
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)

2012/0427 (Fri) Went to bed around 1:30. Slept from 1:30-5:00 + 6:30-8:40 (3.5 + 2 hrs).






これまでも、コースを始めてみて、教材や授業の進め方を変更すことはありましたが(そうやって今の補助教材や授業スタイルになってきたのですが)対象とする「救いたい」生徒さんが途中で授業に来なくなることはありませんでした。いつかこのブログにGood luck!と題して書いたf君の場合も似た状況があった気がします。本当に残念です。誰が悪いのでもなく、遠慮がちな良い人が損をしている気がしてつらいです。そういう人が損をしないように生徒さんの分からないところを全員個別に解決する方法を考えたのに。

After talking with my sisters about the family trip for our late mother this weekend, it turned out that my father’s talks about it differ in many ways from my sisters’. For example, the car will be rented, while he said we will ride one of my nephew’s car for eight people. Maybe a change of plan, but when I pointed it out, my sister did not say anything like that. Well, he is old and has had that character of believing things for his wish and convenience. I suspect he can and probably does even tell lies for his purpose.

I have half of his genes and get depressed about it thinking above.

The details of the harassment:

I wrote I feel better and look better since I had been having straight more-than-5-hour sleeps, I have been woken up after sleeping 4 hours or less again starting yesterday due to harassment. (5時間以上連続で眠れる日が続いて気分も見かけも良くなったと書いた途端に、昨日から嫌がらせで4時間以下しか連続して眠られなくなった。)

One young woman was hostile to me for a reason I cannot guess. And many people harassed me and tried to disrupt my concentration on work or sleep. Specifically, they moved their arms around unnaturally when they were in my view, stopping after I moved away, and coughing and making noises unnaturally sharp and loud when I was trying to sleep. Since I have had accustomed rather fewer harassments, I was bothered more.

4:54 the noises in my head became loud and wavy

Read some article for about an hour and tried to sleep again.

6:18 1 e-shock after sleep-sitting for a few minutes with my face down.

6:20  1 e-shock(?)

6:22 3 e-shocks which became stronger one after another, the last of which was accompanied by a noise Goh, and after this one, very slight sensations that cannot be called e-shocks repeated several times

8:40 woke up to a call from one of my sisters, the younger one.


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