232. 2011/04/11 Went to bed probably around 1:00, woken up three times, and got up around 11:00. Experienced some electric shocks.
2011/04/12 Slept about 5 hours. Some electric shocks. At least one of them caused a fit and made me huff.
Very important and urgent!
2011/04/13 It is 2:48 a.m. now. From 0:15 when I went to bed to 1:50 a.m., exploding electric shock continuously kept causing big fits. All of them moved my legs, body, or head move. I had thought it had been one hour but it continued two hours. I think it had been attacking me every time I fall asleep. I called the police, knowing they won’t believe me, told them that electric current comes from the next door, and the room below, which they did not sound take it seriously, and I told them that different people seem to come in and go out in the next room (202) and the one who is in 202 tonight seem to be very brutal.
Now it is 5:12 a.m. I have been working since the last message. I am not sleepy but will go to bed, for a construction started on exactly the opposite side of the four meter road from my room a couple days ago and the noise of breaking concrete base shakes my building as strongly as magnitude 3 earthquakes.
After this last record, I slept till around 9:30. I remember weaker electric shocks occurring before falling asleep.
Another important incident:
I took a nap from 16:30 to 20:30 after the last record (2011/04/13). The electric shocks attacked my hands which were folded beneath my head first. My left arm flung out once., which probably did not look unnatural. Then shocks attacked my head, or I had a natural fit caused by a problem inside me. The interesting point is that after I bent my body in the shape of a capital letter L and placed my legs next to my belly, in other words, closer to the outside of the loft, closer to the light, there were no attacks to the legs, except for the one right after I moved them. The attacks to the head continued, making me huff and make a strange voice at least once. When I woke up, the noises in my head were loud and wavy, and eyes were showing very small blinking flashes synced with the noises. I still feel them as I type in this record.
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