
TOEFL iBT Independent Writing 1) If you could ask a famous person one question, what would you ask? 2) Some universities require students to take classes in many subjects. Other universities require students to specialize in one subject. Which is better? - revised -


Writing Topic A

If you could ask a famous person one question, what would you ask? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.



Lets think

1.       The same types of questions as this writing topic are as follows.

- If you could meet a famous entertainer or athlete, who would that be, and why?

- If you could travel back in time to meet a famous person from history, what person would you like to meet?

- If you could go back to some time and place in the past, when and where would you go?


What do you think are the things that you have to keep in mind when you write an essay on these kinds of topics?

Note: 1) Whoever or wherever you might choose, it is safe to choose what you have many things to write about. 2) If you write about a person the rater of your essay might not know even though the person is famous among a number of people, it is important to explain why he or she is famous.


2.       Give a short lecture about the person about whom you are going to write. Then, with your group members, come up with several questions that you might want to ask the person.



Sample short response:

If I could ask a famous person one question, I would ask Chelsea Manning if she would do the same thing that she has done if she were to live her life again because I think what she has done is worth more than respect, and I do not know if I would have done the same if I had been in her place.


Chelsea Manning is known as a whistleblower. She leaked confidential documents and video related to the Iraqi-Afghan war to WikiLeaks, a political site where people who know something criminal or corrupt that governments hide from people can safely make it open to the public. She copied it in the American military, where she worded as a solder. As a result, she was convicted and was in the military prison for a long time.


The government called her a traitor. However, the American public and the people in Iraq and Afghanistan were helped by her. Because of her courageous act, it became open that there are more civilian casualties in Afghanistan and Iraq than were officially reported and that there is at least one war crime committed by American military men in Iraq. The government accused her of exposing some agents to danger, but there is no such report happening after her leak.


If I asked the question, she would say she would do the same, because she is a person of a high moral. She had been sympathetic to the oppressed under dictatorships years before she found the documents that contain facts that those people should know. She knew perfectly well that, if found, she would be accused of treason, but she also knew that she was serving the American people and that she should provide information that people should know, what is done in other countries in the name of the US using their tax money.


She might also say that she would do the same but would do it more carefully. She was arrested because she hinted what she had done to a person who she thought was her friend. If there is one thing she might regret, it would be that she tried to believe that a friend would never tell on her. When she did her dead, she was in her twenties. Now having gone through excruciating torture of solitary confinement and having worked for the people since she won freedom, she is even more candid about the American diplomacy and keeps earning people’s respect.



Your short response:

If I could ask a famous person one question, I would ask                                              






He / She is /was famous for /as                                                                     





If I asked the question, he / she might say                                                          





He might also say                                                                                   







Comments, suggestions, questions, etc.










Writing Topic B

Some universities require students to take classes in many subjects. Other universities require students to specialize in one subject. Which is better? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


Let’s think

1.       Should you mention both types of universities in this question when you answer this question?

Note: When choosing one out of two, you compare them. To decide which to buy out of two items, say, melons or tablet computers, you will compare the two, examining each closely, point by point. In essay writing, in order to say something is the better of the two, you cannot avoid discussing both. In other words, you have to explain why you think one is better than the other. Therefore, even though the topic does not say “Compare and contrast,” it is natural that you discuss both cases.


2.       What are the advantages and disadvantages of either type of the universities in the question?


3.       Which do you think is better? Why?



Ideas and Expressions

About taking classes in many subjects

1.     Liberal arts are required in many universities because people who can see things in many perspectives are necessary to lead people in the fight against the climate change and widening wealth gap.


2.     University students are still growing mentally, so they might find other subjects more interesting than their major during their undergraduate years. Universities should accommodate students’ intellectual development by providing many fields of discipline.


3.     Studies are becoming more interdisciplinary. Students who major in biology also have to study chemistry, and those who major in psychology also have to study neurology.


4.     In the globalized economy, it is advantageous to have many skills. An engineer who can speak a foreign language will be able to find a job more easily than one who does not if other qualifications are the same.


5.     Even seemingly unrelated subjects can be useful for students’ development. For example, a doctor who has studied the humanities can be more sensitive to patients’ feelings than a doctor who tends to look at only the physical aspect of a human being.


6.     Counterargument: Taking many different subjects would be a burden and there would be many students who would drop many subjects. Time-management would be the key.


About specializing in one subject

1.     Universities are where people pursue subjects of their interests. They are supposed to have acquired general knowledge concerning main subjects by the time they graduate from high school, and at university they are expected to delve into specific areas they have chosen. Therefore, it makes sense for students to focus on one subject.


2.     It is more efficient for students to concentrate on one subject. It is too much for students to study other than the subjects of their interest. For Asian students who aspire to be an engineer, for instance, studying a foreign language would be a burden.


3.     Counterargument: Focusing on one subject would make students narrow-minded. Today’s world requires everyone to make efforts to expand their view point, and media for self-study are abundant. On the other hand, one can obtain special knowledge and technical skills only at university. Thus, students spend their college years focusing on what they can only learn at university.


Your Sample Essay Structure

Introduction = Outline


Point 1



Point 2



Point 3 / Counterargument-treatment



Conclusion = Wrap-up





Paragraph Development

Paragraph development is a key to giving sufficient background information. If a paragraph has only one sentence or two, it lacks some essential sentences such as specific examples (background information). A sample of a paragraph development is as follows:


Topic SentenceA sentence which represents the paragraph briefly

Supporting Detail - in general A sentence which introduces the following example(s)

Supporting Detail - specificA sentence which provides a specific example or examples

Follow up / Counterargument-treatmentA sentence making up for some lacking information.

Conclusion of the Paragraph A sentence which wraps up the paragraph


Sample paragraph development:

Thesis SentenceToday’s academic situation requires students to have wider knowledge.

Supporting Detail - in general Research and development activities are getting interrelated.

Supporting Detail - specificFor example, nanotechnology requires the knowledge of biology and chemistry as well as physics. Another example is molecular anthropology, a new field of anthropology. It was created by a molecular biologist who was interested in Ancient Egypt. Knowledge and skills of molecular biology are applied to solve questions in anthropology in this subject, so the students of this subject need the knowledge of both science and humanities.

Follow upEven though those who will become specialists are few, knowledge of related areas will help students keep up with the development of their field.

Conclusion of the ParagraphStudying many subjects provides and supports the environment for creation.


Your test paragraph development:

Topic Sentence



Supporting Detail - in general



Supporting Detail - specific




Follow up / Counterargument-treatment





Conclusion of the Paragraph


TOEFL iBT Independent Writing Drills 1) The government is always right. 2) What your parents say are always correct.

Independent Writing  Summer 6  Drills

Drill 1  Which of the answers below is less appropriate as a response to the following statement? How can you improve it? Statement: The government is always right.


Answer A: I definitely agree with the statement that the government is always right. If you do not believe in your government, it cannot do anything. I feel sorry when people criticize the President when he decides to go to war. It must have been hard for him to make the decision, and people should support him. Without trust in leaders, nothing is achieved, and questioning what they do will shake the very existence of the government and can start its collapse. If you cannot trust your government, you should stop being the citizen and leave the country. We must always trust our government.

Answer B: The government is not always right. Even a democratic government makes mistakes. It is made up of the representatives of the people and the majority rule there, but people make mistakes, and there is no guarantee that two heads are always better than one. Hitler, Mussolini, and Tojo were all democratically elected. Until recently, the US government did not take the necessary lead in the fight against the climate change. Neither in Chernobyl nor in Fukushima, the government provided correct information for its citizens. As there are significant counterexamples, it cannot be said that the government is always right.


Drill 2  Discuss the following statement, and write your answer, giving reasons, giving examples. What your parents say are always correct.

Use expressions below.

I think/consider/believe/am convinced  that  it is important/vital/crucial/necessary/essential/natural that…

Idea A. In addition/Also/Furthermore/Moreover, idea B.

















Pre-TOEFL Writing There is no benefit in keeping animals in zoos. - revised -

Writing Topic

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? There is no benefit in keeping animals in zoos. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.



Lets think 考えてみよう

The statement has the word no. If there is some benefit in keeping animals in zoos, it is impossible to say there is no benefit in it. Hence, you disagree with the statement. To agree with the statement, it is necessary not only to point out drawbacks but also disprove what are supposed to be benefits in keeping animals in zoos. この発言には全く~ないという語が使われている。もし動物を動物園で飼うことに何らかの利益があるならば全く利益がないとは言えない。従って発言には反対となる。賛成する場合、欠点を指摘するだけでなく動物園で動物を飼うことにおける利益とされていることが正しくないことも示さなくてはならない。


Hints for points 要点のヒント

Disagree 反対

1.   Zoos have educational values. Children can learn about life and the importance of protecting nature.



2.  Zoos contribute to studies and preservation of wild life. Some endangered species are kept and bred successfully in zoos. 動物園は野生動物の研究と保護に貢献する。絶滅危惧種が動物園で飼われ繁殖に成功している。


3.  Today’s zoos provide a better environment for animals than before. Cages are larger and cleaner than before. Some zoos are natural parks where animals freely move around. Also, open display, which attempts to show natural behaviors of animals to visitors by installing facilities that make the target behavior possible, is becoming popular now. 現在の動物園は以前よりも動物にとって良い環境を提供している。檻は以前より大きく清潔だ。動物が自由に動き回れる自然動物園もある。また、目標の行動を可能にする設備を設置することによって来訪者に動物の自然な行動を見せようとする解放展示が現在流行しつつある。


Agree 賛成

1.    It is cruel to keep animals in zoos. The place animals are kept is unnatural, unclean, and stressful. No matter how much improvement has been made, the artificial environment is no match for the natural environment. Also, studies have been showing animals have more delicate brain activities, something similar to our emotions and thought, than we have thought. Thus, many of them might be fully aware of their environment and frustrated by confinement and exhibition. 動物を動物園で飼っておくのは残酷だ。動物が飼われている場所は不自然で不清潔でストレスがかかる。たとえどんなに改善されても人工的な環境は自然環境とは比べ物にならない。また、動物は思われているよりも繊細な脳の活動(私たちの感情や思考ににたもの)があることが研究で分かっている。従って自分の環境が十分分かっており閉じ込められ展示されていることに不満があるものが多いかもしれない。


2.    Children do not need to go to the zoo to learn about animals. There are books and videos on animals and for the hands-on experience of real animals we have domestic animals such as rabbits, turtles, and parrots that most schools keep. 動物について学ぶためには子供は必ずしも動物園に行く必要はない。動物に関する本やビデオがあるし、本物の動物の実体験の為には大抵の学校が飼っているウサギや亀、オウムなどの家畜化された動物がいる。


3.    The contribution of zoos to conservation is pointless. Rather than trying to artificially revive endangered species, reviving the environment of their original habitat is necessary.



Sample Essay Structure  構成例

A.   Introduction = OutlineI disagree with the statement that there is no benefit in keeping animals in zoos for the reasons as follows.

Point 1People can enjoy themselves in zoos.   e.g. family excursion

Point 2Children can learn about life.      e.g. touching an elephant

Follow-upToday’s zoos make sure that animals live comfortably.  e.g. open display

Conclusion = Wrap-upZoos have some good points, so it cannot be said that there is no benefit in keeping animals in zoos.


【要点 1】楽しむことができる。                                          家族の遠足

【要点 2】子供たちが生き物について学ぶことができる。                    象に触る

【補足】最近の動物園は確実に動物が快適に暮らせるようにしている。        解放展示



B.    Introduction = OutlineI agree with the statement that there is no benefit in keeping animals in zoos for the following reasons.

Point 1It is not beneficial but dehumanizing to keep living things in confinement  e.g. callousness

Point 2Educational value of the zoo is questionable.           e.g. not natural

Point 3Zoos cannot be of real help for wild-life conservation. e.g. necessity of appropriate ecosystem

Conclusion = Wrap-upAnimals in zoos are victims of human self-indulgence.


【要点 1】生き物を閉じ込めておくのは有益ではなく非人間化するものだ。 無神経さ

【要点 2】動物園の教育的価値は疑わしい。                             不自然

【要点 3】動物園は野生動物保護の真の助けにはならない。               ふさわしい生態系の必要性



Your Sample Essay Structure

Introduction = OutlineI agree/disagree with the statement that there is no benefit in keeping animals in zoos for the following reasons.

Point 1                                                           e.g.

Point 2                                                          S e.g.

Point 3/ Follow-up                                                e.g.

Conclusion = Wrap-up


Sample Paragraph Development 段落展開例

Main IdeaEducational value of the zoo is questionable.

Supporting DetailsIt is said that people can learn about animals they cannot see around them in the zoo, but most people do not go to the zoo to study. I seldom see visitors reading the information hung in front of the cage. Also, videos and books will do for the purpose. Watching real animals alive may be more effective, but not essential. At any rate, animals in zoos are different from wild ones. They look and behave differently. For example, wild birds are much more beautiful than birds in zoos, and they fly around. Even those stay within their territory fly at least some kilometers in diameter a day, many of them flying more than 100 meters high in the air. Zoos cannot provide birds with the same condition under which they live in the wild, and when birds cannot fly freely, they are not birds anymore. The same can be said more or less about other living things in the zoo.

Wrap-upTherefore, people learn little about animals in the zoo.





Sample counterargument-treatment 反論処理例

A.   CounterargumentIt is true that there are points that make the existence of zoos questionable.

Explanation and counter-counterargumentKeeping animals in unnatural environments is ethically wrong and actually many animals suffer from diseases and stress, but as long as there are people who actually enjoy themselves visiting there, it is impossible to say that there is no benefit in continuing to have zoos.

Wrap-upAlthough I myself cannot enjoy seeing confined animals, I cannot totally agree with the notion that zoos are good for nothing, as I have no intention of rejecting some people’s fascination to zoos.





B.   Counterargument and counter-counterargumentIt is true that some zoos have successfully preserved some endangered species, but the success is not very significant, seen from a broader perspective because the original environment of those animals has been lost or changed. Sending them back to nature will either fail or cause other problems.

Wrap-upZoos are no better than freak shows that violate animal rights. True animal lovers are to go into the wild themselves, not the other way (a)round.




Sample Essays

Disagree 反対

It is understandable that some people do not like keeping animals in zoos, but I cannot totally agree with the idea that there is no benefit in keeping animals in zoos. The reasons are as follows.



First, zoos are good for entertainment. Animals make people relax and laugh, so family and friends spend time visiting the zoo on weekends. Also, admission fees for zoos are reasonable compared to amusement parks and other places for entertainment. Because zoos can make people happy easily, they are beneficial.



Second, children can learn the importance of life and nature by visiting zoos. They can not only observe animals but also interact with them. Then they become fond of animals, and when they grow up, they will try to protect wild life and the environment. 次に、子供たちは動物園を訪れることによって生命と自然の重要性を学ぶことができる。動物を観察するだけでなく交流することもできる。そうすると、子供たちは動物好きになり、成長したら野生動物と自然を守ろうとするだろう。


Third, animals are protected in zoos. They are kept in a cozy place and fed well. There are no predators around unlike the natural environment. It is said that animals in zoos live longer than wild animals. Thus, animals, especially endangered species, can live a happy, long life in zoos. 3つ目に、動物は動物園で保護されている。心地よい場所で飼われ餌をきちんと与えられる。自然環境とは違い、周りに補足動物はいない。動物園の動物は野生動物より長生きすると言われている。よって、動物、特に絶滅危惧種は動物園で長く幸せな一生を送ることができる。


As I have written above, keeping animals have some benefits. Therefore, it cannot be said that there is no benefit in keeping animals in zoos. 上記のように、動物を飼うことはいくつか利点がある。従って、動物を動物園に買っておくことに全く利点がないとは言えない。


Agree 賛成

There seem to be benefits in keeping animals in zoos because they are popular. However, I agree with the idea that there is no benefit in keeping animals in zoos. 動物は人気があるので動物園で飼うことに利点があるように思える。しかし私は動物園で動物を飼う事には何も利点がないという考えに賛成する。


Although people enjoy themselves in zoos, it is cruel to keep animals in zoos. They are kept in a small space and watched by people all day. This is stressful. Many animals in zoos become depressed or sick because of the stress. It is an animal abuse to keep animals in zoos.動物園で人々は楽しむが、動物を動物園に入れておくことは残酷だ。狭い場所に入れておかれ一日中人に見られる。これはストレスがたまる。動物園の多くの動物がストレスのために鬱や病気になる。動物を動物園で飼うのは動物虐待だ。


Some people believe that zoos teach children to learn the importance of life and nature, but it is doubtful. Zoos can make children take it for granted that animals are kept in cages. Children should observe animals in their natural habitat. If they learn how beautiful wild lives are, they will love them from the bottom of their heart. 動物園は命と自然の大切さを子供たちに教えると信じている人がいるが疑わしい。当仏縁は子供たちに動物は檻に入れられているのが当たり前だと思させる可能性がある。子供たちは動物を自然の生息地で観察すべきだ。野生の生き物がどんなに美しいかを学べば、心の底から愛するだろう。


I do not think zoos contribute to preserving endangered species. They might be able to increase the numbers of them in zoos, but those species cannot live in the wild unless their habitat is protected. Since zoos cannot protect the whole ecosystem, zoos cannot save vulnerable spices. 動物園が絶滅危惧種の保存に貢献するとは思わない。動物園で数を増やすことはできるかもしれないが、生息地が保護されない限りこれらの種は野生で生きることができない。動物園は生態系全体を保護することはできないので、影響を受けやすい種を救うことはできない。


In conclusion, I believe that zoos are not beneficial because they are cruel; they make children indifferent to pains of animals; and they fail to save endangered species.結論として、動物園は残酷で、動物の痛みに無関心で、絶滅危惧種を救うことができないので有益ではないと思う。