Lesson 12 Writing Topic
What are some of the qualities of a good parent? Use
specific details and examples to explain your answer.
☆Hints for Points
A good parent …
1. does not neglect his or her children, and provides
necessary care and protection for them.
Many children suffer or die because of neglect. きちんと世話をする 怠慢により苦しむ子供が沢山いる
2. guide the child to be independent and help it (to) join
in the society when it is appropriate.
Weaning oneself from one’s child at the right time is important. 自立を促す 子離れする
3. considers his or her children as other individuals not
his or her belongings. 個人として認める
Forcing children to do what they want them to do is harmful. 押しつけはしない
4. can share thoughts and feelings with the child. 考えや気持ちを共有する
Sharing information helps the child stay away from problems. 情報共有により子供は問題を避けられる
5. controls his or her emotions so that the child will not
get confused and he or she can feel secure.
Mothers of good students are relaxed and never fail to keep smiling
every day.
混乱せず安心できるように感情を制御する いつもくつろいでいて微笑みを絶やさない
6. shows good examples for the child to follow. 良いお手本を示す
Imitating is learning. 真似ることは習う事
☆Sample Essay Structure
【Introduction =
Outline】A good parent is a
good human being. 良い人が良い親
【Point 1】A good parent
should have few problems. 問題をほとんど抱えていない
【Point 2】A good parent loves
the child in simple ways. 素朴に子供を愛する
【Point 3 / Follow-up】Helping the child (to) have a good future is the goal. 良い将来を得る手助けをする
【Conclusion = Wrap-up】 A good parent plays a role of a good mentor for the child. 良いお手本になる
Your Sample Essay Structure
【Introduction = Outline】
【Point 1】
【Point 2】
【Point 3 / Follow-up】
【Conclusion = Wrap-up】
☆Sample Paragraph Development of Point 1 in Sample Essay
【Main Idea】A good parent should have few problems. 問題をほとんど抱えていない
【Explanation】If a parent has a problem, the child will suffer. 親に問題があると子供が苦しむ
【Example】Children of
smokers will start smoking at an early age. Abused children will suffer from
the trauma and often become abusive to others. 喫煙や虐待は子供を苦しめたり受け継がれたりする
【Follow up】No one is perfect, but anyone can try to be perfect. They can try to follow
the basic rules in society, give up bad habits, and fight down the impulse. 完全な人はいないが努力はできる
【Conclusion】A good parent
transforms himself or herself for the sake of the child. 子供の為に変われる親が良い親
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