
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)

2012/01/03 (Tue) Slept from 2:30-6:00+ 8:00-10:30 (3.5 + 2.5 hrs). Electric shocks to my head when I was going to sleep. When I woke up around 6:00, the game/car-like noise was heard and the noises in my head were very loud. Electric shocks when trying to sleep again. After waking up around 10:30, I sat on my bed with my upper body front down facing down, then electric shocks and fits came to my hands (placed under my chest), left shoulder (the side facing the next room), and head. I felt I heard very faint chuckles from the next room at the same time when I got the fit on the head. After I got up, I felt dizzy for a while.

Went to Shibuya branch for a class starting at 17:00. Came back to my station right after that and stayed at the fast food restaurant till around 21:20. Now I feel fine.

A female teacher was saying she got mails from strangers on her mobile especially on New Year’s Day.

I remember looking away from an innocent passers-by (a tall young male who looked honest and gentle) at the corner down from Shibuya branch. I’m sorry. I did not mean anything. I just look away if someone sees my face. Before, and still now sometimes, I had to look away to protect myself from vicious stare or hate glare. Now it has become a habit.

(I noticed a male teacher, who usually wears a jacket, wearing a short sleeved T-shirt, when I took a seat near him -― he was wearing a jacket when he left for his class. I couldn’t help saying, “Looks cool (in the sense of temperature).涼しそうですね。” He was making a Popeye pose with both arms …”It’s January..,(1月なんですけど、)” said I. That teacher knows I often enjoy light conversation with no intention and I know he always talks like that. We used to work at Chofu around the same hours on the same day several years ago. Nothing more than a co-worker for each other. Or is it bad to enjoy a light talk with a person whom I have no special affection for? I guess it depends on the other person’s character, habit, and other properties and the situation. He’s Ok. He always speaks like that to anybody.

Light talk reminds me of another old coworker. He is now in Osaka and was at Shibuya branch this autumn for a workshop or something. Before he went to Osaka, he was the manager at Yotsuya and I have been working at the branch since the time before he came to the branch. On the last day at Yotsuya, right after he was told the transfer, he greeted me and after that, after I told him what I know about the area where his new office is located-― things like the atmosphere and so on, he did what no one has done to me. He apologized. He said that he was sorry for everything. He had not done so much bad things to me compared to other people. Moreover, when he started working at this school (at Funabashi branch), I had already experienced enough harassment, and was hostile enough to him, and so I kind of took his sort of harassments for granted. Anyway, I reciprocated his apology and made a farewell at that time, and forgot him. I took a glimpse of him once several months later at Shibuya, but for some reason I did not talk to him probably because of the atmosphere in the office then. And then one evening of last autumn, I spotted him in the office and I shouted, “Nice to see you again! なつかしい!” I was surprised at my reaction. His apology had sunk in my mind and he had transformed into a reliable old comrade inside me in the last two years. After the class, we had a nice short chat and said farewell again. That’s it. I know he has been happily married. And above all, I know some people who do not even have to apologize to me because they have never harassed me in the first place. Of course you are one of them, one of the reasons that I like you, f. :)

I think that day was the day before I saw you last, f. On the day I saw you last, I tried to greet you in an uplifted mood because of the event above. I had noticed that even though I was short of sleep, I could have a normal conversation. Unfortunately, you seemed to be busy and we couldn’t talk. Will I be able to say “Nice to see you again” pure and simple when I see you again? I don’t know. I am not angry about you and miss you. I do not know why I am not honest in front of you. Maybe it is better to forget you for a while like the case of that ex-coworker, and then everything will be fixed in me and I will be able to act natural and funny again in front of you, I guess, and I hope so.)

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