229. 2011/04/06 Slept 4.5 or 5 hours. Remember several electric shocks on the head and fingers, to which they caused fits, before and after sleep. Some of the shocks synced with hitting noises on the wall and ceiling. The noises occurred in many places but all seemed to be in the upper part of walls and the ceiling.
Had a class to teach at 11:00 a.m., so got up at 7:30. On the way to and back from the destination (Shibuya), some people, mostly male office workers, harassed me like the way many used to, like bumping into my back repeatedly with dilated pupils, standing right next to me, who was sitting, with their lower body sticking out toward me, rushing to me or passing me almost brushing my body when there is enough space, with strange expressions and evil eyes and smiles. I had to get off the train once to escape from them. When I got off, I realized only the car I was in was very crowded. Although the degree and frequency has come down dramatically these days, especially after the mega-quake, there are still abusers who seem to be enjoying harassing me “in corporation with others,” one of the phrases I was often made to hear or read by people who never failed to do so with mean and strangely triumphant expressions when this bullying was worst and never these days.
When I am writing this at 21:51 on my computer, a continuous sound that is like a metal hitting the wall can be heard from behind the wall next to my PC.
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