
Pre-TOEFL writing, Face-to-face communication is better than other types of communication, such as letters, e-mail, or telephone calls. - rewrite -

Writing Topic
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Face-to-face communication is better than other types of communication, such as letters, e-mail, or telephone calls. Use specific reasons and details ot support your answer.

Let’s Think
Thinking of which type of communication you often use or prefer and why you do it may help brainstorm the points for the essay on this topic. You could also sort out the situations in which either type of communication is used and the merits of the choice. Let’s not forget to make comparisons even though it is not required. To prove one is better than the other, comparison is necessary. どちらを普段よく使うか考えてみよう。状況別に考えることもできる。二つを比較してどちらかに決めよう。

Sample Body Structures
A.  Point by point comparison of choices in terms of situations 論点ごとの比較
   (1) Point 1: Comparison of the two in intimate communication 親密なコミュニケーションの場合
   (2) Point 2: Comparison of the two in non-intimate communication 親密なコミュニケーションでない場合
   (3) Your idea 自分の考え
I agree with the statement that face-to-face communication is better than other types of communication because it is prioritized in any type of communication.  ふつう対面が優先なので賛成
In intimate communication, face-to-face communication is better than other types of communication. Communication involves not only language but also non-verbal communication such as facial expression and tone of voice. Seeing someone in person provides all of these ingredients and helps mutual understanding and guarantees satisfaction of the interaction. eg. Telling a good news to your beloved. 親密なコミュニケーションでは対面が良い 言語外コミュニケーションにより相互理解と満足感  (例)大切な人に良い知らせ
In non-intimate communication, face-to-face communication is not always necessary. e.g. Making an invitation 親密でないコミュニケーションは対面は必ずしも必要ではない (例)招待
In business, important issues are discussed face-to-face. When it is impossible, phone is used and email is the last choice. This shows that face-to-face communication is the best of all types of communication. 
We must remember that communicating in person is the basic means of communication. 直接が基本

B.  Developing images of each choice  選択肢ごとにイメージを膨らませる
    (1) About face-to-face communication 面と向かったコミュニケーションについて
    (2) About other types of communication ほかの種類のコミュニケーションについて
    (3) Your idea自分の考え

I disagree with the idea that face-to face communication is the best of all types of communication because there are cases in which other means of communication works better than it does. 対面より良い場合がある
Face-to-face communication serves to build trust and bond. e.g. first-time meeting with someone
対面は信頼と絆強化  (例)初対面
Texts and letters not only supplement communication but also promote logical and deep thinking because you can focus on words.   e.g. Choosing words carefully when presenting an idea  Also, you can keep the records in something tangible.  e.g. a note or letter from your beloved memento
携帯メールや手紙は言葉に集中できるので論理的で深い思考を促進  (考えの提示で注意深く言葉を選択)
Most things have both good points and bad points and this is also true with this comparison. Face-to-face communication is not always better than other types of communication.  他のことと同様欠点はある
In some cases, avoiding meeting someone in person is a good tactic. Therefore, it can be said that face-to-face communication is not always better than other types of communication. 対面を避けるべき場合もある。対面が必ずしも良いとは限らない

Your Sample Essay Structure
Introduction = Outline

Point 1

Point 2

Point 3

Conclusion = Wrap-up

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