Lesson 18 Writing Topic
Some people choose friends who are different from themselves. Others
choose friends who are similar to themselves. Compare the advantages of having
friends who are different from you with the advantages of having friends who
are similar to you. Which kind of friend do you prefer for yourself? Why?
☆Let’s Think
If you have never made friends who are different from yourself,
perhaps thinking of making friends with a person from a foreign country or
working in a group for a project would help imagine what it is like.
☆Hints for Points
◍Advantages of having
friends who are different from you 自分とは違うタイプの人と友達になることの利点
They widen your views, take
you to places you usually do not go to, make you learn the fact that there are
many kinds of people in this world, help you start new things, help you learn
how to socialize, and make you patient.
Sample description 説明の例
By socializing with people who are different from you, you can grow
as a person more than by socializing with people similar to you. People who are
similar to you are like your family, so you learn little about social skills.
However, when you try to make friends with and get along with people who have
little in common with you, you have to use your mind. Trying to understand their
behaviors that are unfamiliar to you or attempting to communicate your ideas to
them will make you a person who is easy to be with.
似た人と付き合うよりも人として成長できる (似ている人は家族同様なので社交術はあまり学べないが、共通点が少ない人と友達になりうまくやってゆこうとすると頭を使わなくてはならない。不慣れな行動の理由を理解しようとしたり、自分の考えを伝えようとしたりすることによって付き合いやすい人になることができる)
◍Advantages of having friends who are similar
to you 自分を同じタイプの人と友達になることの利点
They make you feel relaxed
because they need little explanation to understand you, are easy to hang around
with as they share a lot with you, and will stand by you when you are in
trouble more readily than those who are different from you.
Sample description 説明の例
Having congenial friends makes your life full of good times because
you can do many things enjoyably together with them. You can go out with them
and have an exciting and yet relaxing time together, you can exchange
information about your mutual hobbies, and you can keep talking about almost
anything forever. This kind of friends can often be your life-time friends
because you feel comfortable to spend time with them and over time both of you will
develop attachment to each other.
◍My choice and the
reasons 自分の選択とその理由
I prefer to have friends who are different from me rather than to
have friends who are similar to me, 違う人
because I am interested in
many different people 様々な人に興味があるから
since it is good to have as
many friends as possible. 友達はできるだけ多いのが良いので
to learn
about people and society 人と社会について学ぶために
I prefer having friends who
are similar to me to having friends who are different from me, 似た人
because I prefer deep relationships to
shallow relationships. 浅い付き合いより深い付き合いを好むから
as I want friends with whom I can keep in
touch even after we grow up 成長後も付き合える友が欲しくて
for my hobby limits my choice of friends というのは趣味により友達の選択肢が限定されるから
☆Your Sample Body Structure Notes
【Advantages of having friends who are different from you】
e. g.
【Advantages of having friends who are similar to you】
e. g.
【My choice and the reason】
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