
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)

2012/01/02 (Mon) Slept from 2:30-6:00-10:30 (3.5 + 4.5 hrs) with a short interval around 6:00. Electric shocks, some of which rather strong, to my head when I was going to sleep around 2:30. Game/car-like noises around 6:00. They were not loud but hurt my eardrums. I remember covering my ears. When I woke up around d10:30, I could also hear the game/car-like noises.

While I was working on my PC, my head felt funny for 10 minutes or so, but after working for several hours, I did not have the after-concussion sensation.

I intended to go to the fast food shop today, but I it became late while I was writing an essay for my teaching material, which I have included in the previous update of this blog right now, and I kind of feel reluctant to go to a food shop on the second of January because I did not take a bath last night, partly because of a custom of my family. I do not think I go there today. I’ll just eat late lunch and study at home.

I just now noticed that nearly thirty messages from people I don’t know had been in my mobile. (around 22:30) They seemed to be responding to an ad on a seedy dating site. All messages were in Japanese. I deleted them all. I have informed no one of the mail address. I sent a picture of a jungle crow from my computer to my mobile early summer last year twice. I have sent no messages using the address. One hunch I have about this is that the address is easy to guess or can match one of the addresses on address lists probably automatically generated by computers.

Good news is that my internet connection is good today. Downloading is going as fast as before.

--- To f,
I hope everything is going well for you, f. :)

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