
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)

2012/03/31( Sat)
I went to Neyagawa, Osaka, Tuesday morning and came back on Friday night, actually very early morning of Saturday. My mother passed away and I was there for her.

It’s 23:26 on Saturday. I’m very sleepy. While I was in Neyagawa, I had little sleep. 30 minutes on Tuesday night, 3 -4 hours on Wednesday night, and Zero hours on Thursday night. Last night, I slept about 7 hours, plus about 3 hours of nap in the Shinkansen on my way back, but I am still sleepy.

I may be write the detail later. My schedule is tight over the next 9 days because I got four private lessons at Chofu next Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Tuesday after the next.

I’m sleepy. I’m going to bed now.

One strange thing that stack to my mind was that father said in his speech at the wake ceremony that all three of his daughters were married, which was a lie. I have never been married…

The details and the rest of the record:
My mother went into coma before going through the excruciating pain of pancreatic cancer. This is why her time became shorter but she died a rather calm death.
2012/03/27 (Tue) Went to bed around 0:20 Slept from 0:30-4:00+ 5:00-8:00 (3.5 + 3hrs).
4:12 1 e-shock to brain + fit of head which moved sideways
4:18 1 e-shock to brain
Got up and wrote the rest of the record of yesterday on the blog.
around 5:00 incessant e-shocks and fits of brain & hand & leg
around 8:00 My sister called me and made it clear that our mother won’t last more than 12 hours and that she would be happy for me to be around her in her last hours.
around 9:00 left home.
around 13:30 arrived at home in Neyagawa, Osaka. My mother was still alive but was not conscious. She seemed to be sleeping. Stayed with her all evening and kept giving her massage all night.

2012/03/28 (Wed) Did not go to bed.
6:30:7:00 a nap on a couch (I do not remember if there were e-shocks or not)
8:25 My mother passed away.

around 12:00 tried to take a nap in a room on the second floor and a few e-shocks (very strong) came.
Went out with sisters to prepare for the ceremonies.

2012/03/29 (Thu) Went to bed around 1:00. Slept from around 1:30 -4:30 (3 hrs).
1:00-1:30 a few e-shocks to brain (very strong drilling sensation)
4:30 -5:30 did some work
5:30 got up and washed hair and started leaving for the wake and funeral.

2012/03/30 (Fri) Stayed up all night, taking care of the guests first and watching over my mother and the incense.

Finished funeral, had dinner with family, and left the city around 19:40.
Slept most of the time on Shinkansen and missed Shinagawa station, getting off at Tokyo. Got lost in the ground and wasted 30 minutes. Got home around 0:30

2012/03/31 Went to bed at 23:55. Slept from 0:00-8:00 (8 hrs).
23:56 1 e-shock to head.

--- My father kept bumping into and staring my body and savored the feeling when his hand accidentally (?) touched mine during my mother’s last hours, even some minutes before her last moment.
He also stood in front of the translucent bathroom glass when I took off the last clothe off my upper body. One of my sisters, their husbands, and nephews started blocking my father for me on the third day (2012/03/29 (Thu). I told one of my sisters, the older one, about my father’s harassment for the first time that day. He did not do anything after the wake night. When leaving, I asked him to watch his step, remembering he had fallen the day before, and not to get down. Also, I told him that I would contact and visit more often. He answered in the affirmative and said, “Good-by,” in the end, which was a little strange because he usually says, “See you,” when I’m leaving.---

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