
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)

Called father at night to let him know I sent a package to him and sisters containing a pajama pants I borrowed while there and some gifts. I was told that the days of fortieth day memorial of my mother and placing her ashes in the family tomb have been decided: from the evening of the 28th to the 30th. I am supposed to take the last bullet train on the 28th (Sat) to Shin-Oska, where one of my nephew’s van picks me up, and then all the family head to a small town, Susa in Yamaguchi prefecture. It seems that we are staying at a cheap old inn in the town. The way father talked about it reminded me of his sexual harassment and made me uneasy. I’m joining this trip purely for my mother and goodwill of other family members, and if he does something nasty to me during the trip I will stop contacting him.

2012/04/11 (Wed) Went to bed 23:30on the 10th. Slept from 0:00-2:30 (2.5 hrs).
Woke/woken up after 2.5 hours of sleep and have been prevented from sleeping, giving up trying to sleep again.

23:46 1 e-shock to brain
23:48 1 e-shock to brain + fit of head (big) + the noise Goh from the next room (202)
2:49 1 e-shock to the top left brain + the noises in my head became loud and wavy
3:00 1 e-shock to brain
Remembering my father’s sexual harassment and thinking the same might happen during the family trip for mother’s memorial and ash-placing at the end of this month, I got upset for a while.
---5:00 studied
5:14 2-3 e-shocks to brain + fit of right toe
--- drank hot milk
6:02 1 e-shock to brain (strong) + fit of right ankle
6:03 fit of left middle finger placed under head + the noise Goh

The rest of the record: http://www.blogger.com/publish-confirmation.g?blogID=9094139637570091888&postID=9211365473192438090×tamp=1334145298193&javascriptEnabled=true

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