2011/12/25 (Sun) Slept from 3:30-8:00 (4.5 hrs). Rather loud game/car-like noise and strong electric shocks and fits prevented me from going to sleep till around 3:30 although I went to bed around 3:00. Loud and wavy noises in my head and game/car-like noises woke me up around 8:00. I tried to sleep again but the same noises and the noises from the construction on the other side of the street kept me awake. I gave up sleeping around 10:00. The loud noise in my head had become normal when I ate breakfast.
Stayed in the fast food shop at the station from around noon to past 18:00 and finished marking the writing class essays. Took copies, did some shopping, came home, worked on teaching materials on my PC for a while. Feeling of after concussion and sleepiness all day.
The contrast of the customers who came to the shop earlier and later today were remarkable. For the first half hours, most other customers were loud and aggressive, and many of them looked at me with strange, vicious smiles. (Though some customers were nice and polite.) My chair was kicked, which had never happened since I started visiting the shop this autumn but which used to happen very often anywhere till a few years ago. I changed seats a few times. The latter half hours were full of gentle, nice people and I felt calm. :) Sorry if I was making noises while I was concentrating on my work.
Even though I still get bothered by some people with unusual behaviors, it is better to stay outside than to stay home now. I want to stay away from my neighbor and the thing that exerts the electric thing. I think I feel better when I stay outside than when I stay home.
… To f,
It seems that you are not around the office when I go there these days, although I seldom go there. I miss you. I hope you are fine… By the way, I type the initial letter of your name in the lower case f, not the upper case F, because I think the letter looks like you, slim, smart and gentle, and F looks to me too arrogant and authoritative to represent you, so please do not get offended if you read this. :)
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