
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)

2012/02/04 (Sat) Went to bed at 1:00. Slept from 7:00-8:20 (1.5 hrs). Prevented from sleeping till past 3:00, gave up trying to sleep once and read till past 4:00, tried and prevented from sleeping again till 6:30.
Details: 1:45. game/car-like noise, put a earmuffs but the vibration of the noise became louder and took off earmuffs. 2:45, e-shock + noise Goh from below. After that and till 3:04 e-shocks + fits of head about 10 times. 3:06, a big fit of the left shoulder + noise of somebody moving behind the wall of the next room. 3:08, e-shock to the ear. 3:16, a big fit of the left leg + the noise of somebody moving from the next room. Reading till 4:07. Fits to the head several times till 4:25. Took medicine of drank hot milk and a little past 5:00, right after I lay myself and started trying to sleep again, loud male coughing from below my window and noises moving flower pots from the next house. 5:02, a very quick car-blast which went dahdahdahdahdahdahdahda, which might have been a game noise. 6:32, noise of somebody stand up and walk right close to the wall in the next room. 6:39, e-shock + Goh noise from below. 6:56, blinking flashes in my eyes. 8:20, an e-shock woke me up. From 8:30 to 10:00, sat on my mattress bending forward and drowsing and go e-shocks several times and the noises in my head became loud and wavy.

Worked at Yotsuya from 13:30 till around 19:20. Left the office around 19:30. Came back to my station around 20:20, stayed at the fast food restaurant till a little before 22:00, bought food, and came home around 22:20. Not much lunch break and kept talking all day.

Trying to go to bed as soon as possible.

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