
Pre-TOEFL writing, foreigner has only one day to spend in your country. Where should this visitor go on that day? Why? - rewrite -

Writing Topic
A foreigner has only one day to spend in your country. Where should this visitor go on that day? Why? Use specific reasons ad details to support your choice.  外国人があなたの国で1日だけ過ごすとしたらどこを勧めますか?

Let’s Think
To put yourself in someone’s shoes may be one way to start working on this topic. If you were the foreigner, what would you like to do? 本人の気持ちになってみることがこの題に取りかかるひとつの方法かもしれない。もし自分がこの外国人だったら、どこに行き何をしたいだろうか?
Words and Expressions related to Travel  旅行関連の単語や表現
Destinations 目的地
1.    Kyoto is the most famous old capital in Japan. 京都は日本で一番有名な古い首都だ。
2.    The itinerary can include many kinds of locations if the person choses Tokyo.
3.    Akihabara is the biggest electronics quarter in Tokyo. 秋葉原は東京最大の電気街だ。
4.    Harajuku is a popular sight-seeing spot among the young. 原宿は若者に人気のある観光地だ。
5.    A huge statue of Buddha is in Kamakura, which was once a political center of warlords.
6.    A wonderful snow festival is held in Sapporo in winter. 冬は札幌で素敵な雪まつりがある。
7.    Okinawa has many beautiful beaches and distinct culture. 沖縄には多くの美しい浜辺と独特の文化がある。

Attractions 呼び物
8.    To travel around/ take a trip to/ have a tour in the area would be fun/memorable/exciting.
9.    The scenery/building/structure/memorial is beautiful/magnificent.
10.  Most inbound travelers hope to see something traditional in the country they are visiting.
11.  Tourists can join a tea ceremony/wear kimono/take a cruise/interact with the local people there.
12.  Many visitors take snap shots in front of the statue. 像の前で記念写真を撮る人が多い。
13.  The place is famous for old temples and shrines. その場所は古い寺や神社で有名だ。
14.  There are many souvenir/gift shops near the gate. 門の近くにお土産屋さんが沢山ある。
15.  The person might want to enjoy local specialties and delicacies. その人は地元の特産物や珍味を楽しみたいだろう。
16.  Box(ed) lunch with the local flavor is sold at big train stations その地方の味のお弁当が大きな駅で販売されている。
17.  The downtown is full of duty-free shops that cater to people who come here for shopping.
18.   The business district has spectacular buildings. そのビジネス街には目を見張るようなビルがある。

Transportation, accommodation, services and prices 交通/宿泊施設/サービス/価格
19.  The Japanese tourism industry provides good services. 日本の観光産業は良いサービスを提供する。
20.   Deregulation has made it easier to find cheap accommodations. 規制緩和で安い宿を見つけやすくなった。
21.  Transportation expenses are not very high. 交通費はあまり高くない。
22.  It takes less than one hour to get there by train. そこに電車で行くのに1時間かからない。
23.  The railways in Japan are punctual. 日本の鉄道は時間が正確だ。
24.  People are proud of their hospitality. 人々はおもてなしの精神を誇りにしている。
25.  Prices are high in general in Tokyo. 東京は一般的に値段が高い。
Sample Essay Structure エッセイ構成例
Introduction = OutlineI would recommend that the person visit Tokyo for a one-day trip in Japan.
Point 1The person can enjoy both the old and new aspects of Japan in Tokyo.
Point 2It would be nice to start with downtown Shibuya, go down to Asakusa, and stay in a Japanese style inn.
Point 3It is also possible to experience the daily lives of Japanese people if you walk down the back alleys in most towns in Tokyo.
Conclusion = Wrap-upUnder the condition of the time constraint, choosing a Tokyo tour is a safe bet.
【要点 1】その人は東京で日本の新旧両面を楽しむことができる。

Your Sample Essay Structure
Introduction = Outline
Point 1                       
Point 2           
Point 3
Conclusion = Wrap-up

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