
Class Supplement (TOEFL Essay, a two-week trip to a foreign country))

Writing Topic A: Suppose you had a chance to take a two-week trip to a foreign country. What country would you most wish to visit?

☆Sample of a thought process
1. Name countries you would like to visit according to your interests.
a. according to your differing interests
e.g. 1) America or other English speaking countries―English study 2) China or other emerging economies―interest in vigorous societies 3) countries that are not so popular as tourist destinations―interest in countries you do not know well
b. focusing on one of your interests
e.g. 1) ancient history―Egypt, China, Iraq (Mesopotamia), Iran (Persia), etc. 2) biology―Galapagos Islands, a country in the Sub-Saharan Africa
2. Narrow down choices based on realistic or personal reasons
e.g. safety, cost, time constraint

Writing Topic B: There may be good points and bad points about your hometown. What aspect of your hometown do you think it the most important to change, why?
“What aspect”…singular (not “What aspects” → You have to choose one aspect from several bad points about your town that you would like to change.
☆Sample of a thought process
1.What kind of town is my town?
a town in a city
problems: air/water/noise pollutions, less contact with nature,
little human relation, few opportunities to join the local traditional events
fewer nurseries and primary schools
a town in the suburban area
problems: diminishing mom-and-pop shops ( large outlets, discount shops)
long commuting hours, less human relation, less open to foreigners
a town in the countryside
problems: high unemployment rate, aging society,
delicate relationship between the locals and foreigners as farmhands
fewer hospitals/doctors and nurses, lower education levels
2. Explain why it is a problem.
3. Describe how you would like it to change.
4. Describe what kind of results would be expected.


Class Supplement (TOEFL Essay, money for military or Olympic athletes?)

Writing Topic A: Suppose your country has an unexpected amount of money that can be spent on either the military or your country’s Olympic athletes. Which should your country spend money on, the military or Olympic sports?
☆Sample of a Thought Process
“military or Olympics?”
→ fight in arms race or fight in sports/economy? war or peace/war in economy?
“your country” → specific conditions of my country can be considered
specific conditions of Japan in terms of military/war
1. Article Nine in our constitution: renunciation of war and military force
2. history of diplomatic solutions of international problems after WWII
3. the second biggest economy in the world, and the world is shifting from competition to cooperation
counter argument: the threat of neighboring countries (e.g. North Korea, emerging economies in Asia) ⇔ Japan-U.S. relationship does not seem to change soon (Japanese prime ministers and U.S. presidents reaffirming Japan-U.S. security relationship)

specific conditions of Japan in terms of Olympic sports
1. tight government spending on sports because of huge national debts and long lasting recession worsened by the recent world economic crisis
2. economic effect: supporting Olympic sports usually provide good images (sometimes adverse effect on conscious people when the host country has some political problems)

Conclusion: Because of its peace diplomacy and necessity to recover the economy, it is better for Japan to spend the windfall on Olympic athletes rather than military buildup.

Writing Topic B: Many children like, and participate in, individual sports such as tennis, golf and swimming. Do you think it is better than doing team sports?
☆Sample of a thought process
You disagree with the statement that A is better than B.
You should prove either B is better than A or B is as good as A.

What are good points in each type of sports?
team sports: enjoyed with other people, teamwork, close relationship with teammates
individual sports: enjoyed alone (flexibility in exercise time and place), self-control, concentration

Wait a minute! Most of their good points overlap or can be found in other activities. Also, individual aptitude and personal preference count in sports.

Conclusion: Playing team sports is as good as playing individual sports because the good points of both types of sports overlap. Regardless of type, for a child to play a sport is good as long as the child can enjoy it and grow up mentally and physically through it.


Class Supplement (TOEFL Essay, play a game only if you win)

Thought process examples
Writing Topic A: It is truly enjoyable to play a game only if you win. Agree/Disagree?
Points in questions: 1) "It is ..."→An objective opinion is required. 2) "truly enjoyable"→It is asking whether you can enjoy a game from the bottom of your heart even if you lose. 3) "only if you win"→You can never enjoy a game unless you win.

- What is a game? For what purpose do you play a game?
play/entertainment, pastime, to have fun with others, to release stress, to be inspired, to try your luck
→You play a game for many reasons other than to win.

- What is truly enjoyable?
attaining a goal (e.g. winning, having fun)
gaining something expected (e.g. closer relationship, feeling refreshed, etc.)
gaining something unexpected (e.g. kindness, learning a lesson/moral, seeing someone extraordinary, learning about human nature, etc.)
→You find something truly enjoyable even if you do not win.

- Is there anything that makes you sad in a game you win?
extreme high tension among participants trying to win
your friend losing, someone becoming depressed/upset to lose
your losing integrity in trying to win (becoming depressed/upset, tricking/intimidating others, cheating)
→You can be sad even if you win.

- Conclusion: Disagree. Playing a game can be enjoyable even if you do not win because a game is an entertainment, whose purposes are not just to win. (The purpose of life itself is not just to win.) The other way around will lead to the attitude of doing anything to win or to make others lose and not all act that way.

Writing Topic B: Is the ability to read and write more important today than in the past?
- facts:
1. Literacy and wealth are related.
past → now, developing→developed … lower illiteracy rates
2. Development of technology allows/requires you to be involved in more intellectual tasks than physical ones.
entrance examinations - more essay examinations
businessmen - research and presentation skills
3. Information age
getting information through the Internet (not from people)
exchanging information through scripts (e-mails/text messages)
extra information in writing (scripts on TV screens)
- Conclusion: Yes. The ability to read and write is more important today than in the past for us to get the most out of our lives in this age of information.


Class Supplement (TOEFL Essay, influence of TV on thoughts)

Topic 1 In what way do you think movies and television influence people's thoughts and actions?
An example of a thought process
1) What do movies and television have in common?
trends, celebrities, sponsors, media most people use to get information
2) What do these factors have in common?
control by the industry and/or the government,
influence on the world view of the audience
3) Argument: Movies and television control our thoughts and make our world views convenient for the industry and/or the government.
4) What facts can I provide for this argument?
differences of information and world views/values in different times and places
a. information
smoking – encouraged→discouraged … less smoking scenes … less smokers
b. world views/values
Islamic extremists’ animation ... Americans = villains
… children aspiring to become soldiers
American TV programs … intense media attention to celebrity life
… celebrity-oriented society
difference from other media
less information that is uncomfortable or not interesting to the audience
5) Conclusion: Movies and television programs provide information and values which comply with the status quo, and people tend to think and behave accordingly.

Topic 2 What is the most important or enjoyable class you have ever taken? Why did this class have an impact on you?
1) Recall the most important or enjoyable class that you have ever taken
2) Why do you think so?
lesson content, teacher, atmosphere, key events
3) What impact did it have on you?
interest in the subject, interest in studying, acquired some skills or knowledge which is /are special to you

課題 1 映画・テレビはどのように人の思考・行動に影響を与えていると思いますか?



♦流行 ♦有名人 ♦スポンサー ♦ほとんどの人が情報を得るために使うメディア


♦産業・政府による操作 ♦人の世界観の形成に影響

3)主張: ほとんどの映画やテレビは私たちの思考を操作し、産業・政府に都合の良い世界観を形成する。



   ♦情報の時代による変化 喫煙奨励→批判的 … 喫煙シーン減少 … 喫煙者数減少


イスラム過激派のアニメ … アメリカ人=悪者 … 兵士志望の子供

米国のテレビ番組 … 有名人の生活の過熱報道 … 有名人志向社会



5)結論: 一般的に言って映画・テレビは体制に合わせた情報・価値観を提供し、人はそれに従って考え行動しがち。

課題 2 今までで最も重要だった・楽しかった授業は何で、どんな影響を受けましたか?




♦授業内容  ♦先生  ♦クラスの雰囲気  ♦印象に残る出来事


  ♦科目への興味  ♦勉強自体への興味  ♦自分にとって特別な何かを習得


Class Supplement (TOEFL Essay, Is fashion worth a lot of money and energy?)

課題 1 ファッションや服はお金と労力をかける程重要だとあなたは思いますか?
1. 客観的事実 
結論: 客観的に見てファッションや服は重要視されている。
→考えられる理由: 1)第一印象 2)自己表現 3)帰属意識
2. 自分のファッションへの考え方 (自分の価値観に基づいた判断)
Yes: 外見は人生で大きな比重を占める、形から入ることも大切
No: 人間中身が第一、お金と労力は自分磨きにかける方がいい

課題 2 あなたの母国語を外国人が学ぶのは良いことだと思いますか?
言語学習の目的→ 1)ビジネス 2)文化 3)コミュニケーション
1) ビジネス 経済大国=日本企業が国内外で仕事を提供、多国籍企業多数⇔グローバル化による英語公用語化、英語以外の主要言語の需要、新興国⇔士気、人間関係
2) 文化 興味深い伝統文化・大衆文化⇔欧米文化主流、文化への関心多様化⇔メリットの多い日本文化への注目(健康食品、きめ細かいサービス、「かっこいい」若者ファッション等)
3) コミュニケーション 英語を使える日本人は未だに少ないので日本語が分かる外国人が増えると日本人は助かる⇔日本語は少数言語なので使用頻度が低い
結論例 日本の良い物は既に各国語で紹介されている、英語と途上国の言語学習を優先すべき