
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)

2011/12/30 (Fri) Slept from 2:30-5:00 + 7:00-9:30 (2.5 + 2.5 hrs). Rather weak electric shocks to my head when going to sleep first. Rather loud game/car-like noise woke me up around 5:00, but the noises in my head were not loud. Somewhere between 5:00 and 7:00, some woman walked past my apartment building, and the game/car-like noise stopped for a while. Lots of electric shocks and fits probably every 10 seconds for a while when I was going to sleep again before 7:00. While I was sleeping the second time, I remember being half-woken up by the flashes blinking in my eyes and stress to the back of my eyes in sync with the blinking. When I woke up again, the noises in my head were loud.

Studied at the fast food restaurant from around 16:00 to 21:00. Around 17:00, I took a nap for 15 minutes or so. I remember my leg having a fit once but nothing else that I experience during sleep at home occurred.

Wore a baggy coat again. It is better for feeling secure.

Again, I shirked innocent people this evening. In front of my station, two young men were standing when I came out of the supermarket which faces the station. When I was going into the street the men were facing, one of them stepped out into my direction. Aware that a woman was approaching from behind, I turned around and went another way. The man seemed to be shocked and the other man seemed to be explaining my behavior. I often automatically escape the point where more than one people are approaching from more than one direction, for I used to, and still sometimes, be surrounded or cornered. I realized they were no harm when I started to turn around but could not stop. I am very sorry.

To f,


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