




1.        テキストのコピーをとる





2.        問題を解く ― 1回目

l  書き込み無し用を使う

l  辞書無しで時間を限って解く ― 1問につき2分(10問あれば20分)でタイマーを設定し、テスト本番のつもりで解く。

l  解きながら、分からない単語や文にマーカー等で印を付ける。(復習用)


3.        問題を解く ― 2回目

l  書き込み用を使う

l  辞書を使用し時間をかけて解く ― 知らない単語が1ページに10個前後の人は英英辞典→英和辞典の順に使い、なるべく英語だけで考えながら解く。電子辞書を使う場合、スクロールして定義・例文を全て読み、訳語だけでなく単語のイメージをつかむ。調べた単語は単語帳か電子辞書の単語帳に入れる。

l  書き込み用に訳語を書き込む

l  分からない部分にを付ける ― 授業中に聞き逃さないようにするため。



l  書き込み用を使う ― 授業で新たに分かったことを書き加える。

l  を付けた個所を特に注意して聞く

l  質問する ― 疑問点を残さないようにする。授業中でも授業後でもよいので分からないところは必ず質問して解決する。



1.        1回目 ― その日のうちに復習 ― 一度も復習しないで眠ると75%以上忘れます。


l  書き込み無し用を使う ― マーカーで印を付けた個所を順にチェックする。

l  書き込み用やプリント・辞書をすぐに見ない ― 単語・文の意味が思い出せない場合、前後の単語や文を見て思い出すようにする。(英語で考え・覚えるのが狙い)

l  どうしても思い出せない場合に書き込み用やプリント・辞書を見る。

2.        間違えた問題もやり直す。間違えた理由を考え、自分の欠点を見つける。

3.        2回目 ― 翌日、再度復習 ― その後も完全に記憶が定着するまで繰り返し復習する。

4.        単語帳を使って、前に覚えた単語と一緒に復習する。




TOEFL iBT Independent Writing  Scandals are useful in calling our attention to important problems. - revised -

Writing Topic

Consider the following statement. Scandals are useful in calling our attention to important problems. Do you agree or disagree with this idea? Support your response by including specific reasons and examples.



Lets Think

1.       Choose one of the following scandals or a scandals you know, do some research on it, and share what are the important problems about it with your partner or group members.

-        Shinzo Abe’s and other LDP members’ connection to the Unification Church (Moonies)  

Problems: separation of religion from politics, election fraud

-        Tokyo Olympics bribery scandals

Problems: anti-trust, contract rigging, corruption

-        Takaichi vs. Konishi: “I’ll resign if the documents are not fabricated.” – Sanae Takaichi

Problems: suppression on freedom of speech, freedom of journalism, voter suppression

-        Mio Sugita’s “LGBT couples are not productive.

Problems: discrimination, eugenics, hate speech, failure of Abenomics (Neo-liberalism)

-        Prime Minister Kishida’s son’s shopping tour during his official visit to Europe

Problems: nepotism, second generation politicians, hereditary politicians

-        Scenes from “Barefoot Gen” and statements on nuclear testing at Bikini Atoll will be removed from textbooks for peace education in Hiroshima

Problems: militarization, cancellation of human rights, disarmament

-        Yusuke Narita’s proposal of collective suicide of elderlies as a solution to the problem of the aging society

Problems: human rights, eugenics, aging society, failure of Abenomics (Neo-liberalism), elitism

-        PASCO’s announcement that it is going to sell cricket bread

Problems: government subsidies used based on cronyism, food loss


Hints for Points


l  Scandals of public figures attract attention to important issues.

When those in power or those who are close to power are involved in a scandal, people will notice their problems.


l  Big scandals reflect the problems of the society, and their revelations will lead to soul-searching.

It is said that scandals related to former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe show his cronyism and crony capitalism, from aborted charge of the rapist of Shiori Ito to huge discount of the land sale to Moritomo Gakuen to corrupt public money flow to solar energy brokers like Lully Miura’s husband.



l  The media play down scandals of those related to the administration.

Misconducts of those in power are seldom taken up. Even when there is a scoop, it will be covered up. For example, when TV stations, including NHK, report scandals of the members of the ruling party, they do not mention which party the individual belongs to, and people will be kept ignorant of the corruption. In this way, people will never be educated about what is going on in their society, unless they consciously educate themselves.


l  People tend to forget about the issues once the media stop taking up a certain scandal.

Scandals of the Unification Church, such as spiritual sales and collective wedding, were well-known in the 1990’s, when the practices were reported on television and in magazines every week. However, over the past 20 years, the media did not take them up and people forgot them, while the victims kept suffering.


Sample Paragraph Development

Main IdeaThe media make society consume scandals as entertainment by scapegoating the powerless.

Supporting Detail (general)To sell their magazines or raise the view rates, the media play up minor mistakes of those who are not in power and make people focus on the shocking part of the scandal. This distracts the public from important problems like the fact that they are exploited by the vested interests.

Supporting Detail (specific)For example, the media wrongly sensationalized the false charge of a Democrat Ichiro Ozawa, then Chief Cabinet Secretary of the short-lived Democrat administration, in 2010 and ended his political life. Ozawa was a decent politician who was trying to allocate the public money to the people instead of the establishment, but the media-driven Ozawa-bashing killed his attempt, the first attempt to make a true democracy in the Japanese history. The public did not even notice that a window of opportunity to improve their lives was lost.

Follow-up50 years ago, political scandals would lead to resignation or arrest of those in power and corrupt, raising public awareness of important issues and strengthening democracy, but those days are gone.

ConclusionNow, following a scandal is no more than a hideous pastime that can distract attention to important problems.


TOEFL iBT Independent Writing  Scandals are useful in calling our attention to important problems.

Writing Topic

Consider the following statement. Scandals are useful in calling our attention to important problems. Do you agree or disagree with this idea? Support your response by including specific reasons and examples.




Lets Think

1.       Choose one or two of the following scandals or a scandal you know, do some research on them, and share what are the important issues about them with your partner or group members.

-        Shinzo Abe’s and other LDP members’ connection to the Unification Church (Moonies)  

-        Tokyo Olympics bribery scandals

-        Mio Sugita’s “LGBT couples are not productive.”

-        Prime Minister Kishida’s son’s shopping tour during his official visit to Europe

-        PASCO’s announcement that it is going to sell cricket bread

-        Scenes from “Barefoot Gen” and statements on nuclear testing at Bikini Atoll will be removed from textbooks for peace education in Hiroshima

-        Yusuke Narita’s comment that elderlies should commit collective suicide to solve the problem of aging society



Hints for Points


l  Scandals of public figures attract attention to important issues.

When those in power or those who are close to power are involved in a scandal, people will notice their problems.


l  Big scandals reflect the problems of the society, and their revelations will lead to soul-searching.

It is said that scandals related to former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe show his cronyism and crony capitalism, from aborted charge of the rapist of Shiori Ito to huge discount of the land sale to Moritomo Gakuen to corrupt public money flow to solar energy brokers like Lully Miura’s husband.



l  The media play down scandals of those related to the administration.

Misconducts of those in power are seldom taken up. Even when there is a scoop, it will be covered up. For example, when TV stations, including NHK, report scandals of the members of the ruling party, they do not mention which party the individual belongs to, and people will be kept ignorant of the corruption. In this way, people will never be educated about what is going on in their society, unless they consciously educate themselves.


l  People tend to forget about the issues once the media stop taking up a certain scandal.

Scandals of the Unification Church, such as spiritual sales and collective wedding, were well-known in the 1990’s, when the practices were reported on television and in magazines every week. However, over the past 20 years, the media did not take them up and people forgot them, while the victims kept suffering.



Sample Paragraph Development

Main IdeaThe media make society consume scandals as entertainment by scapegoating those who are powerless or dissidents.

Supporting Detail (general)The media play up their minor mistakes and focus on the shocking part of the scandal to sell their magazines or raise the view rates. This distracts people from important issues like the fact that they are exploited by the vested interests.

Supporting Detail (specific)For example, the media wrongly sensationalized the false charge of a Democrat Ichiro Ozawa in 2010 and ended his political life. Ozawa was a decent politician who was trying to allocate the public money to the people instead of the establishment, but the media-driven Ozawa-bashing killed his attempt, the first attempt to make a true democracy in the Japanese history, while people did not even realize that the window of opportunity to improve their lives had gone.

Follow-up50 years ago, political scandals would lead to resignation or arrest of those in power and corrupt, raising public awareness of important issues, but those days are gone.

ConclusionNow, following a scandal is no more than a hideous pastime.

Reading 30 Word List


1.      ferment                       発酵させる

2.      built-in                         内蔵の

3.      sonar                           ソナー(音波探知機)

4.      inebriated                      酔った

5.      blood-alcohol               血中アルコール

6.      co-author                     共著者

7.      ethanol                        エタノール

8.      intoxicating                 酔わせる

9.      agent                           媒体

10.   forest floor                   森の地面

11.   maneuver                    操る、巧みに操作する

12.   echolocation                反響定位

13.   slur                              ろれつが回らなくなる

14.   buzzed                         酔った

15.   with flying colors         大成功で


16.   spectrum of tolerance  許容範囲

17.   cork                             コルク栓

18.   impairment                 障害

19.   afford                          可能にする



20.   shift                             移動する

21.   geophysicist                 地球物理学者

22.   mass                            質量、かたまり

23.   seismologist                 地震学者

24.   subduction                   沈み込み

25.   plate                            (地殻変動の)プレート

26.   redistribute                 再分配する



27.   ingredient                    料理の具材

28.   ingenuity                     創意工夫の才

29.   alternative                   替わりの

30.   polyunsaturated oil      多価不飽和脂肪

31.   phase                           段階

32.   steep                           急激な

33.   erroneously                 誤って

34.   tout                             称賛する

35.   ensue                          後に続く

36.   adding insult to injury 更に悪いことには

37.   conglomerate               複合企業

38.   take a back seat to       ~に主導権を取られる

39.   dietary staple              規定食

40.   atoll                             環状サンゴ礁

41.   vascular                       循環器の

42.   informed person          教養のある人

43.   hydrogenate                水素化する


44.   fatty acid                     脂肪酸

45.   breast milk                  母乳

46.   unprocessed                加工されていない

47.   double bond                 二重結合

48.   peroxidize                    過酸化物にする

49.   rancid                          悪意のある

50.   cross-link                     交差結合する












amounts proposal to the bats’ body weights  コウモリの体重比での適正接種量

BAC Blood Alcohol Concentration

closed obstacle course  (実験用の)他の出口がない障害物のあるコース

“It’s like walking a straight line,” 「(飲酒運転チェックテストで)直線の上を歩かされるようなものです。」

Old World ヨーロッパ


milliarcsecond  ミリ秒角    microseconds  100万分の1秒



take a little trip back in time  少し時代を前にさかのぼる

multiple sclerosis  多発性硬化症  lauric acid  ラウリン酸   

cross-link   (高分子化学)ポリマー(ポリエチレンやポリプロピレンのような重合体=結合して鎖状や網状になった物質)同志を連結し、物理的・化学的性質を変化させる反応のこと