal televisions might be making people speak different languages.

We might also have to consider what communication is. As we all know that communication consists of not only language but also many other factors like expressions or choice of clothing. Having a lot of conversation does not always mean communication; you could still feel isolated in it. Also, the quality of communication over television might be very low, mainly because of the low quality of the contents, and some people might not call it communication. Interactions during some other activity with your family or friends would be totally different in quality from the interactions during television watching. Television might be making us have less virtual communication. Just walking down the street may reward you more than sitting motionless with others in front of the television because real people are there in the street while none on the screen.

Making the framework of the full essay
Here is one idea of making the framework of an English essay. You do not actually have to start with the introduction, proceed to make the body, and finish with conclusion. Often we do not know the answer before fully discussing the points, so we could begin with the body, examining each point. Then we make a conclusion, and put the introduction which matches the conclusion. The diagram of the procedure is as follows. The signs and symbols in the diagram are not gabled characters! I have intended them to represent images of a variety of thoughts.

Step 1 Working on the body (making each point thinking about the topic)
Point 1#`*&%#@&% 
Point 2@@&!*&
Point 3$$$$$
Step 2 Making a conclusion
Conclusion = Wrap-upG!!!
Step 3 Writing the introduction
Introduction = OutlineG

The actual structure of the essay made up of the ideas above is as follows.
Introduction = OutlineG
Point 1#`*&%#@&% 
Point 2@@&!*&
Point 3$$$$$
Conclusion = Wrap-upG!!!

Here is a sample which follows the procedure above.
Step 1 Working on the body (making each point thinking about the topic)
Point 1Television reduces time to do activities that involve communication.
Point 2The contents of television do not connect people so much as isolate them.
Point 3It is true that factors other than television affect how much people communicate, but in general TV-watching occupies too much of our lives.
Step 2 Making a conclusion.
ConclusionGenerally, television has lessened time to communicate because people can spend time without communicating or having real communication because of television.
Step 3 Writing the introduction.
IntroductionI agree with the statement that television has taken away opportunities to communicate with friends and family considering people had less distraction before.

Sample framework notes 1 (This one is the ideas above put in order for an essay.)
IntroductionI agree with the statement that television has taken away opportunities to communicate with friends and family considering people had less distraction before.
Point 1Television reduces time to do activities that involve communication.
Point 2The contents of television do not connect people so much as isolate them.
Point 3It is true that factors other than television affect how much people communicate, but in general TV-watching occupies too much of our lives.
ConclusionGenerally, television has lessened time to communicate because people can spend time without communicating or having real communication because of television.

Sample framework notes 2
IntroductionI almost agree with the statement that television has taken away opportunities to communicate with friends and family.
Point 1Many spend most of their time watching television without interacting with others.
Point 2However, television can provide catalysts for communication.
Point 3Also, television can be used to share information and ideas.
ConclusionI think the way television is used has prevented us from communicating with each other.

Your framework notes:
If you like, follow the procedure above while you don’t have to do so at all, of course.

Introduction = Outline

Point 1

Point 2

Point 3

Conclusion = Wrap-up