
TOEFL iBT Independent Writing Technology helps us understand ourselves. - revised -

Writing Topic

Consider the following statement. Technology helps us understand ourselves. Do you agree or disagree with this idea? Support your response by including specific reasons and examples.


Lets Think

1.       What does “to understand ourselves” mean?

Note: To understand ourselves may mean to understand what is a human as well as what kind of person you are. It could also mean where we are and what is important in life.

2.    How do we understand ourselves?

Note: To understand ourselves, we need to be objective, compare ourselves with others, and have plenty of information.

2.       Does technology help us do what you answered to Question 2?


Hints for Points


1.       Information about us is collected by technology. Thanks to the advancement of technology, we now have very accurate information about the history of the earth and life. Also, AI has shown us not only that we humans are not as smart as we used to think we were but also that we have heart.

2.       Watching the world and people leads to understanding of ourselves. Media provide us with abundant information about the world and people. Through the information, you see the difference between you and others. You can also have insights about humans. For example, videos show us we humans can be both brave and cowardly, angelic and evil.

3.       Interaction with other people helps us understand ourselves, and technology increases the opportunity to interact with others. For example, by communicating with others through social media, you can learn what kind of person you are. You can also learn that you are not an anomaly by finding many people who share some tastes or ideas with you.

4.       Technology helps find individual characteristics. For example, DNA analysis shows you what kind of people you are related to, what kind of property your body has, and whether the risk of your having a particular disease is high or not.



1.       Technology deals with matter, the physical side of the world, so it can tell us only about our physical aspect. For example, it does not tell why we sometimes feel lonely without any reason.

2.       The smartphone does not tell you what kind of person you really are. There might be some apps that tell you what type of personality you have, but this categorization does not lead to real understanding of yourself. You have to interact with other people and see what you will do with them and how others will treat you to see who you are. You have to read books written by other humans.

3.       Information gained through technology might be distracting us from self-reflection. We think we have understood ourselves by watching TV news and Twitter feeds and do not explore ourselves more deeply. For example, technology told us that we had conquered nature, when we actually should have known that we had just disrupted nature by technology and were to get the backlash.

4.       Social media can distort our image of ourselves. It is easy to wear a persona online and we can believe it our real character. Also, when we should be satisfied with life just by being alive, many people suffer from the gap between that which they think they should be and that which they actually are by comparing themselves with “others,” even though those “others” might be making themselves look better than they really are.


Sample Essay Structure

Main IdeaTechnology helps us understand ourselves to some extent, but not to the full.

Humanity StudiesTechnology helps humanities studies.

MediaInteraction with others through media leads to insights in ourselves.

ReservationHowever, it is important to remember that technology has limits in helping us know who we are because it is made by humans.

ConclusionTechnology has helped us learn about ourselves a lot, but we cannot think that we can know everything about ourselves through technology.


Your Sample Essay Structure

Main Idea

Point 1

Point 2

Point 3



TOEFL iBT Independent Writing Technology helps us understand ourselves. - revised -

Writing Topic

Consider the following statement. Technology helps us understand ourselves. Do you agree or disagree with this idea? Support your response by including specific reasons and examples.


Lets Think

1.       What does “to understand ourselves” mean?

Note: To understand ourselves may mean to understand what is a human as well as what kind of person you are. It could also mean where we are and what is important in life.

2.       Does technology help us understand ourselves?


Hints for Points


1.       Information about us is collected by technology. Thanks to the advancement of technology, we now have very accurate information about the history of the earth and life. Also, AI has shown us not only that we humans are not as smart as we used to think we were but also that we have heart.

2.       Watching the world and people leads to understanding of ourselves. Media provide us with abundant information about the world and people. Through the information, you see the difference between you and others. You can also have insights about humans. For example, videos show us we humans can be both brave and cowardly, angelic and evil.

3.       Interaction with other people helps us understand ourselves, and technology increases the opportunity to interact with others. For example, by communicating with others through social media, you can learn what kind of person you are. You can also learn that you are not an anomaly by finding many people who share some tastes or ideas with you.

4.       Technology helps find individual characteristics. For example, DNA analysis shows you what kind of people you are related to, what kind of property your body has, and whether the risk of your having a particular disease is high or not.



1.       Technology deals with matter, the physical side of the world, so it can tell us only about our physical aspect. For example, it does not tell why we sometimes feel lonely without any reason.

2.       The smartphone does not tell you what kind of person you really are. There might be some apps that tell you what type of personality you have, but this categorization does not lead to real understanding of yourself. You have to interact with other people and see what you will do with them and how others will treat you to see who you are. You have to read books written by other humans.

3.       Information gained through technology might be distracting us from self-reflection. We think we have understood ourselves by watching TV news and Twitter feeds and do not explore ourselves more deeply. For example, technology told us that we had conquered nature, when we actually should have known that we had just disrupted nature by technology and were to get the backlash.

4.       Social media can distort our image of ourselves. It is easy to wear a persona online and we can believe it our real character. Also, when we should be satisfied with life just by being alive, many people suffer from the gap between that which they think they should be and that which they actually are by comparing themselves with “others,” even though those “others” might be making themselves look better than they really are.


Sample Essay Structure

Main IdeaTechnology helps us understand ourselves to some extent, but not to the full.

Humanity StudiesTechnology helps humanities studies.

MediaInteraction with others through media leads to insights in ourselves.

ReservationHowever, it is important to remember that technology has limits in helping us know who we are because it is made by humans.

ConclusionTechnology has helped us learn about ourselves a lot, but we cannot think that we can know everything about ourselves through technology.


Your Sample Essay Structure

Main Idea

Point 1

Point 2

Point 3



Reading 22 Word List


1.      predecessor                        前任者

2.      realm                                   王国

3.      precarious                          不安な

4.      subject                                 臣民

5.      haul off                                引っ張ってゆかれる

6.      on the rack                         苦しんで

7.      balk at                                 ためらう

8.      provocateur                        工作員

9.      against the background    背景にして

10.   contemporary                     同時代人

11.   murky                                  はっきりしない

12.   at one’s disposal                自由にできる

13.   secret service                     警護人

14.   cause                                   運動

15.   charge                                 起訴する

16.   on behalf of                         ~に代わって、~のために

17.   on condition that               ~という条件で

18.   time-honored                     昔からの

19.   reckoning                            見積り

20.   bill                                       勘定書き

21.   account                                説明

22.   coroner                                検視官

23.   of doubtful reliability        信頼性は疑わしい

24.   no mere                          単なる~では全くない

25.   sedition                               扇動

26.   given                                    ~を考えると

27.   climate of the times           当時の情勢

28.   espionage                            スパイ活動

29.   cloak-and-dagger               スパイの

30.   agent                                   スパイ

31.   double agent                       二重スパイ

32.   ambiguity                            あいまいさ





33.   beyond a shadow of a doubt 全く疑いの余地もなく

34.   morphological                    形態的な

35.   orang-utan                          オランウータン

36.   account for                          説明する

37.   convergent evolution        収斂進化

38.   inhospitable                       住みにくい

39.   cerebral                               脳の

40.   hemisphere                        半球

41.   anatomical                          解剖学上の

42.   palate                                  口蓋

43.   shoulder blade                   肩甲骨

44.   bipedalism                          直立歩行

45.   locomotion                          移動



46.   speculate                            推測する

47.   interbreed                          異種交配する

48.   out-competed                     競争に負けた

49.   rule out                               打ち消す

50.   genome                                ゲノム

51.   genocide                              大量虐殺

52.   dwindle                               次第に消えてなくなる

53.   viable                                   有望な(生存可能な)

54.   outstanding                        目立つ、支払いの遅れた

55.   glaciation                            氷河期

56.   aplomb                                自身

57.   fluctuation                          変動

58.   paleoclimate                       古気候

59.   render O C                          OCの状態にする

60.   obsolete                               時代遅れ

61.   unprepossessing                魅力的でない

62.   cognitive                             認知の

63.   pigment                               顔料

64.   calorific                               カロリーの

65.   gracile                                 ほっそりした




The Privy Council  枢密院助言機関


orang-utan インドネシア語の orang () + hutan () 「森の人」が語源


Neandertal ネアンデルタール人  Gibralter ジブラルタル海峡  Eurasia  ユーラシア大陸  H. Sapiens ヒト