
国際教養AO入試 reference, travel ban, sefurity official appointment, suprime court judge appointment, Israel, Iran,US foreign affairs, US national security policy, US politics

Justin Sink、Elizabeth Dexheimer、Katherine Chiglinsky  February 3, 2017  Bloomburg

トランプ政権「貧困層」をネットから追放 支援プログラム廃止へ

017/02/12 12:00Janet Burns, Forbs Japanhttp://forbesjapan.com/articles/detail/15175/1/1/1

Trump's travel ban     January 31, 2017   The Guardian

Wedge 1/31(火) 12:31配信

Bannon Is Given Security Role Usually Held for Generals
By GLENN THRUSH and MAGGIE HABERMAN      The New York Times  JAN. 29, 2017

時事通信 2/1(水) 10:12配信

Trump Embraces Pillars of Obama’s Foreign Policy
By MARK LANDLER, PETER BAKER and DAVID E. SANGERFEB. 2, 2017   Tjhe New York Times


Pre-TOEFL writing, Technology has made the world a better place to live.

Writing Topic
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Technology has made the world a better place to live. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

Let’s Think
Technology is applied for various things from electric appliances to weapons, from making roads to digging oil wells. The statement is in present perfect and thus it is about the time span from the past till now. Perhaps comparing the past, when there was less technology, and present, when there is plenty of it, would help answer the question. Also, considering the range of the word “world” might offer some insight. The world means both the world humans have had contact with and the whole world that surrounds it.

Hints for Points
Good effects
1.    Medical technology has saved many lives.
2.    Civil engineering has supplied the infrastructure and facilities for communities.
3.    The computer has made tasks easier, faster, and more accurate.
4.    The Internet has connected the world.
5.    The aerodynamics has given us planes, rockets, and satellites.

Bad effects
1.    pollution
2.    global warming
3.    weapons
4.    accidents
5.    new diseases
6.    violent crimes

Sample Essay Structure
Sample Essay Structure 1
Introduction = OutlineI agree with the statement that technology has made the world a better place to live with some reservations.
Good point 1Technology has made our lives longer and healthier.
Good point 2Technology has contributed to development and modern life.
Bad pointsTechnology has produced weapons of mass destruction. It has also damaged the environment.
Conclusion = Wrap-upAlthough not free from problems, the ingenuity of humans has contributed to making the world we live in safer and more comfortable in general.

Sample Essay Structure 2
Introduction = OutlineI cannot entirely agree with the statement that technology has made the world a better place to live because it is humans that decide how to use it.
Point 1Humankind is both good and bad in nature.
Point 2Wars become uglier when technology is involved.  e.g. fist-fighting using weapons
Point 3By using technology, business has developed economic activities which has both merits and demerits.  e.g.  change of lifestyles and communities, globalization, inequality
Conclusion = Wrap-upHumans have used technology to make the world both a better and worse place to live.

Your Sample Essay Structure
Introduction = Outline




Conclusion = Wrap-up.


TOEFL, iBT, Independent Writing, It is unjustifiable to use the government resources for art in a society where many people are starving. - rewrite -

1.    関係詞を使った作文
(1)  各国政府は6秒にひとり子供が死んでいるこの時代に芸術に費やす余分なお金はない。

(2)  芸術支援に資源を使うのは好ましくない。芸術は生存に必ずしも必要ない。

(3)  最低限の生活をしている人々を犠牲にして、十分にお金がある人々を支援するのは不公平だ。

(4)  ほとんどすべての貧者は、彼らの自立を妨げている現在の社会制度の犠牲者である。

2.    … not simply ……, but rather ~「単に…ではなく、むしろ~」を使った作文
(1)  芸術は単に余暇の活動ではなく、むしろ人間として生きるために必要な根本的な行動だ。

(2)  芸術は公共教育に使われる。例えば多くの小説や映画が社会問題を取り上げたり反映したりしている。

(3)  芸術支援は人々の芸術的衝動を満たすだけでなく、むしろ下層社会における不足を含む様々な問題を教育し不利な立場の人々のために働く動機づけをする役に立つ。

Answer Keys
1, Relatives
(1)  Governments do not have extra money to spend on the arts in these times, when one child dies every six seconds.
(2)  It is unacceptable to use resources to support the arts, which we do not necessarily need to survive.
(3)  It is unfair to support those who have enough money at the expense of those who live on subsistence.
(4)  Almost all the poor are victims of the present social system that prevents them from becoming independent.

2. … not simply ……, but rather
(1)  The arts are not simply activities in leisure times, but rather fundamental behavior necessary to live as a human being.
(2)  Art is used for public education. Many novels and movies, for example, take up or reflect social problems.
(3)  Supporting the arts not simply fulfills artistic desire of people, but rather help educate them on various issues, including depravity of the underclass, and motivate them to work for the disadvantaged.

国際教養AO入試 reference, "alternative facts" for lies, US politics

Trump presidency begins with defense of false 'alternative facts'
The Guardian   January 22, 2017

トランプ大統領報道官が初会見で嘘→大統領顧問「嘘じゃない。オルタナ・ファクトだ」→Twitter炎上    今度から嘘がバレたらこう言う?
BuzzFeed  January 23, 2017

Noam Chomsky on the Long History of US Meddling in Foreign Elections
Truth.out.com Thursday, January 19, 2017By C.J. Polychroniou, Truthout | Interview


国際教養AO入試 reference, Yuriko Koike, education and income gap

-Tokyo – private high school, less than 7.6 million annual income for free high school students
16 January 2017   The Japan Economic News

国際教養AO入試 reference, Chelsea Manning, WikiLeaks, the Iraq-Afghanistan War

Chelsea Manning: majority of prison sentence commuted by Barack Obama
The whistleblower, who has been imprisoned for six years for leaking state secrets, is now set to go free on 17 May   The Guardian   Jnuary 17, 2017

国際教養AO入試 reference, Michelle Obama

ミシェル・オバマ米大統領夫人の功績 子どもの健康・権利促進も
Forbes JAPAN 1/18(水)


国際教養AO入試 reference, the gap between the rich and the poor

週プレNEWS 1/10(火) 10:00配信http://zasshi.news.yahoo.co.jp/article?a=20170110-00077969-playboyz-soci


TOEFL, iBT, Independent Writing, It is always bad to be impolite. - rewrite -

Writing Topic
Consider the following statement. It is always bad to be impolite. Do you agree with this idea? Support your response by including specific reasons and examples.

Let’s Think
The statement of this writing topic includes the word “always”. It is usually the case that things have exceptions, and thus it cannot be said that something always happens in most cases, but there are things without exceptions, and hence can be described with the word always.
     Impolite is a word with negative connotations. Impoliteness is an anathema. Mothers do everything to prevent their children from becoming a bull in a china shop.
     On the other hand, there seem to be some cases in which impoliteness is allowed. We often see not only the young but grown-ups intentionally making breach of manners in public without punishment or even gaining some sympathy. What those people are at is to have some impact on the awareness on some issues. Many people praised Colin Kaepernick, a professional American football player, for raising awareness of the injustice against non-white people in the US by refusing to stand up during the national anthem before the game, though many others thought he does not pay respect to his country.
Also, an action can be humiliating to some while it is not to others. If someone expects a certain person to behave in front of him or her like a sinner in front of a god when he or she is not and behaves just like other people, the person might regard him or her as defiant and thinks that he or she deserves all kinds of punishment. Many black people in the US have lost their lives just by talking back to a policeman, in a crisis which a white person would have pulled through by doing the same.

Hints for Points
1.    Impoliteness hurt others, and for whatever reason it was, hurting someone is always bad.

2.    As is often said, how you say something counts more than what you say. Even if what you say is right, no one listens to you if you are saying it in a mean way. People cannot stand rudeness. By your violation of manners, you can be looked down upon, lose trust, or just shock others, or even bring in those who simply enjoy bullying into your life.

3.    There should always be ways to avoid impoliteness. We have ways to make our voices heard without seeking resort to impoliteness such as laws and humor.

4.    Being uncivilized is bad and ignoring manners is uncivilized. People and cultures that prioritize courtesy are respected. The civilization which thrived in Kyoto for about thousand years left a culture of cordiality along with sophisticated works of art and literature. Those noble people were not free from the dark side of human activities, but, because of their lifestyle which put supremacy on gracefulness, the farthest from impoliteness, the life of Heian nobles and the culture they left in people in Kyoto have always been admired throughout history.

1.    Impoliteness is used as a protest against unfair or oppressive actions. The examples are as follows:

1)    Burning a flag of a country in protest is a common practice. It is impolite to destroy the symbol of a nation, but the actions are seldom criticized. Also, some peaceful protesters making loud speeches sound impolite to some people but these actions are protected as rights. Even raising one’s middle finger in the air in some circumstances is acceptable to many as a gesture of protest.

2)    An Iraqi journalist threw a shoe, which is the worst insult in his culture, at President Bush who had started Iraq War unilaterally. The story of his conduct has since been music to the ear of not only the most people in Iraq but also many across the world.

2.    It seems that under some conditions, we allow ourselves to break some codes of politeness. Any culture has a tradition of entertainment which often makes use of rude words or actions. Some jokes and pranks lack decency but make us laugh. They seem to attack negative elements in us like hypocrisy, greed, or insensitivity. Comedians and satirists are professionals in this tradition. We enjoy seeing them act rudely to famous people or reading political satires in which prominent people are made fun of. Through behaviors and wording like a fearless child, they remind us that important people also have the same problems as ours, or they speak for us what most of us have in mind but are reluctant to express, like bitterness on tax raise. Some artists use the same tactic for expression and choose offensive ways to provoke viewers and stimulate their artistic experience or thoughts. An apparel maker Bennetone often puts up controversial posters and some people find them offensive. For example, it once produced posters of photo-shopped pictures of opposing world leaders kissing each other.

3.    Unintended impoliteness might be permissible partly because feeling of humiliation is quite subjective. We unintentionally offend others for a variety of reasons such as cultural difference, discrimination, lack of information, or difference of notions. For example, pointing out some mistakes which cannot be ignored as minor ones at work is in itself neither polite nor impolite. It is a duty, for the company or organization might suffer in the future if the mistakes are not corrected. It seems that the action is not thought to be impolite, as long as the mistakes are reported in such a considerate manner as saying, “Excuse me, but while I was doing my task with this document, I noticed something, and I marked the parts of my concern. I would appreciate it if you would take a look at them. However, some people might still get offended by it for some reason. It is unfortunate that we do not have exactly the same standard of politeness. Someone’s highest respect can be another’s irritation. Strictly speaking, we never do the right thing in terms of courtesy. We had better forgive each other on this matter.

Sample Essay Structure
Introduction = OutlineI cannot agree with the statement that it is always bad to be impolite because there are cases in which impoliteness is pardoned.
Point 1Defiant attitudes are often admired.
Point 2Impoliteness is sometimes necessary to do the right thing.
Point 3 / Counterargument-treatmentHurting others’ feelings is bad but losing manners is not always it.
Conclusion = Wrap-upThere are things that are more important than good manners.

Your Sample Essay Structure
Introduction = Outline

Point 1

Point 2

Point 3 / Counterargument-treatment

Conclusion = Wrap-up

Sample Paragraph development
Main IdeaImpoliteness is sometimes necessary to do the right thing.
ExplanationA rigid stickler to manners may miss a crucial moment of life.
Detail / Example in generalFor example, there are times when your inner voice demands you to raise your voice even if it makes some people feel offended
More Specific Detail / ExampleIn 2003, in the wake of America’s decision to invade Iraq over the opposition of the UN, Michael Moore, the documentary film director, shouted, “Shame on you, Mr. Bush!” while he was making his acceptance speech at the Academy Awards ceremony and caused a rage. Many people blamed him of being rude to the President and some even tried to kill him. But in the end, it turned out that he was right. The war was based on a lie fabricated by the US government. Also, the experience made him make Capitalism, a Love Story, a work that a filmmaker living in this moment of human history ought to produce but needs some guts for it.
Follow-up / Counterargument-treatmentThere could be a different approach to make one’s voice heard, but sometimes it cannot be helped to put something before manners. In Michael Moore’s case, there seems to have been no other choice for a conscientious person who happened to have a chance to be heard by all citizens than taking a stand against what he knew totally wrong in a noticeable way.
ConclusionSome things are more important than politeness.

Your Sample Paragraph Development
Main Idea                                                                                                    


Detail / Example in general

More Specific Detail / Example

Follow-up / Counterargument-treatment



Pre-TOEFL writing, Why do people remember special gifts or presents that they have received?

Writing Topic
People remember special gifts or presents that they have received. Why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Let’s Think
Perhaps a special gift does not have to be something expensive or something for a special occasion. As long as it is special for the receiver, it will do as an example of a special present. Someone’s trash is another man’s treasure as a cheap snow sled for children was what a millionaire recalled in his deathbed in the movie Citizen Kane. Then thinking about the reason why the present is special for the person would provide the answer to this question.
Words and Expressions
1.    A special gift evokes memories and feelings.
2.    A special gift helps you recall your beloved to your mind.
3.    A special gift reminds you of an important event in your life.
Sample Essay Structure
Introduction = OutlineThere seem to be many reasons why people remember special gifts that they have received but still some similarities may be found in them.
Special GiftsThe idea that a certain gift is special is subjective. The value of a gift is decided by the value attached to it by the person who received it. Therefore, the intangible additional values of the gifts are the reasons why people remember some gifts as special.
Case 1Memory is a significant factor of the remembrance of a certain gift.
Case 2A present is also a memento of your beloved.
Case 3A gift associated with an extraordinary experience is remembered.  e.g. a girl who got trinkets like a piece of broken glass or a fish hook from a crow she was feeding
Conclusion = Wrap-upSentiments and feelings attached to the gift seem to be the reason why a certain present stays in one’s mind forever.

Your Sample Essay Structure
Introduction = Outline

Point 1           
Point 2
Point 3

Conclusion = Wrap-up

Sample Paragraph Development
Memory is a significant factor of the remembrance of a gift. The item triggers recollection of one’s past which has some meaning. A Christmas present I remember well reminds me of the happiest moments of my family, for example. I got it when I was six or seven years old. It was an alarm clock with the picture of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs on its face. I remember that the item had attracted me in a store I visited with my family but what I remember most vividly about it is the smile and the excitement of my parents I saw and felt while they were making sure that I wanted it and when they watched me find it on the morning of the Christmas day. My family was not Christian but observed Christmas for the beauty of the event like all the other ordinary Japanese families. I think my parents celebrated the spirit of giving as they went through the joy of child-rearing. That mood of the happiest times of my family, containing pure delight and warm feelings, is wrapped around the tiny clock in my memory. Perhaps because good memories are related to our very existence, we never forget presents with them.

国際教養AO入試 reference, Obama's positive legacy ― Afordable Care Act (Obama Care), unemployment down, pay up

Town Hall Revolt: GOP Lawmakers Under Attack Over Obamacare Repeal. Jason Chaffetz and Diane Black   Positiv News    February 22,2017https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfu0ym6r61Y

America’s labour market Wage growth surges, just in time for the Trump presidency
The average pay-cheque is now growing faster than at any time since 2009
January 6, 2017 The Economist

「CO2削減をレガシーに」 意気込むオバマ大統領 中国は冷ややか  産経ニュース 2014年1月7日



Pre-TOEFL writing, A one-day tour itinerary in Japan for a foreign visitor

Lesson 37  Writing Topic
A foreigner has only one day to spend in your country. Where should this visitor go on that day? Why? Use specific reasons ad details to support your choice.

Let’s Think
To put yourself in someone’s shoes may be one way to start working on this topic. If you were the foreigner, who has only one day to spend in your country, what would you like to do?
Words and Expressions related to Travel
1.    To travel around/ take a trip to/ have a tour in the area would be fun/memorable/exciting.
2.    The scenery/building/structure/memorial is beautiful/magnificent/stunning.
3.    Most inbound travelers hope to see something traditional in the country they are visiting.
4.    Tourists can join a tea ceremony/wear kimono/take a cruise/interact with the local people there.
5.    Many visitors take snap shots in front of the statue.
6.    The place is famous for old temples and shrines.
7.    There are many souvenir/gift shops near the gate.
8.    The person might want to enjoy local specialties and delicacies.
9.    Box(ed) lunch with local flavor is sold at big train stations
10.  The area is full of duty-free shops that cater to people who come here for shopping spree.
11.  The business districts have spectacular buildings.
Transportation, accommodation, services and prices
12.  The Japanese tourism industry provides good services.
13.  Deregulation has made it easier for tourists to find cheap accommodations.
14.  Transportation expenses are not high.
15.  It takes less than one hour to get there by train.
16.  The railways in Japan are punctual.
17.  People are proud of their hospitality.
18.  Prices are high in general in Tokyo.
19.  Kyoto is the most famous old capital in Japan.
20.  The itinerary can include many kinds of locations if the person choses Tokyo.
21.  Akihabara is the biggest electronics quarter in Tokyo.
22.  Harajuku is a popular sight-seeing spot among young travelers in Japan.
23.  A huge statue of Buddha is in Kamakura, which was once a political center of warlords.
24.  A wonderful snow festival is held in Sapporo in winter.
25.  Okinawa has many beautiful beaches and distinct culture.
Sample Essay Structure
Introduction = OutlineI would recommend that the person visit Tokyo for a one-day trip in Japan.
Point 1The person can enjoy both the old and new aspects of Japan in Tokyo.  e.g. Asakusa and Shibuya
Point 2It is convenient to wonder around Tokyo mainly because of the good transportation system.
Point 3It is also possible to experience the daily lives of Japanese people if you walk down the back alleys in most towns in Tokyo.
Conclusion = Wrap-upUnder the condition of the time constraint, choosing a Tokyo tour is a safe bet.

Your Sample Essay Structure
Introduction = Outline

Point 1           
Point 2
Point 3

Conclusion = Wrap-up


Pre-TOEFL writing, What do you want most in a friend―someone who is intelligent, or someone who has a sense of humor, or someone who is reliable?

Writing Topic: What do you want most in a friendsomeone who is intelligent, or someone who has a sense of humor, or someone who is reliable? Which one of these characteristics is most important to you? Use reasons and specific examples to explain your choice.

Let’s Think
Even if your friend has none of these good points, a friend is a friend; you like the person for some reason. However, you might wish that the person would have at least one of them.

Sample Essay Structures
 Sample Essay Structure A
Introduction = OutlineI would like my friend to be reliable for a true friendship.
IntelligenceA friend is not a teacher. I do not care if my friend is not intelligent because friends can enjoy friendship without high-level intelligence. As long as we can share some interests, the relationship will be productive.
HumorHumor is important, but not indispensable in relationships.
ReliabilityIf a friend is neither intelligent nor funny, the relationship may well last, but if a friend is unreliable, it will be over in a short time.
Conclusion = Wrap-upI want a long-lasting relationship, so I want my friend to be reliable.

Sample Essay Structure B
Introduction = OutlineI would prioritize sense of humor when I choose a friend.
Reason 1A hilarious person makes others happy more than any other kind of person.
Reason 2It would be difficult for friends who are always joking around to have a row and break up.
Follow-opIntelligent people may help me in many ways but I sometimes feel nervous in front of them because of inferiority complex. Even if I were as intelligent as the person, I would have a sense of rivalry, which might be difficult to handle. In terms of trust, I can trust a friend who is unreliable because an unreliable person can become reliable if cared well enough.
Conclusion = Wrap-upHumor saves us all. Therefore, I would like a funny person to be always with me.

Sample Essay Structure C
Introduction = OutlineIntelligent friends have a sense of humor and are reliable.
DefinitionIntelligence is not only about knowledge but also about power to do well in society.
humorA truly intelligent friend is funny without exception.
reliabilityAn average level of intelligence is enough to know that reliability is the prerequisite for a workable social life.
Conclusion = Wrap-upIt would be nice if I had an intelligent friend in the real sense.

Your Sample Essay Structure A
Introduction = Outline



Conclusion = Wrap-up

Your Sample Essay Structure B
Introduction = Outline
Reason 1

Reason 2


Conclusion = Wrap-up

Your Sample Essay Structure C
Introduction = Outline



Conclusion = Wrap-up