
English Reading, 中・高生向け補助教材,石油資源



Official TOEFL iBT Tests with Audio Vol. 1  published by ETS 

Test 1  Petroleum Resources

Paragraph 1, Questions 39 - 40



ここまでの話の流れ 石油は生物が地中に埋まり長い年月を経てできたものが集まった油田を掘削して取り出しそれを精製して使用する。新たな油田の発見が困難になるにつれて、より掘削が困難な場所での採掘が進んでいる。

該当箇所訳 更に、石油を地下や海底から取り出し消費者に届けることはその過程全てで環境問題を起こす可能性がある。石油を運ぶパイプラインは断層や地滑りにより破壊し深刻な石油流出を引き起こす可能性がある。衝突や座礁事故に合ったタンカーと呼ばれる巨大な石油輸送貨物船から流出すれば海面に油膜を作り得る。海上基地も石油を洩らして海岸に漂い浜を汚染し環境に害を与える油膜を作り出すかもしれない。時には石油が取り除かれるにつれて油田のある地盤が沈下するかもしれない。カリフォルニア州ロングビーチのウイルミントン油田は50年間で9メートル沈下し、海水がその地域に浸水するのを防ぐため防護壁を建設しなくてはならなかった。最後に、石油精製と石油・石油製品の燃焼により大気汚染が起こる可能性がある。しかし、技術の進歩と厳しい法律に助けられてこれらの環境への悪影響がいくらか管理されている。


TOEFL, iBT, Independent Writing, main reasons to go to college or university- rewrite -

Writing Topic

There are many different reasons to attend a college or university. What do you think are some of the main reasons so many people are interested in attending college or university? Include specific reasons and details in your response.

Let’s Think

The first sentence of the writing topic says that people go to college for “many different reasons.” It is probably true. Some might go to a higher school so that they can study the subject they are really interested in, while others might go to college just because they feel it is better for them to do so although they are not so sure why, and still others may intend to make friends with as many interesting people as possible during their college years.

The question requires you to name some of the MAIN reasons why people think of going to college. Minor reasons such as personal would be the least relevant to the topic.

Ideas and expressions


Taken from http://www.upforitclub.org.uk/whataboutuniversity/whatwherewhyhow/whygotouniversity/

1.    INDEPENDENCE: You could get the chance to live away from home during term time and won't have somebody telling you to tidy your room and do your homework. It's a great way of finding your feet before you move out completely.

2.    OPPORTUNITIES: You get to meet people from all over the world who are interested in the same subject as you. You can join clubs and societies for almost every interest you can think of.

3.    COURSES AND CHOICES: If you are thinking about university, then hopefully you have a course in mind that you may like to study. If you enjoy the subject and find it interesting, university allows you to explore and expand your knowledge for three years, normally with the use of fantastic facilities and experts in that subject who teach you.

4.    SOCIAL LIFE: You get to socialize and take advantage of some fantastic facilities right on your doorstep! Never again will entertainment be so cheap and you'll meet people who might possibly end up being your friends for life.

5.    JOBS: Graduates are much more likely to get a job, particularly at a 'professional' level and when they are working, graduates earn about a third more money than non-graduates. If you want to work in certain areas like medicine, teaching or law, you'll need a degree in the subject before you start.

Making the framework of your essay

Now let’s make the framework of your essay. You could use each sentence as the main idea (thesis sentence) of each paragraph of your full essay.

Sample Framework:

Introduction I think people think of going to college to become a better adult, for academic pursuit, and for their future careers.

Reason 1Spending another four years at school is attractive for many people who feel that they need some more years to be ready for adult life.

Reason 2 Pure interest in the subject may well be another reason.

Reason 3 People go to college to get a good job.

ConclusionMany people are interested in going to college because they want to become a well-rounded, intelligent person equipped with college diploma.

The framework of your essay:


Reason 1

Reason 2

Reason 3


Paragraph development

A paragraph of the body of an essay often develops its main idea as follows:

Main IdeaPeople go to college to get a good job.

ExplanationThey think having a college degree is an advantage when you look for a job.

Detail / Example Most high-paying, challenging jobs require at least a Bachelor’s degree.

More Specific Detail / ExampleIt is especially true when it comes to a regular job or a managerial job. Getting one without going to college is very difficult in today’s job market.

Counterargument & Counter-counterargumentIt is often said that interpersonal skills count more than academic background in employment, but the latter is easier to prove than the former because it takes a form of a document.

Conclusion It is natural to think that it is safe to get a college degree before starting work.

Let’s deal with counterarguments

A counterargument is a bonus-point icon in an essay writing game. If you venture to take it up and deal with it successfully, your essay will jump up to the upper level and you will be awarded with a good score. On the other hand, if you fail to be aware of an inevitable counterargument, your essay will become vulnerable to the attack on it. The raters of your essay may regard the neglected counterargument as a flaw in logic. Think of the debate for which you did not prepare carefully. As TOFFL essay writing is an English test, it is important to show that you can think and write objectively in English.


Your test paragraph development

Now let’s practice paragraph development. Choose one of the reasons you have put in the framework, make it the main idea in the form below, and develop it. As this is a tentative part of your real essay, use simple words and sentences and focus on the logic and ideas.

Main Idea


Detail / Example

More Specific Detail / Example

Counterargument & Counter-counterargument


TOEFL, iBT, Independent Writing, an advertisement you think either very good of very bad - rewrite -

Writing Topic

Advertising is a constant presence in our lives. Some advertisements are enjoyable and effective, but others are annoying. Choose an advertisement you think either very good or very bad, and explain why you either like or dislike this particular advertisement. Include specific details to explain your response.


Let’s think

To answer this question is rather easy. Everyone has an experience of being impressed or disgusted by an ad. The difficult part might be how you describe and explain. The reader might not know the ad you are writing about, so you have to describe it in detail. Also, you have to explain the reason why you think it is good/bad. Sense is personal, and it requires careful explanation, or you will fail to convey to the reader the excitement you got from the ad.


Ideas and Expressions

Choose one of the following ads you like/dislike, and explain why.

A.    Color-blind world


B.    Love your enemy


C.    Quit smoking!


D.   Disease prevention (hepatitis B)


E.    Donation

F.    Try it on!


G.   Got a car for Christmas


H.   Green tea and autumn tint

I.     Have some coffee

J.    Vegetarian restaurant

Essay for ideas and expressions

Walking down a street in downtown Tokyo the other day, I looked up, saw an advertisement, and was fascinated by its simple design. I thought it was very good because it was eye-catching, stimulating, and practical.


The advertisement that caught my eye was a bulletin board of the biggest size on top of a tall building in Shibuya, one of the biggest cities in Tokyo. It had nothing on it except for a small phone number in the center. Like a copy of The White Album of The Beatles placed on a blue table, it cut a huge white square out of the sky.


First, I thought that the bulletin board was empty and wondered why no one was interested in putting up an ad in such a crowded area. Next, I noticed the phone number, and then I realized that it was the number of the bulletin board company. It was the advertisement of the advertisement space. I smiled because it made my mind light as things with good ideas always do.


I thought this ad was very good because it attracts attention and makes you think. Among numerous ads in all colors and designs, which are abundant in this shopping and pop-culture center, a huge blank white square stands out by itself. The ad gives you joy of question-solving and, by doing so, it gives you a good impression about the advertiser. Also, you can call the company on the spot if you are interested.


If I were the advertiser, I would have been tempted to put the name of the company in large letters next to or above the phone number. However, this would be too ordinary for anyone to pay attention to. Actually, you won’t be bothered by the absence of the name. It is not the name but the number that you need first to use the service. You see the ad and you call, before trying to find out the company name. The witty design shows how good the company is.


Even if this design is actually often used when an advertising company advertises itself, there is no denying that it stimulates your mind when you see it for the first time. An advertisement which challenges conventional ideas and your intelligence always wins. I think this simplest ad is one.



Let’s prepare

Now let’s prepare for your essay by answering the following three questions:

Q. 1 Would you describe the advertisement you are going to write about?

Q. 2 How did you react to the advertisement when you first encountered it?

Q. 3 Why do you think the advertisement is very good/bad?



As this is just a sketch, make your responses as simple as possible.


Sample answers:

Q. 1 Would you describe the advertisement you are going to write about?

a huge bulletin board on top of a building in Shibuya, nothing except for a small phone number in the center


Q. 2 How did you react to the advertisement when you first encountered it?

Thought it was blank, and wondered why. Then noticed the number of the bulletin board company. I smiled.


Q.3 Why do you think the advertisement is very good/bad?

eye-catching, attracts attention, makes you think, joy of question-solving, good impression about the advertiser



Your answers:

Q. 1 Would you describe the advertisement you are going to write about?





Q. 2 How did you react to the advertisement when you first encountered it?





Q.3 Why do you think the advertisement is very good/bad?






English Reading, 中・高生向け補助教材、カンブリア紀の大爆発



Official TOEFL iBT Tests with Audio Vol. 1  published by ETS 

Test 2  The Cambrian Explosion

Paragraph 1, Questions 29 - 32




該当箇所訳 地学の時間的尺度は重要な地学的・生物学的事象によって印される。これらの事象は約46億年前の地球の始まりや約35億年前の生命の始まり、約15億年前の真核生物(真核細胞を持つ生物)の始まり、約6億年前の動物の始まりなどである。この最後の事象はカンブリア紀の始まりを印している。動物は地球の歴史の比較的最近(地球の歴史の最後のたった10%以内)になって生まれた。地学的には短い1億年間で現在の動物の全てが(現在絶滅している他の動物と共に)進化した。動物たちのこの急速な誕生と多様化はしばしば「カンブリア紀の大爆発」と言われる。

English Reading, 中・高生向け補助教材、11世紀ヨーロッパにおける南北の違い


Official TOEFL iBT Tests with Audio Vol. 1  published by ETS 
Test 4  Europe in the Twelfth Century
Paragraph 1, Questions 16 – 17


該当箇所訳 11世紀ヨーロッパは社会・技術・経済面において非常で大きな変化を経験した。しかしこれにより生じたのは一つの新しいヨーロッパではなく、二つの新しいヨーロッパだった。北部は厳しい階級社会として発展し、土地を所有・管理している程度あるいは土地で労働している程度によって地位が決まるか少なくとも示された。一方で、地中海沿岸の南ヨーロッパは、より流動的で、従ってより混沌とした世界を発展させ、産業・商業が支配的で、社会生活で果たす役割を反映する結果として社会的地位は生じた。言い換えれば、個人のアイデンティティーと社会が北部では個人別に確立されたのに対し、南ヨーロッパでは都市を基盤として確立された。12世紀初頭までに北と南は全くもって非常に異なる所になっており、ヨーロッパ人自身もそれに気づいて言及していた。

English Reading, 中・高生向け補助教材、化石による地層の年代測定


Official TOEFL iBT Tests with Audio Vol. 1  published by ETS 
Test 3  William Smith
Paragraph 5, Question 27

ここまでの内容 William Smithは地層年代測定基準として化石が使用できそうだと気づいた。


該当箇所訳 Smithは含有する化石により地層が分かっただけでなくあるパターンが現れるのが分かった。すなわち、ある化石は常に比較的古い堆積層で出る一方で、もっと最近の地層で出始める化石もあった。化石をたどることにより、Smithはイギリス中の地層を相対的な時系列に並べることができた。ほぼ同時期に、Georges Cuvierはパリの岩石を研究していて同様のことを発見した。まもなく、この動物相の遷移(せんい=移り変わり)の原理はイギリスやフランスだけでなく実質的にどこでも有効であることが分かった。実のところこれは植物相の遷移の原理でもあった。なぜなら植物も動物同様、時間とともに同様の変化を示したからだ。石灰岩はカンブリア紀または(3億年後)ジュラ紀の地層で見つかったが、三葉虫(カンブリア紀に生まれたどこにでもいる海洋性甲殻)はジュラ紀の地層には決して見つからないし、恐竜はカンブリア紀の地層には絶対いないのだった。

English Reading, 中・高生向け補助教材、太平洋諸島の人々の起源 


Official TOEFL iBT Tests with Audio Vol. 1  published by ETS 
Test 2  The Origin of the Pacific Island People  
Paragraph 4, Question 26




アメリカ大陸で栽培されているサツマイモがコロンブス以前にオセアニアに存在したことは異論のないところであり、Heyerdahlの「太平洋のアメリカ・インディアン」説の支持に時々使われてきた。しかし、サツマイモは東南アジアで栽培されている多数の植物のひとつに過ぎない。Patrick Kirch(アメリカ人人類学者)が指摘するように、サツマイモはいかだに乗ってやって来た南アメリカ人によって伝播したというよりむしろ、南アメリカ西海岸に到達していた可能性のあるポリネシア人船乗りが帰路、容易に持ち帰ったに過ぎないのかもしれない。