
Pre-TOEFL writing, Do you agree or disagree that it would be a good and useful thing for many foreigners to study the language of your country?

Writing Topic
Do you agree or disagree that it would be a good and useful thing for many foreigners to study the language of your country? Explain your opinion on this question by offering specific reasons and examples.

Let’s think. 考えてみよう
If you were a foreigner, would you choose to study your language? Why do people learn foreign languages? In the past, we made people in the countries we invaded learn our language, believing our culture was superior to theirs. This is one of our shameful past acts. Recommendation must be made based on the needs of the other party. 

Hints for Points 要点のヒント
Agree 賛成
1.    There are many Japanese companies that employ foreigners. 外国人を雇用する日本企業が沢山ある。
2.    Japanese has cultures that many foreigners find interesting or attractive.

Disagree 反対
1.     The Japanese language is a minor language. 日本語は少数言語だ。
2.    You cannot directly study universal thoughts or famous classics through Japanese.

Sample Body Structure 本論構成例
A      AdvantagesLeaning the language of my country will make it easy for a Japanese-speaking foreigners to find a position in a Japanese company because of globalization and shrinking population.
DisadvantagesJapanese language skill is not a marketable skill in career change compared to those of other major languages.
My OpinionAs a second foreign language, Japanese is highly promising in the job market although working conditions may not be good. Therefore, it would be a good idea to study Japanese only if the person has a strong liking for Japan or a clear reason for studying it

B      Reason to agree 1The Japanese cultures such as Japanese food and pop culture are popular around the world, and learning the language will help understand them deeply.
Reason to agree 2Japan is a strong economy, so the knowledge of the language will be useful in many
Why drawbacks do not matterJapanese study can offer few original texts of universal philosophical thoughts or world-class classics. However, it involves cultures that matter now and the syncretism is the feature of the Japanese culture. In addition, the importance of studying rare cultures will increase in the trend of cultural unification in globalization.
【賛成の理由 1】和食や日本のポップカルチャーの様な日本文化は世界的に人気があり、日本語学習はその深い理解を助ける。
【賛成の理由 2】日本は経済大国なので日本語の知識は仕事で役に立つ点が多いだろう。

Your Sample Essay Structure
Introduction = OutlineI agree/disagree that it would be a good and useful thing for many foreigners to study the language of your country, the name of your country.
Point 1
Point 2
Point 3
Conclusion = Wrap-up In conclusion, I would/would not recommend that foreigners study the language of your country because summary of reasons.

Sample Paragraph Developments 反論処理の段落展開例
CounterargumentIt is understandable that there is an opinion that proficiency of Japanese is not necessary because there are many translations of publications related to Japan, ,
ExplanationSince it opened itself to the world in 1868, many Westerners have studied about Japan and there are many books on its distinctive culture and history in many languages. Thus, when a foreign person wants to learn something about Japan, he or she can have a pretty good idea about it without studying the language.
Confirmation of your opinionHowever, since languages change, translations for new publications are in demand. Also, the person with understanding in the original language is precious as he or she can obtain information that is not translated.

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