
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)

2012/04/10 (Tue) Went to bed 1:34 Slept from 2:00-8:30 (6.5 hrs).

I think, without the nice and kind people who have been encouraging me and helping me, and without the little talk with f I had last summer, I wouldn’t have been in such good terms with my family as now, with whom I had not met and had little contact for 15 years till last month….

The details and the rest of the record:
1:41 2 e-shocks to brain + the noise Goh from the net room
1:43 2 e-shocks + a noise behind the wall of the next room
1:56 1 e-shock to brain

Had a lesson (16:40-18:00) at Chofu. Came back to my station a little after 19:00, bought food, and got home a little before 19:30.
A silent prayer for my mother’s second week of her death.

Called father at night to let him know I sent a package to him and sisters containing a pajama pants I borrowed while there and some gifts. I was told that the days of fortieth day memorial of my mother and placing her ashes in the family tomb have been decided: from the evening of the 28th to the 30th. I am supposed to take the last bullet train on the 28th (Sat) to Shin-Oska, where one of my nephew’s van picks me up, and then all the family head to a small town, Susa in Yamaguchi prefecture. It seems that we are staying at a cheap old inn in the town. The way father talked about it reminded me of his sexual harassment and made me uneasy. I’m joining this trip purely for my mother and goodwill of other family members, and if he does something nasty to me during the trip I will stop contacting him.

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