2012/02/02 (Thu) Went to bed a little before 0:00. Slept from 0:00-6:00 (6 hrs). 6 hours of straight sleep made me get up right after I woke up, though I read in my bed till around 7:30 … ;)
Details: At 0:03, an electric shock in my right ear accompanied by a sound Goh. A few minutes later, the same thing once of twice, if I remember correctly because I did not take notes about them. At 6:09, the game/car-like noise, which stopped within a minutes after I got up.
Shocks in my left chest twice before 0:03 electric shock though I could not tell if they were natural or caused by some outside source.―My families, both paternal and maternal sides, have no cardiovascular patients as far as I know, and I have never had the related problem at least after adolescence. Strictly speaking, I was diagnosed to have “childhood rheumatism” with which, I was explained, I could get a hole in my heart, when I was around the third grade, but I doubt the symptom was worth the name because that was the first and last time I was told to have a problem with my heart, and now I remember being asked repeatedly if my legs hurt till I admitted it, me regretting letting the slight pain appear in my face, and till then taking me to a doctor had become a custom of my family although I had had some real diseases.)
I realized I have slept without a pot for weeks, and I rarely put a miniature LED in my earhole these days, which I tried last night but took it off somewhere when I was going to sleep or in sleep.
I think I’ll go out to work and read at the fast food restaurant after finishing the household work.
Tomorrow, I have a class (19:00-20:20) at Chofu.
When making a class supplement on PC with earmuffs on, a game-like noise started coming up from below ant hitting my head bones, I took the earmuffs off and the noise became not perceivable. I wore the muffs again and the noise continued but not so loud as before. But the vibration was still felt and I decided to leave. (13:09)
Stayed at the fast food restaurant from 13:30 to 19:00. Came home around 19:20, worked on PC for a few hours. Trying to go to bed before 0:00. (23:54)
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