
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)

2012/02/07 (Tue) Feel much better. 37.2 degrees. Going to the class at Chofu (17:30-18:50) I think I should not go the fast food restaurant today so that the virus won’t spread.

Came back to my station around 20:00. As I did not cough and felt better, I dropped by the fast food restaurant and stayed there till 21:00. Bought some food and came home.

Walking the narrow back allays to the bridge, I heard the noise that I often record “game/car-like noise”. It seemed to come from one of the houses but I could not spot one. As I walked, it shifted the direction. And now when I’m typing this, I hear it and it hurts my ear drums.

The details: http://junglecrowsister.blogspot.com/2012/02/supersonicelectronic-weapon_09.html

To f,
I saw your eyes on my way home today, f. Not exactly your eyes, which are gentle and bright, but your eyes I saw in you a couple of times last year, sad and inquiring eyes, which belonged to a different person, who was bigger than you by two-layers of skin, in different skin tone, and with different hair. But he had your hand and face features. I just wanted to make sure that it was not really you disguising yourself that was in front of my eyes, and kept watching him. When he saw me, I tried to find you in his eyes, but of course you were not there. Instead, I saw the sad inquiring eyes of yours and his.

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