Writing Topic
Many highs schools in various countries make their students wear
uniforms on campus, but there are other high schools with allow their students
to wear whatever clothes they like within certain limits. Using specific
examples and reasons, discuss these policies. Which do you think is the better
☆Making Sure of the Tasks. 課題の確認
Task 1: To discuss the two policies regarding dress codes of high
school 高校の服装規定に関する二つの方針の議論
Task 2: To decide which is the better policy より望ましい方針の決定
☆Hints for Points 要点のヒント
Task 1: To discuss the two policies regarding dress codes of high
school 高校の服装規定に関する二つの方針の議論
About uniform 制服について
1. Making students wear the
same clothes intends to treat students equally and it is based on the idea that
students in the uniform act uniformly. 学生に同じ服を着させることは学生を平等に扱うことを意図し、制服を着た学生達は均一に行動するという考えに立脚する。
2. Uniforms may be supposed (to)
nurture sense of belonging. 制服は帰属意識を育成すると思われているかもしれない。
3. Uniform serves as a
protection as well as a marker for monitoring. 制服は監視用の印同様に保護として役立つ。
4. The policy to make students
wear uniform might also intend to prevent students from being interested in
fashion and other matters of little relation to studies. 学生に制服を着させる方針は学生が勉強以外のことに興味を持つことを妨げることも意図しているかもしれない。
About plain-clothes 私服について
policy allows students to have freedom, independence, and individuality.
policy could be to reduce economic burden of the students. その方針は学生の経済的負担を軽減する為かもしれない。
does not have much specific function like those of lab coats or gym clothes. Thus
the policy is a reflection of the fact that uniform is not a necessity in
education. 制服には実験用白衣や体操着のような特化した機能がない。従って、この方針は制服が教育において必需品ではないという事実の反映である。
4. This policy assumes that high school students are old enough to be
able to choose what to wear for the day. この方針は高校生はその日に何を着るべきが選ぶことができる位十分に大人であると想定している。
Task 2: To decide on the better policy より望ましい方法の決定
Choosing uniform制服を選ぶ
a uniform saves time for more productive activities than choosing what to wear.
university, high school should exercise restrictions on freedom. 大学と違い高校は自由に制限をかけるべきだ。
Choosing plain-clothes 私服を選ぶ
is natural to be in plain-clothes and show personality in school. 学校で普段着を着て人格を示すのが自然だ。
jeans and T-shirts make students relax. ジーンズとTシャツを着ることによって学生はリラックスできる。
☆Sample Essay
Structure 構成例
【Introduction = Outline】Although it might
not be so much a policy as a custom, to make high school students wear uniform
is not a preferable practice.
【Point 1】In terms of productivity, plain-clothes
are more effective than uniform because of relaxation and change.
【Point 2】In terms of moral, various facts show
that uniform has nothing to do with it, if not corrupting.
【Point 3】The merits that uniform can have such as promoting
solidarity of the students can be provided by other items like school badge.
【Conclusion = Wrap-up】If the school
uniform manufacturers integrated themselves to make a variety of lines of
inexpensive high school fashion, high schools would find no reason to force
students to wear uniforms.
【要点 2】風紀の点では、様々な事実により制服は風紀と何の関係もないことが分かる。
Your Sample Essay Structure
【Introduction = Outline】
【Point 1】
【Point 2】
【Point 3】
【Conclusion = Wrap-up】
☆Sample Paragraph Developments 段落展開例
【Main Idea】At least in public schools, to make
students wear uniforms violates freedom.
【Supporting Details】Uniforms are used to unify the group , which are supposed to act in
the same way as others. Organizations in
which control is indispensable such as military have uniforms. When students
are required to wear a uniform, they are expected to behave in the way that
follows whatever their teachers say.
【Conclusion】I do not think such unification is unnecessary for today’s high
school students living in the free world.
【Main Idea】Uniform contributes to fairness.
【Supporting Details】This is because uniforms can prevent wealth gap from being revealed.
Under the no-uniform policy, rich
students naturally will come to school in expensive, stylish clothing and poor
students keep wearing what they can afford for years. This difference can lead
to separation, discrimination and even bullying, Students may not show such
problems on the surface, but according to a professor, school is a closed space
where even the smallest difference can make one ostracized.
【Conclusion】Till they go to university and acquire freedom to escape from belligerence,
high school students, especially the vulnerable ones, need to be protected from
it by being in the same clothes with those of others.
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