
Pre-TOEFL writing, There is nothing that young people can teach older people. - rewrite -

Writing Topic
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? There is nothing that young people can teach older people. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Let’s Think
When you say “There is nothing that someone can do,” you mean that there is no exception in the absence of the things that someone can do. However, most things have an exception or two. 「何もない」かどうか

Young people have some good points that older people lack. Then they may have something that they can teach older people because of the good points. 若い人の長所 = 年取った人に教えることができること

People forget things as they live. Moreover, they usually do not learn things that are unrelated to their lives.

Hints for Points
1.    Young people have more information about new things. For example, many older people learn from young people how to use a technology or meaning of some newly coined words or expressions. 
新しいものの情報 (科学技術・新しい言葉) 

2.    Younger generations are more tolerant than older generations. They have less discrimination against those who are different from them or those who have ideas that are different from theirs. When their grandchildren make friends with children from foreign countries, for instance, they may also make friends with them by spending time together and get rid of their bias,

3.    Young people have the power to believe in change and try to make a difference. Most reform movements are carried out by the young and the power of the young revitalize the disaster-stricken areas. In this way, they can encourage older people to keep trying and never give up.
何かを信じて世界を変えようとする力 努力を続けあきらめないよう励ます(社会改革・災害復興)

4.    Young mind is soft, so the young can remind older people of the importance of gentleness. For example, it is usually young musicians who make moving melodies or heart-warming lyrics.
心が柔らかい 優しさの大切さを思い出させる (心を動かす作曲・作詞)

Sample description:
Young mind is soft, so the young can remind older people of the importance of gentleness. As people get old, their minds become hardened by the stress of daily lives. They trust or feel pity for others less often than before. However, seeing a young person with heart-warming attitudes or behaviors, adults are reminded of the existence of plain goodness, or humanity. In other words, they are taught by the young that it is vital not to lose gentleness till they die.  若い人は心が柔らかいのでお年寄りに優しさの大切さを思い出させる。年を取るにつれ、日常のストレスで心が硬化する。信頼感や憐れむ心が減る。しかし若い人の心温まる態度や行動を見ると素朴なやさしさ(人間性)の存在を思い出させられる。言い換えれば優しさを失ってはならないことを若い人から教えられる。

Your Sample Essay Structure
Introduction = OutlineI agree/disagree with the statement that there is nothing that young people can teach older people. There are two/three examples that I can give to prove my opinion.

Point 1


Point 2


Point 3/ Follow-up


Conclusion = Wrap-up

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