Some people like to travel with a companion while others like to
travel alone. Which would you prefer? Why?. 連れと旅するのが好きな人もいれば一人旅が好きな人もいる。あなたはどちらを好みますか?理由は何ですか?
☆Let’s Think
Even if you have never actually had a chance
to travel other than going on a school trip, you might be able to tell whether
you like to travel with other or alone. For example, you might like to travel
alone if you sometimes wonder around an area of your town you have never
visited, and you might like to travel with a partner if you always spend time
with someone. Why do you behave those ways? The answer might be related to the
answer to this question.
☆Hints for Points 要点のヒント
Reasons for traveling with a companion 連れと旅する理由
1. You can share feelings and
thoughts with your company. 連れと気持ちや考えを共有できる。
2. People travel with others
for safety, 安全のために人と一緒に旅行する。
is economical to travel with someone. 誰かと旅行するのは経済的だ。
for traveling alone 一人で旅行する理由
travel alone because I want to be alone and meet new people. ひとりになり人と出会いたいから一人旅をする。
can freely decide your itinerary if you are on your own. 一人なら日程を自由に決められる。
traveling by yourself, you can see the world deeply. 一人旅により世界を深く見ることができる。
☆Sample Essay Structures 構成例
Sample Essay Structure 1
【Introduction = Outline】I can never think of traveling alone because of the following
【Comparison 1】As the saying goes, the more, the merrier. The
experience will be greater by having someone to share it than having it alone.
You can talk to each other what comes up to your mind while traveling, but one
would have to talk to oneself or keep silent if traveling alone.
【Comparison 2】The number of
activities that you can enjoy will be larger when you have a partner than when
you have none. For example, outdoor activities are usually for pairs or groups.
An individual participant would have to feel awkward among strangers who know
each other.
【Comparison 3】In terms of safety,
it is also better to travel with a companion than without. In an unfamiliar
place, people tend to be careless or anxious. The feeling of having a person
beside you will help you (to) say calm. If I traveled alone, I would lose my
head in some unusual situation.
【Conclusion = Wrap-up】While there might be
good points in traveling alone, I like to travel with a person I know for more
experience, activities, and safety.
【導入=概要】 以下の理由から一人旅は考えられない。
【比較 1】諺にある様に多ければ多いほど楽しい。分かち合う人がいることでと経験がより素晴らしくなる。旅しながら思いついたことをお互いに話せるが一人だとひとりごとを言うか黙っていなくてはならない。
Sample Essay Structure 2
【Introduction = Outline】Although I like to hand around with others, I would like to travel
alone if possible. The reasons are as follows. .
【Point 1】I
am individualistic, so I would do well in a special event like a trip.。
【Point 2】I think I have been affected by my uncle,
who has traveled around the world alone.
【Why the drawback does not matter】It is thought that
traveling alone costs a lot and dangerous, but I know how to travel without
spending much and safely. I do not feel alone either because I interact with
people a meet on the road.
【Conclusion = Wrap-up】Visiting a place I
do not know by myself is my taste and my hobby, so I choose to travel alone.
【要点t 1】個人主義的なので旅のような特別な催しでは一人がうまくゆくだろう。
【結論=まとめ】一人で知らない所を訪れるのは自分の好みであり趣味なので一人旅を選ぶ。 《裏もあります》
Your Sample Essay Structure
【Introduction = Outline】
【Point 1】
【Point 2】
【Point 3】
【Conclusion = Wrap-up】
☆Sample Paragraph Development
【Main Idea】If you travel
with someone, you can share many things.
【Example】For example, you can share costs such as transportation expenses
and accommodation charges. You can also make arrangements together. While you
are doing a research on what sightseeing spots are good to visit, your friend
can reserve the airline tickets, for instance. It would be tough to do
everything alone. Moreover, you can share good experiences, too. Nothing is
more enjoyable than having a good time with someone you like. I often take a
trip with my friends, doing many things, chatting a lot, and laughing from the
bottom of my heart while traveling.
【Wrap-up】All these experiences of doing things together with your friends
before and during a trip are good memories and I treasure them.
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