
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)

2012/02/23 (Thu) Went to bed a little before 2:00. Slept from 3:00-5:00 + 8:00-9:30 (2 + 1.5 hrs).
The game/car-like noise was annoying again and I wore earmuffs a little after I went to bed.
As far as I remember, the noise continued till morning.
At 2:32, electric shocks of shooting sensation to ears x 2 (I took off earmuffs.)
After 2:32, incessant electric shocks to my head every 30 seconds till I fell asleepp
At 5:09, the game/car-like noise became louder + the noises in my head became louder.
At 7:01, e-shocks to my head x 2
At 7:19, an e-shock to the right hand side of my head + a fit of my left leg
At 7:23, an e-shock to the right hand side of my head + a fit of my left leg
After 7:23, incessant e-shocks to my head, sometimes accompanied by the noise Goh from below the floor.
At 9:29, e-shocks to my head x 2 ( a weak one first + a stronger one next)
At 10:24, e-shock (strong) to my head + the noise Goh from below the floor

Funny feeling in my teeth.

The rest of the record: Worked on a class supplement on PC in the afternoon. Did some paper work at the fast food restaurant from 18:30 -22:00. Bought food and came home a little before 22:30.

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