
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)

2011/12/16 (Fri) After the record of yesterday, I went to the fast food shop and stayed there till 16:00, preparing for today’s class, came home, cooked, spent some time in front of PC and went to bed.

Slept from 0:30-6:30 + 8:30-10:00 (6 + 1.5 hrs). Attacked very violently almost all night. When I got up, I had a feeling of after concussion for the first time in weeks, I think.

details: Right after I went to bed, a strong shock that felt like my head was shot sideways accompanied by Goh noise, which swang my head sideways. The same shocks continued with 2 -3 minute intervals. Until I fell asleep probably around 8:30, everytime I was about to sleep, shocks caused strong fits of my head, hand, foot, surface of my face, especially mouth, also giving the same shooting shocks to my head. I heard sounds of somebody moving in the next room many times. After 10:00, when I was lying with my front down, a strong shock shoot my torso and shook it.

During sleep, when I was woken up by attacks, I put a small LED light bulb in my ear and the shocks became weaker. I did that twice.

Now it is 15:00 and I am leaving for Chofu for 60 minutes x 2 private lessons which starts at 19:00.

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