
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)

2012/04/09 (Mon) Went to bed around 2:00 Slept from 3:30 -6:30 (3 hrs).
2:05 game/car-like noises
2:30 car noises
2:34 1 e-shock to brain + fit of left thumb placed under head
2:40 1 e-shock between ears (earmuffs)
2:46 1 e-shock to brain
2:47 1 e-shock to brain
2:52 1 e-shock to brain
2:57 1 e-shock to brain
2:58 1 e-shock to brain (strong; felt like a fist blow)
2:59 1 e-shock to brain
3:03 1 e-shock to brain +right hip (weak)
3:04 1 e-shock to brain (strong, stinging)
3:11 1 e-shock to brain + fit of a muscle of left leg + the noise Goh
--- drank hot milk
around 3:30 when going to sleep, 1 e-shock to brain (weak); did not take a note and fell asleep
6:53 the noises in my head became loud and wavy
7:15 1 e-shock to brtain +Goh
8:00 1 e-shock tobrain + a noise someone/something move/hit something in the next room

Had a lesson (19:00-20:40 + 15 minute’s time of answering questions about how to study) at Shibuya. Left school around 21:00, arrived at my station 21:55, bought food, and got home a little past 22:00.

To f,
I miss you … I see many nice people these days, but if I could see you, I would be happier.

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