
Pre-TOEFL writing, People remember special gifts or presents that they have received. Why? - rewrite -

Writing Topic
People remember special gifts or presents that they have received. Why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 人はもらった特別な贈り物を覚えています。なぜでしょうか?具体的な理由や例を使い答えを支持してください。

Let’s Think
Perhaps a special gift does not have to be something expensive or something for a special occasion. As long as it is special for the receiver, it will do as an example of a special present. Someone’s trash is another man’s treasure as a cheap snow sled for children was what a billionaire recalled in his deathbed in the movie Citizen Kane. Then thinking about the reason why the present is special for the person would provide the answer to this question. 特別な贈り物は値段が高い物や特別な出来事でもらったものとは限らない。受け取った人にとって特別である限り例になる。誰かのゴミは別の人には宝物だったりする。「市民ケーン」の主人公の億万長者が死の床で回想したのが安物の子供用雪ぞりだった様に。つまり贈り物がその人にとって特別である理由を考えることが解答の手がかりになるかもしれない。
Words and Expressions
1.     A special gift evokes memories and feelings. 思い出や気持ちを呼び起こす
2.    A special gift helps you recall your beloved to your mind. 大切な人を回想させる
3.    A special gift reminds you of an important event in your life. 人生の大切な出来事を思い出させる
Sample Essay Structure
Introduction = OutlineThere seem to be many reasons why people remember special gifts that they have received, but still some similarities may be found in them.
Special GiftsThe idea that a certain gift is special is subjective. The value of a gift is decided by the value attached to it by the person who received it. Therefore, the intangible additional values of the gifts are the reasons why people remember some gifts as special.
Case 1Memory is a significant factor to remember a certain gift.
Case 2A present can be a memento of your beloved.
Case 3A gift associated with an extraordinary experience is remembered. 
Conclusion = Wrap-upSentiments and feelings attached to the gift seem to be the reason why a certain present stays in one’s mind forever.
【事例 3】ある並外れた経験とつながっている贈り物は記憶される。

Your Sample Essay Structure
Introduction = Outline
Point 1           
Point 2           
Point 3
Conclusion = Wrap-up
Sample Paragraph Development
Memory is a significant factor of the remembrance of a gift. The item triggers recollection of one’s past which has some meaning. A Christmas present I remember well reminds me of the happiest moments of my family, for example. I got it when I was six or seven years old. It was an alarm clock with the picture of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs on its face. I remember that the item had attracted me in a store I visited with my family but what I remember most vividly about it is the smile and the excitement of my parents I saw and felt while they were making sure that I wanted it and when they watched me find it on the morning of the Christmas day. My family was not Christian but observed Christmas perhaps for the beauty of the event like all the other ordinary Japanese families. I think my parents celebrated the spirit of giving as they went through the joy of child-rearing. That mood of the happiest times of my family, containing pure delight and warm feelings, is wrapped around the tiny clock in my memory. Probably because good memories are related to our very existence, we never forget presents with them.

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