2012/04/11 (Wed) Went to bed 23:30on the 10th. Slept from 0:00-2:30 (2.5 hrs).
Woke/woken up after 2.5 hours of sleep and have been prevented from sleeping, giving up trying to sleep again.
23:46 1 e-shock to brain
23:48 1 e-shock to brain + fit of head (big) + the noise Goh from the next room (202)
2:49 1 e-shock to the top left brain + the noises in my head became loud and wavy
3:00 1 e-shock to brain
Remembering my father’s sexual harassment and thinking the same might happen during the family trip for mother’s memorial and ash-placing at the end of this month, I got upset for a while.
---5:00 studied
5:14 2-3 e-shocks to brain + fit of right toe
--- drank hot milk
6:02 1 e-shock to brain (strong) + fit of right ankle
6:03 fit of left middle finger placed under head + the noise Goh
The rest of the record:
Went to the fast food restaurant to supplement sleep and prepare for classes. I slept for 20 minutes. There was a very nice person. Another nice person relieved my embarrassment of accidentally making a noise. Although I was a little rough to some males that were acting strange - sorry I couldn’t help- , I behaved ok to people who were nice to me.
However, I failed to behave honestly when I left the supermarket. Two women with apparently, and almost comically, bully-looks appeared when I got out of the supermarket, and I took a sideway, instead of going straight towards the person who was nice to me, not in any special meaning but in a friendly way, before I went into the supermarket. When I started heading toward the back allay instead of the station where the person stood, my eyes met those of the person, who looked wondering why I was not going straight as usual. I did not mean to avoid the person, but it might have looked that way. Also, I did not even smile to the person, which would have erased all the oddness of the situation. I’m sorry. I’m writing this so that I can behave better tomorrow, though I won’t be able to see the person anymore.
21:48, fell asleep despite electric shocks and had a bad dream of my father who seemed to have cracked reach me as he speak totally sanely in a loud voice. I woke up with my voice, when the interphone was rung by a delivery person. I think I slept for 30 minutes or so.
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