
Pre-TOEFL Writing Explain why automobiles/bicycles/airplanes have changed people’s lives. - revised -

Writing Topic

Choose one of the following transportation vehicles and explain why you think it has changed people’s lives: automobiles/bicycles/airplanes. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.




Let’s Think

How can we prove something has changed people’s lives? One way would be to show how our lives are different before and after the change.



Hints for Points

Automobiles 自動車

1.     have increased the mobility of goods and people.  e.g. Cars have taken places of horses.

物や人の流動性を増加させた。 自動車は馬に取って代わった。

2.       have enabled people to travel around the country. In the past, many people never left their hometown till they died. 国中を旅することを可能にした。過去においては死ぬまで生まれ故郷を一度も去らない人が多かった。

3.     have caused air pollution and global warming.



Bicycles 自転車

1.     have increased freedom of people, especially those who did not have cars.  


2.     have become a new sport or means of exercise.  


3.     have become the means of transportation of the environmentally-conscious people.




1.     have made international mobility of materials and people faster. 

e.g.  International mail and packages reach their destinations much faster than before.

物資と人の国際的流動性を加速させた。 国際郵便や小包が以前よりずっと速く目的地に着く。

2.     have allowed many people to enjoy traveling overseas and created a new industry, international tourism.  


3.     have accelerated global warming by using a large amount of oil and spread organisms around the globe.  e.g. mass extinction, pandemic

大量の石油使用により温暖化を加速させ、地球各地に生物を広がらせた。例 大量絶滅、病気の大流行


Sample Essay Structure

Introduction = OutlineAutomobiles have had both good and bad impacts on people’s lives.

Change 1Automobiles have made our travel freer.  e.g. more flexible than trains or horses

Change 2Cars have developed economic activities, revolutionized the industry, and changed urban landscapes.  e.g. easier and faster shipping, development of cities

Change 3Cars have had a strong impact on our daily lives and the environment.  e.g. obsession with efficiency, decrease of green due to the increase of roads, noise, accidents, air pollution, and climate crisis

Conclusion = Wrap-upCars have expanded the area of our activity and changed the outlook of society. At the same time, they have had bad effects on our lives and the environment.


【変化1】自動車は旅を自由にした。 電車や馬より柔軟性がある

【変化2】車のおかげで経済活動が発展し、産業に革命を起こし、都市の景観を変えた。 より容易で速い輸送、都市の発達

【変化3】車は私達の日常生活と環境に強い影響を与えた。 効率への強迫観念、道路の増加による緑の減少、騒音、事故、大気汚染、気候危機



Your Sample Essay Structure

Introduction = Outline

Point 1

Point 2

Point 3

Conclusion = Wrap-up

Note: 「~に影響を与える」have an effect/influence/impact on (give effect to) , affect/influence



Sample Paragraph Development 


Main IdeaPeople started traveling around the world owing to the airplane.

Supporting DetailsFor example, before the popularization of the jet-plane, few people used to go overseas and doing it was expensive, but, in these days, people fly not only for business but also for fun.

Wrap-upAirplanes have been expanding and diversifying people’s activities.








TOEFL iBT Independent Writing It is always good to have as much information as possible. - revised -

Lesson 3  Writing Topic

Consider the following statement. It is always good to have as much information as possible. Do you agree with this idea? Support your response by including specific reasons and examples.



Let’s Think


1.     Which of the following statements is more agreeable to you? Why?

a.     It feels great to spend time with friends.

b.     It always feels great to spend time with friends.

2.     When do you feel happy to have as much information as possible?

3.     Have you ever found it troublesome to have a lot of information? When?


Hints for Points


1.     Two heads are better than one: This saying shows the benefit of sharing information in getting better results. School often uses group activities to take advantage of this benefit for better performances.

2.     Having as many information sources as possible helps make a good decision. e.g. choice of school

3.     The more information there is, the better perception of the world you can have.

e.g. more news better understanding of the world,   the Internet decentralization of information,

4.     Abundant information contributes to creativity.  e.g. the American culture, public domain

5.     Information disclosure helps society progress.  e.g. Patent information disclosure benefit a larger number of people and helps other inventors improve the invention. The government information disclosure enables citizens to learn about past and present activities of the government.

6.     Times of lack of information were dark eras of human history.  e.g. the medieval eras in the European history, the periods of national isolation in the Japanese history

7.     Lack of information is dangerous.  e.g. state control of information, dictatorship

8.     It is difficult to make a decision when there is more information than can be processed, but the problem is in the processing process, such as lack of prioritization or determination. Excessive amount of information is not a problem but a luxury which is inherently a boon as long as dealt with wisely.



1.     As the saying goes, “Too many cooks spoil the broth.” Sometimes, it becomes difficult to do a task when there is a large amount of information. e.g. Textbook contents vary according to the grade. A teacher decides the amount of the study supplement according to the levels and characteristics of the students. It seems that information should be limited at some stage of life. For example, a child may be confused with many pieces of contradicting information without ability to process information well. In case of language acquisition, it is said that the number of languages a child can learn at the same time to be a real multilingual is limited, around 5 or 6.  

2.     It is said that ignorance is bliss and that curiosity killed a cat. It is often better to leave something unrevealed. Trying to know more than you are supposed to could put you in trouble. e.g. white lie. Pandora’s box

3.     There are many kinds of information that are controlled for security, privacy, or education.  e.g. Leaking information that the public should know such as war crimes or corruptions is always done in consideration of sensitive information related to the leak such as names of agents (spies).


Essay for Ideas and Expressions

There are things that you had better not know. A photograph shows all the visual information of a scene, and this is perfect as, say, a visual evidence. However, an artist deletes some information of the same scene to show what he sees in the scene. A picture is more real without all the information. A dancer’s face does not have a line in the picture, when, in fact, it does. No bug is not on the flower in the picture. Actually, a huge one is. Although we know the photograph is accurate, we see the truth in the picture. Therefore, I cannot totally agree with the statement that it is always good to have as much information as possible. While the increase of information makes our lives better, it can sometimes be a curse.

知らない方が良いことはある。 写真はある情景の全ての情報を示し、これは例えば視覚的証拠としては完璧だ。しかし、芸術家はその情景の中に自分が見る物を示すために同じ情景のある情報を削除する。絵は全情報がないと、より本物らしい。踊り子の顔に実はしわがある時に、絵の中にはない。絵の中で虫は花の上にいない。本当は大きいのがいる。私たちは写真が正確だと知っているが絵画に真実を見る。従って、できるだけ多くの情報があることは常に良いことだという意見には完全には賛成できない。情報の増加は生活を良くする一方で時として呪いになり得る。


Lack of information causes a lot of trouble. It leads to confusion and fear in emergencies, for example. It also causes prejudice. You might have heard someone say, “I had thought such and such people were stupid and mean, but after I made friends with Mary, who was intelligent and very kind, my image of those people changed.” The problem is that until meeting Mary, the person missed good communication and relationships with the other members of the group that Mary belongs to. Stereotype is the child of lack of information, and its children are discrimination, bullying, conflicts and wars. In politics, shortage of information will destroy democracy, or vice versa.



Abundant information makes us happy. Today’s computer graphics, for instance, have much more amount of information than those in the past, and thus they are clearer and more real than before. The difference is evident if today’s computer graphics are compared with those in the 1980’s like Pack-Man or Mario Brothers, not Super Mario Brothers. When trying to understand a piece of news better, people read more than one newspaper. Before making an expensive purchase, most people try to collect as many catalogs as possible and read as many reviews as they can. Plenty of information brings better recognition and confidence.



On the other hand, the word “always” in the statement makes you think twice before agreeing with the statement. A lot of information may do harm to us. I remember a teacher saying that we would be confused if we had extra eyes on the back side of our heads. There would be too much information to process, and we would be at a loss of which way we should take, ending up being unable to move at all. We all know that this is true when we use Google. Birds have a wide view, as we say a bird’s-eye-view, but even birds have a blind spot, a narrow area in the back of their head. Perhaps, lack of certain information is necessary. This spot could be a necessary anatomy, not just a weak point. It not only tells the bird which side is its back but also helps birds help each other. Because of the existence of this weak spot, birds perching side by side cover each other, by facing the direction opposite to the direction their mates are facing. I guess most of us would rather be imperfect birds helping each other than a god with a hundred eyes.



In general, the more information you have, the better recognition you have, and the problem of confusion caused by abundant information can be avoided by general knowledge such as checking the news source and shunning fake news. Still, it would be beyond our capacity and disagree with our nature to have as much information as possible all the time.




A           Introduction

Point 1

Point 2




B          Introduction

Advantage 1

Advantage 2



Your Sample Essay Structure


Point 1

Point 2

Point 3




Note: as much many information/knowledge as possible (不可算), (数えたいとき)a piece of information,

the Internet (インフラの名前なので高速道路と同様に the 付きでI は大文字が正式、形容詞として使う場合は小文字), SNS = Social Networking Serviceの略、ただし、同義語の social media の方がよく使われる。


Sample Paragraph Development

Main Idea Having as many information sources as possible is desirable to make a good decision.

Supporting Detail (general) The more information you have, the more wrong decisions you can avoid.

Supporting Detail (specific) For example, choosing a school to attend is one which involves some important factors. When you decide which university you should go to, you would consult the Internet or specialists for information so that you can find a school which provides what you want to learn with the best faculty and facilities possible, for the smallest expenses.

Follow-upEven if there seem to be too many choices to compare, as long as you know what you want, you can find an answer. Although it takes time to choose one out of many choices, it will save time in the end because careful research helps eliminate bad choices beforehand.

Conclusion You need as much information as possible so as not to be sorry later.

【主題】 できるだけ多くの情報源があることは良い決定をするのに望ましい。

【詳細(一般的)】 情報が多ければ多いほどより多くの間違った情報を避けることができる。

【詳細(具体的)】 例えば進学先の選択はいくつかの重要な要素を含む決定だ。



【結論】 後で後悔しないためにできるだけたくさんの情報が必要だ。



Your Sample Paragraph Development

Main Idea


Supporting Detail (general)



Supporting Detail (specific)





Follow-up / Counterargument-treatment








TOEFL iBT Independent Writing Drills 1) It is always good to have many people who give you advice. 2) It is always bad to lie.

Drills                                                           Name:                                  

Drill 1  Which of the following single-paragraph essays is better as a response to the following writing topic? How can you improve the other? Writing Topic: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is always good to have many people who give you advice.


Answer A: I agree with the statement that it is always good to have many people who give you advice. Actually, my parents and friends always give me good advice when I do not know what to do. Thanks to them, I never make a mistake. Advice from others also saves time because I do not have to spend time thinking about the problem. Having many people who give you advice is always good to live without mistakes and live efficiently.

Answer B: I partly agree with the statement that it is always good to have many people who give you advice. You can avoid becoming self-righteous by learning viewpoints that are different from yours. However, you may lose the ability to think by yourself or take responsibility by depending on others all the time. Also, you might get confused by listening to different opinions at the same time. Therefore, it is not always good to have many people who give you advice.



Drill 2  Discuss the following wiring topic, write a short essay on it including expressions below, and write comments on each other’s essay. Writing Topic: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement. It is always bad to lie.


● not only but also …. 「~だけでなくも」

● the + 比較級 , the + 比較級… 「~すればするほど一層…」


Hints for Points: If you lie, people around you will lose confidence in you. Relationships are based on trust. It is sometimes necessary to tell a white lie in order not to hurt someone. The truth is not always good for communication.














