
上智大学国際教養学部公募推薦入試 傾向と対策及び宿題

傾向                 身近な話題や時事問題に関連する普遍的テーマ、特に国際的な課題と大学の役割


出題年                 出題内容                                                        論点

2020年     大学で作りたい学部                                    vision, goal, general knowledge, value

2019         過去4年間に行った重大な選択とその影響   value, self-reflection, change, aspiration

2018                リベラルアーツと現代社会の課題                 general knowledge, global challenge

In your opinion, what are the defining characteristics of a liberal arts education, and how does a liberal arts education help prepare individuals for the challenges they will face in the world today?

2017                政府開発援助額17年ぶりに増加                  global corporation

In our age of globalization, what can Japan contribute to the international community? Your answer may discuss Japan’s cultural, political, economic, scientific and/or other contribution.

2016                OECD加盟国先進国中日本の留学率最下位  globalization, development aid

According to the data issued by OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development), the percentage of Japanese college students studying abroad while in college has been decreasing despite the globalization of college studies. Why do you think Japanese college students are reluctant to study abroad? Would more Japanese college students study abroad?

2015                大学改革                                                        university education

There are two views about the roles of universities: one emphasizes that universities should educate their students to be able to find a suitable job, and the other gives priority to the role of expanding their students’ mind to have a wider perspective of things. Discuss these two opinions

2014                2020年東京オリンピック招致                      big sporting events and their effect

Tokyo was chosen as the city to host the 2020 Summer Olympics, beating Istanbul and Madrid at the International Olympic Committee (IOC)’s general session. Did you agree or disagree with IOC’s decision ot choose Tokyo over the two other candidates and shy? If you disagreed, which city would you have chosen  for what reasons? Will the 2020 Tokyo Olympics in 2020 be profitable or detrimental to this country, and what negative and positive consequences do you expect? How would you contribute to, or rather ovoid being involved in, the Olympics?


対策   志望理由書に書いた目標と関連事項関連の記事を毎日読んでまとめるUNSustainable Development Goalsを読んで全てのgoalをまとめる。補助問題集および英検1級筆記試験エッセイとTOEFL iBT Independent Writing のトピックを使用して実際に書く練習をする。(知識が足りない場合、英検1級エッセイの模範解答を読んで要約することと準1級エッセイを書くことを並行して行う)


Day 1 Homework

After the ongoing global pandemic of coronavirus disease is over, what should be the priorities of the Japanese government?

Hints for Points

1.     気候危機対策: 脱炭素、脱原発、消費行動を変えるための対策、災害対策、インフラ整備

2.     格差対策: 企業増税と消費税廃止、内需拡大、福祉拡大(育児無料サービス、大学無償化、医療費無料化等)

3.     平和外交: 憲法9条を守る。米中対立を和らげる。領土問題は譲歩。※軍産複合体を拡大させない

結論 資本主義経済から脱皮して気候危機と世界人口の増加及び高齢化社会に対応できる社会体制を作る。

Day 2 Homework 

Write an essay answering the following questions. Choose three Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that you consider most important and explain the reason. How do you think Japan can contribute to achieve these goals?

Hints for Points

1.     Goal 7: Affordable clean energy 人口増加と気候変動、環境汚染に対応できる持続可能エネルギーおよび大気・水質汚染対策技術の開発。先進国日本として持続可能なエネルギー開発に協力

2.     Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities 気候変動により都市部に人口集中→都市計画が重要、災害国日本の都市計画を海外が参考にできる

3.     Goal 10 Raise your voice against discrimination 貧困、気候変動対策の遅れ、戦争、テロの根底に差別がある、外国人労働者受け入れ増等、国際化の中で差別対策を成功させることにより世界のお手本となる

結論  気候変動、地殻変動、グローバル化の中で一人でも多くの人が犠牲にならないように協力に貢献すべき

Day 3 Homework

Write an essay answering the following question. What impacts can we expect in accepting immigrants? Your answer may discuss ethical, social, political, economic, cultural, and/or other impact.

Hints for Points

1.     労働力不足対策として本格的な移民受け入れ開始

人権問題 (家族は受け入れないのは人道的に問題ではないかどうか 単純労働→差別・搾取の対象になりやすい 2世以降 日本社会からの孤立 生活保護等対象 不満・暴動等)

2.     外国人排斥運動の懸念(仕事を奪われる、テロ等への恐怖等)

3.     新しいタイプの人・文化・アイディアが日本を生まれ変わらせる (科学・スポーツの発展、新しい文化等)

《参考》日本を守るために必要な移民政策の「鉄則」  東洋経済 https://toyokeizai.net/articles/-/240476

フランスと移民・難民問題  鈴木 宏昌  http://www.alter-magazine.jp/index.php

Immigration & U.S. Nationalism  Fareed Zakaria, GPS



Pre-TOEFL 1) Teachers should be paid according to how much their students learn. 2)What do you think we should do to be mentally enriched and at peace? - revised -

Writing Topic

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teachers should be paid according to how much their students learn. Give specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.



Let’s Think

The part of the statement “paid according to how much” indicates competition principle, or principle of market mechanism: the idea that competition will facilitate higher quality. The expression “how much their students learn” allows a wide range of interpretation, from raising test scores to attaining real learning. The former can be quantified, but the latter might not be reflected in test scores.

能力給は競争原理  学習の解釈は様々  テストは数値化できるが真の学習は点数に反映されないかもしれない


Hints for Points           


-        Teachers will make more efforts to improve their teaching methods if they are paid according to their students’ performances. 教授法改善の動機づけになる。

-        Teachers who work hard can be rewarded properly. 勤勉な教師が適切に報酬を受けられる。



-        Test scores do not always reflect the skills and efforts of the teachers. There are many other factors that decide students’ performances, such as learning capacity and timing of the introduction of a certain subject. テストの点は必ずしも教師の能力・努力を反映するとは限らない (能力や習うタイミング)

-        To raise test scores, teachers will focus more on memorization than the real understanding of the subject. They also tend to increase the amount of homework, which can have adverse effects on the overall development of the students. テストの点を挙げるために理解より暗記中心の指導  宿題増加で逆効果


Sample Essay Structures

A.      Introduction = OutlineI do not agree with the statement that teachers should be paid according to how much their students learn because it does not fit the reality. 現実に合わないので反対

Point 1Performances of students are not proportional to teachers’ ability. As the proverb goes, you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink. 生徒の成績と教師の能力比例しない。諺にあるように馬を水辺に連れてゆくことはできるが水を飲ませることはできない。

Point 2It is unfair if teachers are evaluated based only on their students’ academic achievements. Teaching subjects is not the only school teachers’ job. They take care of students’ development as well as coaching sports clubs and conducting school events. 生徒の成績で教師を評価するのは不公平。部活や成長の世話等授業以外の仕事もある。

Follow-upIt might seem that achievement-oriented payment system encourage teachers to work harder. However, good teachers already work hard and bad teachers may resort to bad ideas such as corporal punishment. この制度は努力を奨励するように思えるが、良い教師は既に努力している。体罰が起こる可能性もある。

Conclusion = Wrap-upIt is narrow-sighted to try to make students work better by making school achievement-oriented. Therefore, teachers’ salary should not be increased in proportion to test results of their students. Teachers who make students happy should be highly rewarded. 成果主義は近視眼的。教師の給料は生徒のテスト結果に比例させるべきではない。生徒を幸福にする先生が高い報酬を得るべき


B.      Introduction = OutlineExcept for the application of the idea to primary schools, I agree with the statement that teachers should be paid according to how much their students learn. 小学校以外は賛成

Point 1In elementary schools, teaching includes things whose results cannot be tested. Thus, it is impossible to decide teachers’ pays according to the students’ performances, many of which will be clear years later. e.g. following the rules of civil society, awareness of the importance of healthcare, charity, etc. 小学校ではテストできないことも教えるので結果で給料を決められない。(例)市民社会の規則順守や健康管理、慈善等

Point 2High schools and junior high schools are the places for study, so good teachers should be rewarded as such. 中学高校は科目を勉強する場なので教えるのがうまい教師はその報酬を受けるべき

Point 3The popularity of private schools and cram schools shows that the idea is right.


Conclusion = Wrap-upAlthough there might be some problems in the process of transition, but in the end, students will benefit by making school pay teachers according to the performance of their students.



Your Sample Essay Structure

Introduction = Outline】 

Point 1

Point 2

Point 3 / Follow-up

Conclusion = Wrap-up





Writing Topic 2 (optional) Emperor Akihito, having expressed his wish to abdicate several months before, said in his 2017 New Year’s message, “I pray that people will be able to spend a year in which they find themselves mentally enriched and at peace.” What do you think we should do to be mentally enriched and at peace? 心豊かに平和に生きるにどうすべきか


Hints for Points

We will be able to spend a year in which we find ourselves mentally enriched and at peace by …

-        staying out of trouble, preparing for problems, and making the world a better place to live in.


-        learning about societies and people, especially those with problems.


-        promoting fairness and seeking for peaceful coexistence. 公正を促進し平和的共存を模索する

-        helping (to) improve lives of those who are vulnerable and suffering. 弱者の生活改善を助ける

-        eliminating bullying. いじめをなくす

-        getting rid of desires and fears, especially the fears of the uncertainty of the future, old age, and death


-        being good and trying not to do harm to others as much as possible 善人になり他人を傷つけない

-        helping each other and being gentle, modest, and tolerant to each other. 助け合い優しく謙虚で寛容に

-        focusing on your duty and enjoying doing jobs. 義務に集中し仕事を楽しむ

-        being calm, considerate, and prudent. 落ち着いて、思いやりがあり、思慮深くなる

-        having a good sense of humor. ユーモアのセンスを持つ

-        appreciating life and nature and being grateful to people doing good to humankind and the environment


-        seeing the positive side of the world, reminding yourself of the facts that prove it. 世界の良い面を見る

-        cherishing the beautiful things and the happiest moments or memories.


-        picturing angels or whatever is delightful when there is nothing else to do and no hope left.



Sample Essay Structure

Introduction = OutlineIt is obvious that many kinds of things have to be done for a fulfilling and peaceful life, as the emperor is praying it for us, the symbol of whom he is as our constitution provides for, but refining my mind is what I am working on and what I suspect many people want for the purpose. 心の浄化

Point 1It is often the case that what you think is real is what you want to believe is real, while the reality is different from your idea more or less. Since the gap between the two affects the reality surrounding you, your image of the world decides your life in either good or bad ways, usually in bad ways. 現実であってほしいと思うことを現実だと思っていることがあるが現実はそうではない。その違いが問題を起こす。

Point 2Educating yourself while interacting directly with the world enlightens and liberates you and improves the circumstance you are in. For example, if you disturb yourself less than before as a result of learning, you will also disturb others less and this will lead to others disturbing you less. Refining your mind will make various aspects of your environment better piece by piece. 世界と直接交流することによって自己を教育することにより啓蒙され自由になり状況が改善される。(例)自己改善により他者の態度改善

Point 3 / Follow-upIt is impossible to be totally free from attacks on your peace of mind because life is as such, but it is possible for you to stop abusing your own mind and life. 精神の平和への攻撃を完全に防ぐことはできないが、少なくとも自分の心と人生を痛めつけるのをやめることはできる。

Conclusion = Wrap-upAlthough the world will not change in a day and living is suffering anyway, improving your own perception is comparatively easy and helps make your life easier. 世界は1日では変わらないし生きることは苦しむことだが、認識の改善は比較的容易で人生を楽にする助けとなる。


Your Sample Essay Structure

Introduction = Outline

Point 1

Point 2

Point 3 / Follow-up

Conclusion = Wrap-up


TOEFL iBT Independent Writing Progress in science is always good. - revised -

Writing Topic

Consider the following statement. Progress in science is always good. Do you agree or disagree with this idea? Support your response by including specific reasons and examples.



Let’s think

1         Which of the following two statements do you sympathize with? Why?

a.     Lying is always bad.

b.     Sometimes, there is a time when you have to lie to avoid hurting someone.

2         Give examples of benefits from progress in science.

3         Are there any negative effects of the progress in science? What are they?


Hints for points

Good points of progress in science

-        It gives us more convenience, speed, or precision.

-        It makes what was impossible before possible.

-        It gives us new perspectives on the world and ourselves.


Drawbacks of progress in science

-        Many problems have occurred.

weapons of mass destruction

environmental problems such as pollution, global warming (climate crisis), etc.

new types of crimes

hazardous substances and organisms that did not exist before

social changes that make some people confused

humans being unable to keep up with the speed of the technology

desire for new products, etc.

-        It causes degeneration

It makes us weak.  e.g. better transportation less exercise

It makes us forget some skills  e.g. forgetting spellings

It makes us think less  e.g. Googling before thinking


Sample Essay Structures

A        Introduction = OutlineI cannot entirely agree with the statement that progress in science is always good.  

Good PointsScience makes our lives convenient and lets us know about the world.

Bad PointsScience and technology has created weapons of mass destruction and caused global warming.

Conclusion = Wrap-upAdmitting that we all benefit from scientific discoveries and inventions, I am still skeptical about goodness of scientific progress.


B        Introduction = OutlineI totally disagree with the idea that progress in science is always good.

Point 1According to Harari, irrigation technology has deprived us of freedom by making us give up hunting and gathering, which is fun, and confining our lives to the care of plants, which is tough. Now the rhythm of life that machines create has become too fast for humans to keep up with.

Point 2Death toll of wars have become larger as technology has advanced.

Point 3Countless numbers of species have gone extinct owing to human activities with technology.

Conclusion = Wrap-upProgress in science often causes problems. Therefore, it is not always good.


Your Sample Essay Structure

Introduction = Outline








Conclusion = Wrap-up