
TOEFL iBT Independent Writing Computers can provide all the information that once could be found only in books, and therefore, it will not be long before electronic technology makes books unnecessary. - revised -

Writing Topic
Consider the following statement. Computers can provide all the information that once could be found only in books, and therefore, it will not be long before electronic technology makes books unnecessary. Do you agree or disagree with this idea? Support your response by including specific reasons and examples.

Let’s Think
1.    Can computers provide all the information that once could be found only in books?
2.    Is electronic technology making books unnecessary? Give examples.
3.    Do you think paper books will be obsolete?

Hints for Points
makes information search more efficient / thousands of books in an electronic reader / many functions that allow quicker and better learning

more reliable information / deeper understanding on a specific subject / handier than electronic books / easy on the eyes / some information that cannot be digitized (copy right, when the book itself provides information)

Essay for Ideas and Expressions
The number of book stores and those of newspaper subscribers have declined dramatically since computers and the Internet became popular. It seems that books and papers are obsolete. However, I do not have the impression that books will soon become antiques that you seldom see in your daily lives, at least in lives of people who read.

Information technology has digitized contents of books and papers, and made reading paperless. It has made quick information search possible. Books whose contents are pure data such as dictionaries and encyclopedias have already gone extinct. People read novels and manga on their phones and tablets, The reading experiences is very close to those of reading paper books. The displays are close to the surface of book pages and there are functions for bookmarking, highlighting, and flipping. It might not be long before leafing through and writing in are possible. Ultimately, the difference will be either in ink on paper or electronic. Here I think is the answer to this question. Paper books will not become totally unnecessary because they exist in the non-virtual world.

Paper and electric books complement each other in their physical shortcomings. Libraries will keep paper books even though they have been digitizing books over decades. Paper books are bulky and vulnerable to nature such as fire and fungi, but e-books are useless without electricity. For fear of blackouts, cyber-terrorism, or accidents that will disable access to or cause damage on digital archive, hard copies will always be kept in libraries and archives. Electronic books are to paper books what electronic bank account to bankbook. Most people like to keep bankbooks. Also, paper books are important resources because of their feature as tangible objects. They are ready to be read any time. You just pick them up and open them.

In private libraries, books might gradually disappear but will never be “unnecessary.” Digital books occupy no space and this is attractive for most of us, who do not live in a mansion. Therefore, natural selection, in fact the owner’s selection, of books in our bookshelves will be accelerated as many more cheap digitalized versions will be available. However, people still keep buying paper books. For example, I use electric reader only for novels. Paper books are necessary for serious studies. When you jump from one page to another according to your thought, just flipping the pages is much faster than scrolling the tablet. Also, I think those books to which you have some personal attachment will remain. They are in your shelf as proof of your life. It is hard to imagine readers throwing away their favorite books and downloading electronic version no matter how small apartments they live in, and I think some of their books will establish the same kind of relationship with the next owners after their death. This will be repeated until they are worn out and naturally perish. It would take long for all paper books to disappear this way, and they will just disappear, treasured by someone till the last moment. Therefore, paper books will never become unnecessary.

The substantial presence of books will be necessary in a digitized society. Paper books are often more handy than e-books in study. Good books will always be loved and needed by their owners until someday they are not available in print, and probably some special books such as the Bible, the Koran, or Bob Dylan(s biography, whose existence is indispensable for many people, will always be in demand.

Sample Body Structures

A      Point 1
Point 2
B      Spread of digitalized books
The area where paper books are still used
Why you agree/disagree

Your Sample Essay Structure
Introduction = Outline
Conclusion = Wrap-up

Paragraph Development
Paragraph development is a key to make your essay convincing. If a paragraph has only one sentence or two, it lacks some essential parts of the paragraph such as supporting details (background information), or the main idea. Also, as Japanese, whose culture focuses on details first and give a generalized idea in the end, we often make a paragraph like the following.

Paragraph A
By pointing a word you do not know, you can look into the dictionary installed in the electronic reader for the word. You can also refer to the related information of a particular person or event, often accompanied by sound, picture, and video. With the help of these functions, you can learn more quickly, actively and intuitively. E-books will make learning more efficient. It will not be long before school provides students with tablets instead of textbooks.

The paragraph above goes from details (specific information) to conclusion (general idea). If this paragraph is rewritten to conform to the English essay structure, it may become as follows.

Paragraph B
Main Idea E-books will make learning more efficient.
Supporting Details For example, by pointing a word you do not know, you can look into the dictionary installed in the electronic reader for the word. You can also refer to the related information of a particular person or event, often accompanied by sound, picture, and video. With the help of these functions, you can learn more quickly, actively and intuitively.
Conclusion It will not be long before school provides students with tablets instead of textbooks.

The underlined sentence, the comment after the detail in Paragraph A, is placed on top of Paragraph B as the main idea of the paragraph. If you add sentences of transition and follow-up it would be as follows.

Main Idea E-books will make learning more efficient.
Transition Their functions will help faster and more active learning.
Supporting Details For example, by pointing a word you do not know, you can look into the dictionary installed in the electronic reader for the word. You can also refer to the related information of a particular person or event, often accompanied by sound, picture, and video. With the help of these functions, you can learn more quickly, actively and intuitively.
Follow up It is true that to have a deeper understanding of a subject, you might need to read some books, but digitized books help form a general idea of a topic efficiently.
Conclusion It will not be long before school provides students with tablets instead of textbooks.

It might be one idea for us Japanese to write following our thought process (specific →general) and then rearrange the sentences following the western thought process (general→ specific).

Your test paragraph development:
Main Idea


Supporting Details

Follow up


上智大学国際教養学部 公募推薦 傾向と対策および宿題

傾向                 最近の話題やニュースに関連する普遍的テーマ、特に国際的な大きな課題と大学の役割

出題年                  最近の話題やニュース                                                 普遍的テーマ
2014                2020年東京オリンピック招致                       big sporting events and their effect
Tokyo was chosen as the city to host the 2020 Summer Olympics, beating Istanbul and Madrid at the International Olympic Committee (IOC)’s general session. Did you agree or disagree with IOC’s decision ot choose Tokyo over the two other candidates and shy? If you disagreed, which city would you have chosen  for what reasons? Will the 2020 Tokyo Olympics in 2020 be profitable or detrimental to this country, and what negative and positive consequences do you expect? How would you contribute to, or rather ovoid being involved in, the Olympics?
2015                大学改革                                                        university education
There are two views about the roles of universities: one emphasizes that universities should educate their students to be able to find a suitable job, and the other gives priority to the role of expanding their students’ mind to have a wider perspective of things. Discuss these two opinions
2016                OECD加盟国先進国中日本の留学率最下位   globalization, development aid
According to the data issued by OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development), the percentage of Japanese college students studying abroad while in college has been decreasing despite the globalization of college studies. Why do you think Japanese college students are reluctant to study abroad? Would more Japanese college students study abroad?
2017                政府開発援助額17年ぶりに増加                   global corporation
In our age of globalization, what can Japan contribute to the international community? Your answer may discuss Japan’s cultural, political, economic, scientific and/or other contribution.
2018                リベラルアーツと現代社会の課題                  liberal, global challenge
In your opinion, what are the defining characteristics of a liberal arts education, and how does a liberal arts education help prepare individuals for the challenges they will face in the world today?

対策    補助問題集および英検1級筆記試験エッセイとTOEFL iBT Independent Writing のトピックを使用して実際に書く練習をする。またUNSustainable Development Goalsを読んで全てのgoalをまとめておく。

Day 1 Homework  2018年の出題トピック
Hints for Points
1.    リベラルアーツの特徴: 幅広い教養に基づいた俯瞰的な視野、異文化への寛容性を身に着けられる
2.    現代社会の課題の例: 気候変動、貧困・移民問題とテロ対策、テクノロジーの発展と問題(核兵器、AI
3.    現代社会の大きな問題は他分野の協力が必要な問題ばかりなので大学の最初の2年間でリベラルアーツをとることにより、その後の専門分野の研究の意味と方向性が明確になる
結論 21世紀前半の国際課題解決に貢献する人材となるためにはリベラルアーツの学習が必須

Day 2 Homework 
Write an essay answering the following questions. Choose three Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that you consider most important and explain the reason. How do you think Japan can contribute to achieve these goals?
Hints for Points
1.    Goal 7: Affordable clean energy 人口増加と気候変動、環境汚染に対応できる持続可能エネルギーおよび大気・水質汚染対策技術の開発。先進国日本として持続可能なエネルギー開発に協力
2.    Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities 気候変動により都市部に人口集中→都市計画が重要、災害国日本の都市計画を海外が参考にできる
3.    Goal 10 Raise your voice against discrimination 貧困、気候変動対策の遅れ、戦争、テロの根底に差別がある、外国人労働者受け入れ増等、国際化の中で差別対策を成功させることにより世界のお手本となる
結論  気候変動、地殻変動、グローバル化の中で一人でも多くの人が犠牲にならないように協力に貢献すべき

Day 3 Homework
Write an essay answering the following question. What impacts can we expect in accepting immigrants? Your answer may discuss ethical, social, political, economic, cultural, and/or other impact.
Hints for Points
1.    労働力不足対策として本格的な移民受け入れ開始
人権問題 (家族は受け入れないのは人道的に問題ではないかどうか 単純労働→差別・搾取の対象になりやすい 2世以降 日本社会からの孤立 生活保護等対象 不満・暴動等)
2.    外国人排斥運動の懸念(仕事を奪われる、テロ等への恐怖等)
3.    新しいタイプの人・文化・アイディアが日本を生まれ変わらせる (科学・スポーツの発展、新しい文化等)

《参考》日本を守るために必要な移民政策の「鉄則」  外国人差別はNGだが「自国民優先」は当然だ 
フランスと移民・難民問題  鈴木 宏昌  http://www.alter-magazine.jp/index.php
Immigration & U.S. Nationalism  Fareed Zakaria, GPS


TOEFL iBT Independent Writing Drill, Progress in information technology (IT) is always good.

Lesson 17  Drill
Discuss the following statement, write a short essay on it including sentences with the structures below, and write comments on or correct mistakes of each other’s essay. Progress in information technology (IT) is always good.

●not always ~「必ずしも(いつも)~とは限らない。」
●it is no exaggeration to say that 「~ と言っても過言(言い過ぎ)ではない」

Hints for Points: spread of unnecessary information  less time for oneself  fear of others’ opinions
lower self-image  approval-seeking behaviors
