
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)

2012/03/01 (Thu) Went to bed around 0:30. Slept from 1:00-7:00 (6 hrs).
Around 0:30, the game/car-like noise, hurting my eardrums.
Around 1:00, 3 electric shock to my head + fits of my right foot.
At 1:05, an 3=shock to my head + a fit of my right foot + the noise Goh

I think I woke up naturally. A 6-hour straight sleep enabled me to get up soon after I woke up.

A 15-minute shadowing caused pain in my left lung, although I did the same thing yesterday for the first time since I caught a cold and had no pain.

Worked at home all day, marking mock test essays and making class supplement.

My eyes seem to be making small movements all the time. It seems to be vibrating. I found this a couple of months ago when I found a small spider moving in a ceiling light was actually a small crump of dust. When I approached the light to make sure it was dust not a spider today, however, the dust still looked like a spider moving at the bottom of the light to my eyes.

I think I’ll go to the fast food restaurant tomorrow afternoon, though I don’t think I’ll stay there till late… :)

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