
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(1)

194. 2011/01/05 Now I am in my new apartment. Things have not changed much. I still feel what I call supersonic/electric shocks.
At first, I thought and tried to think that I have those feelings because my brain has been set to feel that way after having been abused for years even though there is nothing here in this new place. But as days go by, I have become more confident that the same thing has been going on, mainly because the shocks of each night are too individual to be some kind of symptom of a particular disorder. Each night the shocks have different characteristics in terms of kinds, frequency, strength, hours they happen, and combination of these factors.
One thing that is clear is that I have got an electronic-attack-free wall. My new place, Room 201, is the room at the end facing the street on the second story of a two-storied apartment building. The room below is vacant and the next room (Room 202) does not seem vacant but the door post is closed and fliers are sticking out of its mail box.
“Vacant rooms” were the start of this electronic assault, as I have written before, about three years ago, when people who had been harassing me by making all kinds of noises at night moved out. And on the first night of this new place I felt the shocks coming from below. Since I shifted my beddings, assaults seemed to start to come mainly from Room 202. Unlike my last place, which was on a wood framework, this new place is on a light steel framework, and so I started sleeping on the place which is above the steel. By stomping the floor I could tell where.
There are two main changes. One is that I hear fewer noises that used to accompany the shocks, those I depict shoooooo or zoooon sounds. The other is that shocks come more often when I am still conscious, while before they used to come either when I was falling asleep or when I was sleeping, although starting a few weeks before my moving house there already existed the tendency for the assaults/shocks to come earlier (while I was still awake).
Here are notes I have taken since my last record on December 27, 2010:

2010/12/27-28 I had no sleep partly because I had to pack up, since I had gotten last-minute jobs till the 27th and my packing had been delayed and partly because I was reluctant to sleep on the last day (?) of the two and a half years of violent, sadistic, and merciless attacks, fearing the worst: the assaulters, knowing that the opportunity of abuse will end, might try some lethal attacks.
2010/12/28-29 I put my beddings right next to the wall facing the street. When I went to bed with the light on and waited for a while. Seeing nothing happening, I turned off the light and shocks and fits came into the shoulder from below the floor. I turned on the light. After a while, a few times, the sensation similar to those I used to have in my old apartment came. I slept curled up with my whole body except for my head covered with my bedding because it was very cold. I remember I kept having fits that shock my whole body all night.
2010/12/29-30 Several weak shocks that I cannot tell if they were from my body or outside of my body.
2010/12/30-31 Woken up by my friend crow at 4:00 a.m. Several middle aged men’s nasty laughter a few meters away from my apartment building around 4:30 a.m., lasting for a few minutes when I put of earmuffs. An electric shock hit my head and shoulder when I was resting form reading with my face down.
2010/12/31-1011/12/01 It being cold, I curled up by the window. Electric shocks and fits came many times in the morning. Woke/woken up at 3:00 a.m. Since then till 10:00 a.m., I was incessantly attacked on the shoulder, which gave me fits. I tried laying top-down. No assaults for a while but several minutes later, the same ones came. They came when I was still conscious and trying to sleep, not when I was falling asleep. My right hand fingers, placed on the small heater which was on placed on my belly, made a small movement as if playing piano. I tried sleeping in the middle of the room where the steel framework seems to be. I do not remember any attacks when I was falling asleep but I was woken up by a big blazing electric shock on my whole back. The same kind of big blasts came from below from the direction of my foot, the side there is a lot of space, space, say, for someone standing in Room 101 to shoot me diagonally up.
2011/01/01-02 I remember being hit by shocks a few times, one of which gave me a rather big fit, when I fell asleep on the afternoon of 12/01
2011/01/02-03 Right after I went into my bedding, the thumb of my right hand placed on my belly stack up once. Nothing else happened as far as I remember.
2011/01/03-04 Right after I went into my bedding, shocks came several times and I huffed each time. I felt shocks mainly in my head. I had a rather big fit on the left shoulder, and huffs accompanied. I sled downward. I still felt shocks and had huffs. In time, I fell asleep or fainted. Woken up by several fits around 3:00 a.m. Dull needle-like feeling in my legs. Low-frequency sound like that sounds like that of video games or car engine blast, which goes zoooooooo, zh!..zh!..zooooooh..ZH! . The zh! parts are rather startling, which feels like being hit in the head.
At 3:45 I went to the bathroom and gargled and washed my face, and I noticed that by then I had had strong pressure on my head and constant, very low-frequency sound had existed since I was woken up around 3:00 a.m.
When I was back to my bedroom and I was taking this note, a rather loud motorbike sound came close, stopped under my window, a male made a strange cough like clearing his throat mixed with a high voice, turned around, and left. I noticed that the video-game-like sound was gone. I went into my bedding and the same noise started again. I put on earmuffs to see if I would get the shooo sound and a beam-like electric shock between my ears as I would often when I was wearing earmuffs or earplugs. Both the shoooo sound and the beam-like electric shock between my ears came, and I took off earmuffs.
I woke up at 8:30 a.m. and left home at10:00 a.m. for my first work of this year.
2011/01/04-05 A big fit of my whole body was caused by an attack right after I slipped into my bed. Many attacks of the same type followed until I fell asleep. I woke/woken up at around 6:00 a.m. and fell asleep soon, and then slept till 10:00 a.m. Several attacks came when I was getting up.

Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)

208. 2011/03/01 A strong shock like a fist blow on the head and several incessant attacks that were weaker but strong enough to disturb falling asleep and some of which caused fits. Slept 6.5 hours.

2011/03/02 Felt through the loft floor that someone stand up from the same loft behind the loft wall when I went to bed in the loft last night around 11:30 p.m.. Judging from the weight and movement of the floor wood, I think the person is, if an Asian, a middle height, middle or a little over weight male.

Rather strong and sharp electric shocks prevented me from falling asleep for a while. Once, my jaw shut to make a noise of teeth clashing when a strong shock came between my ears, which left like being shot through between ear to ear. I had been wearing ear plugs and so I took them off. Right after that, a shock came with the same strength on the head but did not cause the same shock between ears.

Woke/woken up around 3:30 or 4:00 a.m.. Worked for an hour or so and fell asleep, attacked by several shocks, many of which caused fits of hand, leg, and the whole body.

Woken up by a shock and fit of my hand, which seemed to have been going on while I was between sleep and consciousness, around 8:30 a.m.

Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)

200. 2011/01/24 Only one weak electric sensation in my head which I would not differentiate from what my brain had itself.
2011/01/25 Woken up by a sensation that something exploded under my head around 4:30 a.m. and 8:00 a.m.. I had a feeling several people were in the next room (Room 202). I feel funny in the back of my head and have a slight difficulty in swallowing saliva.
2011/01/26 Went to bed past 1:00 a.m., experiencing a few electric shocks and woken up by a loud video game noise around 5:00 a.m. Wore earmuffs but woken up again by the same noise which became suddenly louder just when I was falling asleep. Got up to see which room the noise was coming from, then the noise stopped. I put my ear to the floor and the wall but heard nothing. When I got into my bed, the noise started again. It seemed that the noise came from under my floor, Room 101, whose post slit and post box are sealed but whose electric meter seems to be read-I saw the other day a lady reading it right after I myself took a look at it wondering if such a device as supersonic/electric weapon was used in there, the meter must be moving. I tried to sleep again but kept being woken up repeatedly by the noise, a high loud unnatural male cough in the street in front of my window, and finally by a strong electric shock accompanied by Goooon noise, which caused a big jolt of my whole body at around 9:00. I have a class today. I feel like my head had a hiccup and have difficulty swallowing saliva. I have a private class to teach in the Shibuya branch of the school I work for today.


TOEFL iBT, Independent Writing, a university coming to your town -partly rewritten-

Writing Topic

The government of your area has announced plans to build a large, new university. Some people think that your community would be a favorable location for the university; others disagree. Compare and discuss the good and bad consequences that might result from building a new university in your community. Use specific reasons and details to support your essay.


Lets think

This question is made up of two parts: the premise and a direction. The first two sentences provide the premise of this topic, that is, a hypothetical plan to build a large, new university and the situation in which people separate on whether to support the plan. Therefore, your area is supposed to be both favorable and unfavorable for the university depending on the points of view. The third sentence is the direction. Since it says “compare and discuss the good and bad consequences, “ an essay referring to only good or bad points would not get a high score.


Hints for points

Good Consequences:

1. better access to information (library, audit program, extension school)

2. stimulation to the local economy (shops, apartments, construction of new facilities)

3. influx of young power (events, volunteering, campaigns, interaction with the local people)


Bad Consequences:

1. loss of a large area of nature

2. heavier traffic

3. binge drinking



Essay Structure

Sample Essay Structure in the case that you have two or three reasons to support your argument

Introduction = Outline】 主張と理由の概要

Point 1】理由1の詳細

Point 2】理由2の詳細

Point 3 / Counterargument-treatment】理由3の詳細または反論の処理

Conclusion = Wrap-up】結論


Your Sample Essay Structure

Introduction = Outline


Point 1


Point 2


Point 3 / Counterargument-treatment



Conclusion = Wrap-up




Paragraph development

A paragraph of the body of an essay often develops its main idea as follows:

Main Idea (主張)

Explanation (主張の説明)

Detail / Example in general (一般的な例)

More Specific Detail / Example (より具体的な例)

Follow-up / Counterargument-treatment (補足または反論の処理)

Conclusion (結論)


Your Sample Paragraph Development

Choose one of the points of your essay structure, and develop it. You can either use or not use the form below.


Main Idea






 Detail / Example in general




More Specific Detail / Example





Follow-up / Counterargument-treatment




