
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)

2012/03/25 (Sun) Went to bed around 2:00 Slept form 2:30-3:30 + 5:40-8:40 (1 + 3 hrs). + a 0.5-hr nap

2:22 1 e-shock to brain
3:33 1 e-shock + fit of let leg
3:40 1 fit of left leg (big)
3:48 a noise that sounded like somebody kicking the wall behind my bookshelf
3:50 1 –e-shock to brain (piercing)
4:01 1 fit of right middle finger placed under face
5:15 1 fit of left arm on my face
5:27 1 fit of left leg + the noise Goh
5:30 1 e-shock to brain
5:32 1 e-shock to brain + noise that sounded like somebody kicking the wall behind my bookshelf
5:35 1 e-chock to right ear (strong)
5:38 1 e-chock to right ear
I decided to get up and sat on my mattress, with attacks coming once in a while, but in 10 minutes I fell asleep.
8:40 noises in my head became loud and wavy
8:52 1 e-chock to brain

Went out around 12:30, sent a package to my mother, ate a sandwich at a coffee shop near the station, which did not hurry customers, and stayed at the fast food restaurant at the station till a little before 17:00. Bought food and got home a little after 17:00. I took a nap for 15 + 15 minutes at the restaurant. I woke up with my breathing sounds. There were no attacks.

The bathroom ventilator had no problem. It turned out that the noise I had thought from the ventilator was actually from the electric toothbrush which had fallen into a basin placed on the bathroom floor and whose switch was accidentally on probably when it fell. The basin had two shampoo bottles and a little water in it. The basin and the bathroom were working as a resonator.

Cats in my neighborhood seem to be ok now. One of them which had been so scared, having difficulty mewing, mewed today. It seemed that it was saying that the threat was gone. The one with flattened tale was gone. But the remaining two were bigger than they had been. If someone read my previous record and helped them, I thank you.

One thing I think I have to think more often and much harder is that the reason the harassment which is the title of this blog started reducing 6-7 years ago. It occurred suddenly one night. I remember a platform-full of people at Nippori station, waiting for a train bound for Chiba area, looking at their cell phones and reading something seriously, seemingly forgetting their usual interest of harassing me. And from that night on, the number of abusers started reducing. It went through this bizarre behavior of looking at me, many harassing me at the same time, and opining the cell phone, followed by change of attitude. If someone or some people who have done something to help me, thank you so much. I should have said this long ago.

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