
早稲田国際教養学部AO入試練習問題 採点基準 - rewrite -


早稲田国際教養学部AO入試critical writingの採点基準は公表されていません。一般に模擬テストは7割が合格ラインと言われているので当講座の論述問題の評価も7/10を及第点に設定しています。

当学部の論述問題は大きく分けて要約問題と意見を述べる問題に分かれます。当講座では要約問題はGrammar, Vocabulary, Question-relevancy, Structureの4項目、自分の意見を述べる問題はこの4項目にOriginalityを加えた5項目で評価しています。(二つが統合された問題の場合は両方の評価基準を合わせて5項目で評価します)



Grammar (文法・表現力)

7-10 文法はノーミス(ネイティブスピーカーにもあるミスは許容)、 表現力により加点

6 冠詞、3単元のs、複数のs、句読点の付け忘れ等残念なミスがある

5 態、品詞、並列、数の一致、動詞と目的語の組み合わせ、関係詞等文法問題で出題される種類のミスがある

3-4 構文ミス がある

0-2 判読不能な文がある



8-10 文語・長めの単語の使用(使用頻度により加点)

7 平易な英語でノーミス

6 残念なスペルミス1~2個

5 以下スペルミスの数により減点


Question-relevancy 問いに対して適切な回答になっているかどうか)


8-10 要点を押さえており、簡潔な表現に言い換えてあり、まとめ方が秀逸

7 要点を全て押さえており、簡潔な表現に言い換えてある


1 該当箇所を間違えているか該当箇所の丸写しになっている

0 無回答



8-10 答えとして適切で、critical writingになっており、具体例が複数ある

7 答えとして適切で、critical writingになっており、具体例がひとつある

2-6 答えとして適切だが、以下のいずれかまたは複数の点で問題がある

critical writingになっていない







0 無回答


Structure (構成)





810 内容や例が本文に沿っておりかつ本文にないもので常識を踏まえたうえで感銘を与え、これまでの体験、情緒や教養が滲み出ている。具体例が多い。

7 幼稚ではない内容で、本文の主題と問に沿っていて本文にない例がひとつ挙げられている

2-6 以下のいずれかまたは複数の点で問題がある







1 判読不能  0 無回答

TOEFL iBT Independent Writing 1) What country would you most wish to visit for two weeks? 2) What aspect of your hometown would you like to change, and in what way? - revised -

Writing Topic A 

Suppose you had a chance to take a two-week trip to a foreign country. What country would you most wish to visit? Discuss your choice using specific details and reasons.



Lets think

1.      Name possible foreign destinations for a one-year stay, a two-week trip, and a two-day trip.

One-year stay:

Two-day trip:


2.      Name countries you could visit for a two-week trip and the purposes.


- English study: America, England, Canada, Australia, etc. 

- food: Italy, Spain, China, etc. 

- ancient history: Egypt, China, India, etc. 

- animals: Australia, Brazil, Kenya, etc. 

- familiarity: home stay, study abroad, lived there with your family for a few years


3.      Research the history and the culture of the country you would like to visit and report the result to your group members. Tell them what you would like to do there.

1. About the country that you would like to visit





2. They reason of your visit and what you want to do there.







Hints for Points

1.       I would like to visit one of English-speaking countries for English study. 

2.       South Africa or other emerging economies would be nice to visit so that I can see vigorous societies.

3.       I wish to go to a country that is not so popular as a tourist destination because it is exciting to see a country that I do not know well and whose official language I do not know at all. Therefore, I would choose North Macedonia.

4.       I like ancient history. Therefore, I would definitely visit either Egypt, China, Iraq (Mesopotamia), or Iran (Persia) if there is not a travel ban.

5.       I am interested in biology, so either the Galpagos Islands or a country in the Sub-Saharan Africa would be my choice.

6.       I would like to do some volunteering in countries like Afghanistan, Syria, Somalia or Yemen, where people are starving to death due to war and disasters.



Sample Essay                                                                                                          

A two-week trip in a foreign country is too short to master something like the language or a culture, but long enough for many visits to places and interactions with the people. If I had two weeks to visit a foreign country, I would go to Indonesia because I would like to use the Indonesian language I have learned and visit two places of my interest.

  I have studied Indonesian for two years, and now I can have a basic conversation in it. However, I have not used the language outside my class. There are few Indonesians in my country. Thus, I would like to go to Indonesia to have conversation with Indonesians other than my Indonesian teacher. I have also noticed that people do not speak exactly in the same way as teachers do. They speak colloquial Indonesian, and most people have accents. I would like to be exposed to them by spending some time in Indonesia.

  Indonesia is an attractive country with many magnificent structures and diverse living traditional cultures. Above all, I am interested in Borobudur and Balinese dance. Although Indonesia is famous as the biggest Islamic country, it has been influenced by many other religions. Borobudur is the largest Buddhist temple in the world with some mysteries in its history. Balinese dance is related to Hindi religion. Although tourism has modernized it, it is still a part of daily life of the people in Bali. I would like to see both of them with my own eyes.

  As Japanese, I would not be a totally happy tourist in this country because Japan occupied Indonesia in the past. There are still some old people who speak our language and sing our songs. I cannot imagine how they feel about us, and I do not know how I should behave when I meet such people. However, this issue may make the visit all the more meaningful if I communicate with the local people carefully and sincerely.

  I would like to deepen my understanding of the language and the culture of Indonesia. Two weeks is not long enough to master the language and see all the cultures, but I think I can get the feel of them from the stay.



Sample Essay Structure

Sample A


Other Good Places for a Two-Week Trip

Reason for Choice 1

Reason for Choice 2

Conclusion = Wrap-up

Sample B


Point 1

Point 2

Negative Point and Why It Does Not Matter



Your Sample Essay Structure







Speech Time

Give a one-minute speech on this topic.



Full Introduction Writing

A full introduction of an essay follows a form as follows.

Hook A sentence to attract the reader’s attention

Background The explanation of the hook

Thesis What you want to say in the essay

Reason(s) The outline of the Reasons of the thesis




Hook Two years have passed since I left the U.S. and I still miss the people there.

Background I did a one-year homestay and had a very good time there.

Thesis Thus, I would like to stay in the U.S. for two weeks.

Reason(s)I would see my host family and friends there, and would like to do the sights with them.


Hook For many, the word “Down Under” has a negative connotation, but to me it sounds great.

Background I have heard a lot of good things about Australia from my mother who has been there.

Thesis If I had a chance to take a two-week trip to a foreign country, I would like to go to Australia.

Reason(s) I would like to see the unique wildlife, interact with the people, and learn about its history.


HookAlthough I am Japanese, my hometown is Jakarta, Indonesia.

Background I spent my childhood in this city near the equator.

Thesis I would like to visit the town I lived in there.

Reason(s)This is because I feel I miss something and I think I remember it if I visit the house I lived in and talk to the people there.


HookMost people in Japan are not interested in countries that are located on the other side of the globe, but I am not one of them.

BackgroundI have been to South American countries such as Mexico, Peru, and Ecuador.

Thesis Next, I would like to go see Brazil if I had a two-week vacation.

Reason(s)I would like to see the country for the language, the culture, and the Amazon Rainforest.


Hook& Background & ThesisThere are many attractive countries in Europe such as France,

Italy, Spain, Germany, and England, but I would like to go to Ireland if I had a chance to take a

two-week trip to a foreign country.

Reason(s)The reason is that I love the people and the society of the country.


Your Sample Full Introduction










Comments or Suggestion from your partner or group members




Writing Topic B

Suppose that you had the power to change one thing about your hometown. What aspect of your hometown would you like to change, and in what way? Support your ideas with specific details and reasons.


Let’s Think

1.       What does the following proverb mean? Do you feel the same way? “Every bird thinks its own nest charming.”


2.       Hints: Here are some hints to think of what to change about your hometown.

1)     Suppose you were an outsider. What part of your town is embarrassing?

2)     Remember other towns and cities you know and compare them with yours. Is your hometown as beautiful as they are, as convenient as they are, or as exciting as they are?

3)     Think of your ideal town and find what your hometown lacks to be it.


3.       Here are some things that can be the hint for the change you could write about:

1) facilities: hospital, community center, library, swimming pool, streetlights, day-care center

2) system: events, neighborhood watch group, disaster planning, scholarship, tuition-free college

3)environment: green, pollution, littering, relationships, manners


4.       Now make a presentation of your idea about what to change about your town to your partner or group members. Ask each other questions or make suggestions about the presentation.

Use the following procedure if you like.

1.     Problem or the present situation: What is wrong or what is going on?

e. g. Senior citizens do not have places to get together. Some of them gather at local coffee shops but it is rather expensive to do it every day 



2.     Goal: How would you change it?

e. g. I would make all coffee shops in town free to the elderly and also have them have nurses and counselors on call. The expenses would be subsidized by the municipal office.



3.     Expected Benefits: How will it benefit my hometown?

e. g. All seniors in town will have chances to enjoy themselves, their safety and health can be monitored easily, and the fact that my town has places for the elderly is something to be proud of in itself.






Sample Essay Structure 

IntroductionI would like to make my town more appealing to the young by making streets more attractive.

Point 1Making the streets cleaner would make my town more likable.

Point 2I would also like new bulletin boards to be installed in some corners for information exchange.

Follow-upAppearance is not everything, but the first impression counts and streets are the face of the town. Also, this idea is more feasible in terms of cost than other ideas like adding facilities.

Conclusion I would like to make the streets of my hometown more beautiful and exciting. 


Sample Paragraph Development of Point 1 in Sample Essay Structure 

Main IdeaMaking the streets cleaner would make my town more likable.

Supporting Detail (general)Young people, especially young women, are sensitive to unclean environment.

Supporting Detail (specific)However, there are some filthy backstreets that few people walk into even during the day in my town. These back alleys are filled with cigarette butts and plastic bags.

Follow-upRegulations might not be necessary. Posters with humor would do. Also, it is reported that a miniature shrine gate placed in the site stops littering. My town should try the idea.

Wrap-upAs the saying goes, cleanliness is next to godliness, and many young people will visit my town if the streets do not look like hell.


Your Sample Paragraph Development

Main Idea

Supporting Detail (general)


Supporting Detail (specific)







Note: To increase the volume of your essay, find the shortest paragraph and

1) Develop the main idea well: If a paragraph has only one or two sentences, you have not developed it well enough. Make sure that each paragraph has its main idea, supporting details (examples), additional supporting details like counter-argument treatment if necessary, and the conclusion of the paragraph.

2) Develop each sentence well: A statement can have an exception or need a condition or concession. Look for a sentence that you can add a reason, condition, concession, or any other additional information, and add “except…”. “as long as…”. “although…”, etc.

3) Describe words well: Which of the following sentences gives a clear picture of someone’s pet? A) I have a pet.   B) I have a cute cat.   C) I have a little fluffy kitten. With two adjectives and a specific noun, Sentence C) depicts an adorable pet well and it happens to be the longest of the three. Also, use transitions such as First, Also, Moreover, Finally, or Therefore, when necessary.

4) Discuss other choice(s): Even if the Writing Topic does not say, “Discuss the two views” or “Compare and contrast the choices,” you can write about other choices. Doing so will make your essay more convincing and longer. Be careful not to digress.

5) Take up counterarguments: While you are writing, sometimes a counterargument, “Well, but what about this case?” comes up to your mind. Then it is better not to ignore it but take it up and give a counter-counterargument. It will make your essay more convincing. 

- The key to remember is to try to put what you want to say into words as accurately as you can. Then you cannot help adding some more words and sentences, and some more... In the end, your essay will have many words.