
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)

2012/01/25 (Wed) Slept from 2:30-5:30 + 7:30-11:00 (3 + 2.5 hrs). A few fits when going to sleep both times (2:30 & 7:30). Game/car-like noise around 5:30.

Funny feeling when I was washing dish cloth, doing English pronunciation training (13:40-14:00), and using PC (14:00-14:50). After using PC I felt the noises in my head loud and wavy. Eye fatigue all day.

Called NTT and found my ADSL line is as slow as “1 mega” according to the person who checked the line. They will send someone to my place tomorrow afternoon to see what is wrong. After the phone with the NTT, a YouTube video (TYT news) was being downloaded as fast as before for a while (20 minutes or so), then the speed became slow again.

Went to the fast food restaurant to work on my students essays. Stayed there from 16:00 to 19:30 or 20:00. I tried to sleep for 30 minutes but couldn’t sleep. Had a slight fit in both legs.
I felt funny in the head twice. I felt as if some pulse was hitting my head and looked around each time. ―I also had the funny feeling on Monday, during the class. I was in Room A, reading the sample essay with my students and the pulse like feeling started coming to my head from behind. I moved to the spot in front of the door and the feeling stopped.―

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