
早稲田国際教養学部AO入試 Fordlandia




主題 フォードはフォードランディアという理想の工業都市をブラジルに作ろうとして失敗した。これに関する本『フォードランディア』は非常によく書けているが、フォードランディアの失敗とフォードの資本主義社会に対する理想の敗北を重ね合わせた著者の同情的解釈とフォード自身はそれほどフォードランディアに真剣に取り組んでいなかったという事実がつながっていないのが欠点である。


本文該当箇所  5段落 Grandin thus argues that Ford saw the Brazilian interior less as a business opportunity than as a means of starting afreshan unspoiled setting like the Garden of Eden in which rational industrialization could be imposed.  従ってグランディンはフォードがブラジルの内陸を事業の機会としてというよりむしろ新規一転の手段-合理的産業化を課することが可能なエデンの園のような無垢の設定と見なしていたと主張している。  最終段落 Grandin sees in the collapse of the Amazonian project a reflection of the demise of Ford’s particular American Dream. グランディンはこのアマゾンのプロジェクトをフォードの特別なアメリカン・ドリームの終焉の反映と見なしている。 But Ford himself never visited Fordlandia, which suggests it was always more of a distracting hobby than a serious personal commitment. しかしフォード自身は一度もフォードランディアに行かなかった。このことはフォードランディアが常に真剣な個人的専心というより気晴らしの趣味だったことを示している。  In this disconnection lies the weakness of this book. この分離にこの本の弱点がある。The problem is that, for all his flaws, Ford was an industrial genius, while his namesake town was nothing more than a rich man’s folly. 問題は、欠点にもかかわらずフォードは産業界の天才であり、一方彼の名前を冠した街は金持ちの愚行以上の何物でもなかったという点だ。



第1段落 内因論のポール・ローマーは先進国が管理する憲章都市設立を提案している。

2段落 ポール・ローマーの憲章都市案に対する失敗例としてフォードランディアがある。この町に関する本としてはグレッグ・グランディンの『フォードランディア』がよく書けているのでお勧めだ。

3段落 フォードランディアはブラジルのゴム大農園の中に作られたフォード車部品供給用の町で、アメリカ中西部の町を模したものだった。

4段落 当時フォードは権力の頂点にあったが経済の行き詰まりと権力基盤の弱体化を予感し、資本主義の理想郷創造を南米で試みた。フォードは生産方法の変革により労働者の価値を下げ都市の様相を変えたが、グランディンによれば労働者自体の変革まで目指し企業による公共サービスを夢想し始めた。

5段落 実際には全体主義的支配の温情的形態だった。フォードの独裁主義には選択と消費主義への深い疑念があったが、フォードが先駆けて普及させた生産方式は巨大な消費市場と革新・新奇への欲望をもたらし、功利主義の彼には腐敗と映った。フォードが嫌ったものは現在グローバル化反対運動家が嫌うものと共通点が多い。グランディンによればフォードにとってフォードランディアは事業の機会というよりむしろ心機一転の手段すなわち合理的産業化を押し付けることが可能な無垢の土地だった。

6段落 フォードランディアは大失敗に終わり、跡地は二束三文でブラジル政府に買い戻された。

7段落 フォードランディアの実験は商業的・概念的両面で失敗だった。ゴムの木は病気になり、過酷な環境と労働者の反発に苦労する現地駐在員をフォードは冷遇し、現地の人々を土地から追い出し労働者をだまして過酷な環境で搾取した。飲酒禁止は裏目に出てフォードランディアは無法地帯と化した。

8段落 グランディンはフォードランディアをフォードのアメリカン・ドリームの終焉の反映と見なしているが、フォード自身は一度もフォードランディアに行ったことがないので真剣に取り組んでいたとは言えず、気晴らし、金持ちの愚行に過ぎなかった。この事実とフォードランディアをフォードの個人的専心の対象とするグランディンの解釈との分離がこの本の弱点である。


問1 この書評の各段落に最もふさわしい要約を下のAKから選んで下さい。

考え方 上記『各段落の要旨』及び別紙参照 

問2 下のAJからこの書評に書かれていたことと一致する意見4つを選んで下さい。

考え方 上記『各段落の要旨』及び別紙参照 

問3 グランディンの本の長所と短所に関する評価の要約を日本語で解答用紙の回答欄に書いて下さい。

考え方 本文を読みながら関係個所にアンダーラインを引いておき、後でまとめる。単なる和訳のつなぎ合わせではなく、一番重要な箇所を把握してその点を中心にまとめる。

長所: 2段落最後の文  短所: 最終段落(上記『主題』参照)


早稲田国際教養学部AO入試 Language of Africa - revised -

Day One   Languages in Africa
多言語・多文化社会をかかえるアフリカの国々言語事情を扱った文章です。参考にTrevor Noah Born a Crime(今回のhomeworkで使用)をお勧めします。状況が実感できます。

主題 アフリカ民族主義の父とされるAlexander Crummellは英語をアフリカの言語より優れていると考えアフリカ人が英語を話すことを恩恵だと考えていたが現在アフリカの国々はほとんどがヨーロッパ言語(特に英語)を公用語とするにもかかわらず国民の大多数は公用語があまり使えず母語は国内に多数ある現地語である。エリート層は旧宗主国の言語(ヨーロッパ言語)を敬愛し現代アフリカ文学をヨーロッパ言語で書いている。現地語の作品が国中で認知を得るためには公用語への翻訳が必要になる。

本文該当箇所  1段落Crummell, who is widely regarded as one of the fathers of African nationalism. had not the slightest doubt that English was a language superior to the “various tongues and dialects” of the indigenous African population:  Crummellはアフリカ民族主義の父の一人と広くみなされているが英語が現地のアフリカ人の「様々な言語や方言」よりも優る言語だと言う事にわずかの疑いも持っていなかった。 Now, over a century later, more than half of the population of black Africa lives in counties where English is an official language, and the same providence has decreed that almost all the rest of Africa should be governed in French or Arabic or Portuguese. 現在、一世紀以上たって、サハラ砂漠以南のアフリカの人口の半分以上が英語が公用語の国に住み、同じ神の摂理(《注》第3文の「神の摂理」のこと)により残りのアフリカのほぼ全てがフランス語かアラビア語かポルトガル語で統治されている。   2段落For―with few exceptions outside the Arabic-speaking counties of North Africa―the language of government is the first language of a very few and is securely possessed by only a small proportion of the population; in most of the English-speaking states even the educated elites learn at t least one of the hundreds of indigenous languages as well as―and almost always before―English. というのは(北アフリカのアラビア語圏外では例外なく)政府の言語が第一言語の人はほとんどおらず、国民のごく一部しかしっかり使えないからだ。英語を話す国々のほとんどではエリートでさえ英語同様に(そしてほとんど常に英語より先に)何百もある現地語の少なくともひとつを身に付ける。   4Yet despite these differences, both French-speaking and English-speaking elites not only use the colonial languages as the medium of government but know and often admire the literature of their ex-colonizers, and have chosen to make a modern African literature in European languages. しかしこれらの違いにも関わらずフランス語が公用語の国と英語が公用語の国両方のエリートたちは統治の媒体として植民地時代の言語を使うだけでなく旧宗主国の文学を知っており、しばしば敬愛している。そして現代アフリカ文学をヨーロッパ言語で書くことを選択してきているのだ。    最終段落 But to find their way out of their own community and acquire national, let alone international, recognition, most traditional languages have to be translated. しかし地域社会の外に出て(国際的にはもとより)国家的認知を獲得する方法を見つけるためには、伝統言語は翻訳されなくてはならないのだ。

第1段落 アフリカ民族主義の父とされるAlexander Crummellは英語をアフリカの言語より優れていると考え、アフリカ人が英語を話すことを良いことだと考えていたが、現在、アフリカの国々はほとんどがヨーロッパ言語(特に英語)を公用語とする
2段落 にもかかわらず、国民の大多数は公用語がほとんど使えず、母語は国内に多数ある現地語である。フランス語を公用語とする国では発音以外はネイティブ並みのフランス語を話すエリートがいるが大衆はあまり話せない。
3段落 フランス語の国と英語の国で公用語を話せる人の割合が若干異なる理由は植民地時代の統治政策の違いで、フランスは同化政策を行ったがイギリスは行わなかった(分離政策)。
4段落 エリート層は旧宗主国の言語(ヨーロッパ言語)を敬愛し法律・文学にこれらを使用する。
5段落 口頭伝承による豊かな伝統文化は今も生きており伝統言語による文語もわずかに存在するが、国家レベルの認知を得るためには伝統言語で書かれた作品は公用語への翻訳を余儀なくされる。

問1 Crummelがアフリカの現在の言語状況に満足するかしないかその理由を述べてください。
考え方 Crummelの英語に対する考え方及びアフリカに対して抱いていた理想とアフリカの現状を照らし合わせて解答する。
Ideas and Expressions 
Crummell would not be satisfied with the present language situation in Africa because he thinks it is good for the black people to grow up using English as their mother tongue while this has not technically happened in Africa, where many indigenous languages are still alive and are learned as first languages before English or other European languages as the official languages.

問2 アフリカの英語を公用語とする国で生活することについてどんな利点・欠点があると思いますか。
考え方 「生活」とあるので日常の様々な場面を想像してみる。利点は英語圏との距離感が比較的少なく、外国人との交流や外資系企業への就職のチャンスが多いことが考えられる。 欠点は母語による教育の困難。また、他地域出身者との意思疎通の難しさのため生活の様々な点で支障があるだろう。例えばトレバー・ノアの『生まれたことが犯罪?』では高校の休み時間に生徒が言葉の通じる出身地域ごとに分かれてしまい他地域出身の生徒たちとの交流がほとんどない状況が描かれている。テレビ番組はほとんどが公用語放送か吹き替えの海外の番組で面白くなさそうだ。国内旅行は海外旅行と同じくらい言葉に不自由し、地域間のコンセンサスが取りにくいため協力や社会改革は進まないだろう。
Ideas and Expressions 
Advantages: It would be easier to be internationally active in English-speaking African countries because there are few barriers against communication in English. Exposure to English through media, native English speakers, and foreign companies is large, so the chances to leave the country would be high.
Disadvantages: School children are taught in the official language, in other words, a foreign language as most of the people in English-speaking African countries have their own languages. This deters learning for the obvious reason. Also, deeper communication in various aspects of life could be halted because people cannot use their mother tongue in communicating with those from regions other than their own. For example, in “Born a Crime” by Trever Noah depicts a public high school whose students from various regions group themselves according to their mother tongues and seldom make friends with those from different regions. Most television programs would be boring because they are either in official language or imported programs dubbed in voices. Traveling might be as difficult as traveling abroad in terms of language. Cooperation and social reform would be hampered by lack of consensuses between communities because the country technically stays as a collection of many small nations.

問3 アフリカの国々の言語状況と日本の言語状況との違いは何でしょうか。
考え方 第4&5段落の主張(「部族を超えた国家的伝統創造」の為には外国語である共通語への翻訳が必要)に関する問題。翻訳では微妙なニュアンスが伝わりにくいのでアフリカでは共通語による高度な言語文化発達は困難だと考えられる。日本は「統治言語が単一の伝統言語社会と一致している」ので国全体での言語文化の共有・成熟が可能で洗練された文学が生まれやすいと考えられる。但し国際的な出版に関してはヨーロッパ言語への翻訳が不要なアフリカの作家の方が認知されやすいかもしれない。
Ideas and Expressions 
It must be difficult for peoples in Africa to create a national tradition, transcending the ethnic divisions of their country because most countries in Africa are multilingual societies and their common languages are foreign. Given that their common languages are not directly rooted in their cultures and merely play the role of a communication tool that barely helps convey common denominators of each concept, building a mature culture common to all ethnic groups in a county would be almost impossible, or at least take a long time. On the other hand, the language situation in Japan provides much more favorable environment for the development and sophistication of a language culture than those in Africa because the language of the government corresponds to a single traditional linguistic community. This provides matrix for mature language culture, in which sophisticated literary works can be produced. Be it as it may, when it comes to international publication, writers in Africa have an advantage. Japanese works have to be translated into major languages and the translations fail to convey the essence of the contents but African writers, as written in the passage, have chosen to write in European languages. Thus, their works may have more chances to be recognized by people from other counties.


国際教養学部AO入試 reference, police state, police brutality, mass incarceration, capitalism

Read the excerpt from Confessions of a Former Bastard Cop and answer the following question.


The writer suggests abolishing the current policing system in the US. Do you think the same idea can be applied to the Japanese police? Why/Why not?

Michigan Judge Says 15-Year-Old Who Was Jailed for Not Doing Homework Should Not Be Freed


Pre-TOEFL Writing Suppose you had a chance to take a two-week trip to a foreign country. What country would you most wish to visit? (for recorded class)

Writing Topic
Suppose you had a chance to take a two-week trip to a foreign country. What country would you most wish to visit? 外国に2週間の旅行をする機会があったとしてください。どの国を一番訪れたいですか?

Let’s think
Name countries you would like to visit according to your interests.
1) English study―America, England, Canada, Australia, etc. 
2) food―Italy, Spain, China, etc. 
3) ancient history―Egypt, China, India, etc. 
4) animals―Australia, Brazil, Kenya, etc. 
5) familiarityhome stay, study abroad, living as an expatriate family

1.    Narrow down choices based on realistic or personal reasons.
1) time constraint (two weeks)  2) cost 3) safety 

Sample Essay                                                                                                          
If I had two weeks to visit a foreign country, I would go to Indonesia because I want to improve my language skill and visit two places of my interest.

I would like to learn Indonesian used in daily life there. I have studied Indonesian for two years, and now I can have a basic conversation in it. However, I have noticed that people do not speak exactly in the same way as teachers do. They speak colloquial Indonesian and they have accents. I would like to be exposed to them by spending some time in Indonesia.

Indonesia is an attractive country with many magnificent structures and diverse living traditional cultures. Above all, I am interested in Borobudur and Balinese. Although Indonesia is famous as the biggest Islamic country, it has been influenced by many other religions. Borobudur is the largest Buddhist temple in the world with some mysteries in its history. Balinese dance is related to Hindi religion. Although tourism has modernized it, it is still a part of daily life in Bali. I would like to see both of them with my own eyes.

As Japanese, I would not be a totally happy tourist in this country because Japan occupied Indonesia in the past. There are still some old people who speak our language and sing our songs. I cannot imagine how they feel about us and I do not know how I should behave when I meet such people. However, this issue may make the visit all the more meaningful if I communicate with the local people carefully and sincerely.

I would like to deepen my understanding of the language and the culture of Indonesia. Two weeks is not long enough to master the language and see all the cultures, but I think I can get the feel of them.


Pre-TOEFL Writing Do you agree or disagree that it would be a good and useful thing for many foreigners to study the language of your country? (for recorded class)

Writing Topic
Do you agree or disagree that it would be a good and useful thing for many foreigners to study the language of your country? Explain your opinion on this question by offering specific reasons and examples.

Let’s think.
If you were a foreigner, would you choose to study your language? Why do people learn foreign languages?

Hints for Points
1.    There are many Japanese companies that employ foreigners.
2.    Japan has cultures that many foreigners find interesting or attractive.

1.    The Japanese language is a minor language.
2.    You cannot directly study universal thoughts or famous classics through Japanese.

Sample Body Structure

A      Advantages working in Japan
Disadvantages working in other countries
My Opiniona second foreign language

B      Reason to disagree 1deeper understanding of the Japanese culture
Reason to disagree 2mutual understanding

Sample Essays
Sample A
In the past, my country Japan forced people in other Asian countries we invaded to learn our language, believing our culture was superior to theirs. It is a shameful past act of ours. We Japanese should remember this when we recommend our language as a subject. With this in mind, I agree with the statement that it would be a good and useful thing for many foreigners to study the language of my country.

If the person is to work in Japan, the ability to speak Japanese is a must. Many Japanese companies are in short of workforce due to the shrinking population, but most Japanese speak only Japanese. Therefore, foreign nationals who speak Japanese can find a position in Japanese companies easily, although working conditions are not very good.

On the other hand, in the global job market, the Japanese language skill is not a big advantage compared to those of other major languages. Chinese , Spanish, and English are the most spoken languages. Thus, learning these languages, not Japanese, will help you find a job.

However, learning Japanese as a second foreign language might be a good idea. Japan is still a strong economy and there are many Japanese companies that have branches in other countries. Not only manufacturers but also retailers such as convenience stores and clothing shops from Japan exist in some countries. Thus, Japanese skill is helpful in working in these countries.

Recommendation must be made based on the needs of the person, and, if a foreign person is considering taking up a second foreign language, the person may as well study Japanese to make it one of his or her qualifications on your resumé.

Sample Essay B
I think that it would be a good and useful thing for many foreigners to study the language of Japan, where I live, for the following reasons.

The Japanese cultures such as Japanese food and pop culture are popular around the world, and learning the language will help the deeper understanding of them. For example, Japanese anime fans will enjoy watching anime shows more if they can understand what the characters are saying without having to read the translation.

Another good thing about learning Japanese is that they will be appreciated for making intercultural communication smooth. Unfortunately, not many Japanese speak foreign languages partly because they do not have opportunities to use it and partly because they are not interested in making friends with people from other countries. If more people from abroad visit Japan and talk to the people in Japanese, more Japanese will become open-minded to foreign people.

One of the drawbacks of learning Japanese is that its study involves few original texts of universal philosophical thoughts or world-class classics. English majors can have a special experience of reading Shakespeare in the original text. Japanese majors do not have such a counterpart. Although there are good Japanese writings, they are, even their names are, new to you. However, students of the Japanese language can acquire knowledge of a variety of cultures that are related to Japan because its culture has been influenced by many different cultures from other countries.

In conclusion, it would be a good idea for many people to study Japanese because they can learn the Japanese culture more deeply and contribute to mutual understanding between their countries and Japanese.