2012/03/12 (Mon) Went to bed around2:30. Slept from 3:00-6:00 + 8:30-11:27 (3 + 3 hrs).
7:29 1 e-shock to head + jaw shut
8:19 1 fit of right foot and leg (strong)
8:22 1 fit of right shoulder
8:29 1 e-shock + fit of right foot
11:27 noises in my head loud and wavy
Eye fatigue and sleepiness all day. The eye fatigue is causing dizziness which made me lose my thought when one of my students moved her fingers quickly under the desk when I was improvising my speech during class.
The class was from 19:00-20:40. got to my station at 21:45, stayed at the fast food restaurant till 22:00, bought food, and got home around 22:15.
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