
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)

2012/02/21 (Tue) Went to bed around 0:30. Slept from 1:00-6:30 + 7:00-9:30 (5.5 + 2.5 hrs).
At 6:42, game/car-like noise + Noises in my head became louder.
At 10:04, three or four quick fits of my grasped left hand, which was placed on a small heater, which was placed over my stomach, me lying sideways, left side up, and the part of the futon over the left arm folded up, revealing the left side of my upper body, left arm, and left hand
At 10:20, an electric shock to my head + a fit of my upper body + the noise Goh from below the floor when I was lying on my bed awake

I’m sorry I couldn’t make it to Lotteria today.

Substituted for a teacher at Funabashi and had two classes (17:00-18:40 + 19:00-20:40). (Good classes and some students had beautiful eyes and smiles … :) ) While the last class tends to take 10 - 20 minutes longer due to its writing section and I expected it to finish a little before 21:00, a student couldn’t finish writing till a little before 21:30. (Since it was a one-time substitution, I couldn’t make it homework.)
Left school a little past 21:30 and came back to my station at 22:06. Bought food and got home a little before 22:30.

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