
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)

237. 2011/04/26 Woke/Woken up around 6:30 after sleeping 4 or4.5 hours. Remember a strong electric shock on the head as a r noise which sounded like hard hit the ceiling or wall that seemed to have come from Room 202.It happened exactly when I was falling asleep after drinking hot milk so that I could sleep after being unable to sleep for several hours.

Took a nap from 4:30 to 8:20. When I was falling asleep, a Zapping sound glided over the ceiling. It was like a bird glided in a huge magnetic field covering my ceiling. When I took out garbage, I noticed the sign of my apartment company was down on the street in front of the building. It was attached to the outside of the railing next to my apartment door.

2011/04/27 Slept 7 hours straight. Some electric shocks when falling asleep.

2011/04/28 Slept 4 + 3 hours. Woken up by a noise early in the morning. The noise was like that of car-blast or computer game. When I got out of the loft, the noise became weaker. I put my ears to the walls and the floor but heard nothing. When I went back to the loft, wore earmuffs, and lay to sleep again, the noise became loud again. It was like a car-blast on highway. Electric shocks when falling asleep both the first and the second time. When I woke up, I had a headache that felt like concussion and it lasted till late in the afternoon.

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