221. 2011/03/28 Flashes in my eyes several times when falling asleep on the night of 27th. Slept 5 + 3 hours. When leaving home around 12:00 noon, a man in a hardhat and uniform was looking at me from the other side of the street and a few other people who seemed to be neighbors were standing several meters away from him, looking at me with worried expressions, and a few meters away from them was a heavy machine for fixing power line problems. Considering the season, a couple of crows might have made a nest on the power post. But I don’t know and neither have I got any idea of why they had to look at me with worried expressions, which is better than vicious expressions I have been forced to see over the last 8 years or so of course.
2011/03/29 Slept 5 + 3 hours. Noises in my head were very loud when I woke up early and late in the morning. When I put my head to different place, it seemed that the noise became less loud for a while. Do not remember any electric shock type assaults.
2011/03/30 Slept 5 hours. Very strong electric shock attacks some of which caused a big fit of my whole body before falling asleep last night. Took a 2.5-hour nap in the afternoon. When woke up, I felt a strange sensation that my head had been pushed from all sides. When working around, I felt a person moving behind the wall near the computer.: On Sunday (27th) and yesterday, while working on my computer for hours, I sometimes felt strange vibration on my head, which I tried to ignore as the vibration of the computer but today I realized there is no such vibration―as I am typing this, I do not feel it. I remember wearing earmuffs as I felt pain on my eardrums at some point on Sunday and/or yesterday. (I remembered this because right now I had the same pain as of 21:33 2011/03/30. This happened when I was going over TOEIC grammar quizzes I am going to use on Saturday. After the last sentence I worked for about an hour with earmuffs and then felt like I had a concussion when I was doing daily routines.)
2011/03/31 5 + 3 hours of sleep. Several electric shocks, the first of which made my jaws shut suddenly and teeth clash and another of which made my whole body have a fit.
2011/04/01 Almost continuous 5 + 3 hours of sleep. Some fits that seemed to have been caused by electric shocks when falling asleep. When woke up in the morning, the noises in my head were loud, felt pressure on the brain, and felt like I had been hit lightly on the head all night.
After working on my computer for an e-school correspondence course for 3 hours, I felt the same sensation like concussion and pain in the ear drums. Also, again there was a movement of a person behind the wall near my computer. After working away from my computer, which was on all the time, the sensation was gone.
When washing the dishes after dinner around 23:40, I heard big footsteps approach my apartment and the next apartment door bang open and closed. Later, while brushing my teeth, I heard an excited, odd high male voice. I hope I will be able to sleep enough tonight because tomorrow I have two different classes at two different places, in Shibuya and in Yotsuya, one of which is a substitution class.
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