
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)

2012/01/10 (Tue) Slept from 3:00-6:13 + 8:30-10:30 (3 + 2 hrs). Went to bed around 2:00 but kept awake by electric shocks. One of them caused a fit of my left leg (around 2:20). Strong shocks to my head several times. Between 6:13 and around 8:30, electric shocks. Around 8:00 a big shock and fit to my left leg. Also, a loud female cough near the next house when I was trying to sleep again.

I had had the impression that I was going to have a class in Chofu because it seemed so through the procedure of having a trial last month and being informed that the student had signed near the end of the month, but it turned out that the private lesson was going to start next Tuesday, and another on Friday.

Worked on my students’ essays at the fast food shop from around 17:30 to 21:00. Today, many other people were working there and making louder noises than mine. I don’t think I have to fix my noise-making habit anymore. :)

To f,
Yesterday, on my way from work, I saw a person who looked like you near my station. A tall, slim person with the same hair-cut as you had last summer. He was standing with his male friend near a corner in front of my station, looking at his phone. Although I could see his silhouette clearly, I couldn’t see his face as he was in the dark. I passed him once, and returned because he stunningly resembled you. When I was approaching him he looked at me a second-again I couldn’t see his face, turned to his mate, and probably said something. His mate, who seemed to be a really nice person, replied by saying, “気になるからでしょ。’Cause you caught her attention, you know.” When I went really close, he made a funny gesture, which in retrospect looked like that of C-3PO in Star Wars, with his back facing me, making his friend laugh and do the same, and I just passed them. After walking 20 meters or so, I looked back, the two were looking, and he stepped back into the dark. And I left.

One thing that he was different from you was that he lacked your voice. He kept silent all the time. It is surprising that a person who looked exactly like you was 10% f without your voice. I miss your voice.

--- I’m not going to write about how I feel about your face and character in front of other people―blogging is talking about part of your secret openly―for the same reason that I am not going to give the look to a stranger, right? :)

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